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Nina & Kira (2020) Part #7

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Il y a 3 heures, disneykid a dit:

Ai-je vu Kira avec un autre appareil photo dans la salle de bain, il était posé sur l'étagère  

Cela veut-il dire que nous pourrions. Avoir un autre là-dedans 

aussi que la nouvelle lumière ronde est sur un trépied, pourrait-ils ne pas utiliser le trépied pour une caméra dans la chambre alors vous pourriez avoir n'importe quelle position que vous vouliez pour les gros plans


well seen


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Il y a 14 heures, sturmchaser a dit :

It's times like this, hard at work, not even trying to be the sexy smart business woman that she is in a bathrobe, librarian glasses, and fuzzy slippers - this is when I love her the most.  🥰 🤗 



She is still beautiful and adorable and when she smiles the sun looks pale 🌞

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16 hours ago, sturmchaser said:

I think you make a good point here, Kid.  Nina has always dragged ass whenever they've had an appointment or engagement to get to on time.  As we all know, Kira is a time-sensitive type, Nina not so much.  I'm not sure what you meant by Nina "throwing a strop" - a strop is a piece of leather used by barbers to sharpen their shaving blades, not in use much now, but I have one - but maybe you meant belt, which could also work.  That night was the anniversary of Viktor Tsoi's death, and maybe they were supposed to go to a rally in his honor.  The fact that Nina made them miss it just because she couldn't find the right clothes pissed Kira off.  But we saw that Kira went out anyway.  Missing appointments has always been a problem for Kira with Nina, particularly when trying to wake her up in the morning (we've all witnessed that).  

Interesting aside, I find while watching replay on the timeline that it takes BOTH of them an inordinate amount of time to get out the door.  Either of them are scrambling around looking for phones, notes, keys, something or others in the hallway, checking their backpacks 3 times, looking through drawers, choosing shoes, picking coats, back to the kitchen for some reason, checking backpacks again, oooops forgot a phone or a charger, turn out this light, wait, does this hat look okay?  Wait, I need to check the backpack again, forgot something.  I mean WHAT THE HECK?? 

If I need to go out, I got my boots, my wallet, my keys, my gun, and my dog.  10 seconds, DONE.  It takes them 15 goddamn minutes from the time they decide to go out until they finally go out!  WHY??  Is it a female thing??  

Did you remember to put your trousers on Sturm?😁😁👍

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5 hours ago, disneykid said:

Did I see Kira with another camera in the bathroom it was laying on the shelf  

Does that mean we might. Have another one in there 

also  that new round light is on a tripod ,could they not use the tripod for a camera in the bedroom then you could have any position you wanted for closeups

The new camera has just been announced.

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