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20 hours ago, corboblanc said:

angelina apparently had an accident with her boyfriend, their little boat would have run aground on rocks. when help discovered Angelina's body, her heart was no longer beating ....
her mom is very poor, angelina fought all her life to give her the hope of a house where they could all live together. her mother launched an appeal for donations, to help her make the trip to Sardinia, to kiss her daughter one last time, and for the cremation (2400 euros). I am also very touched by her disappearance, she was adorable ....

Thanks for the information....I manage to find a news article about it...Thankfully her bf got saved...2020 just keeps getting worse, it is just one bad news after one another

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Now I have the PayPal email to send Angelina's mom some money to pay Angelina's funeral and to see her one last time in Italy before Angelina's body will be cremated.


Please spread to all RLC fans - especially Angelina fans, and dear moderators, if you have any contact to RLC, please make sure, the management and all participants of RLC who known and love Angelina  get an opportunity to make a donation, too. 

We are not finished yet of raising the required amount for Angelina's  funeral. Please grant her mother that wish to see her beloved daughter one last time and give her daughter a decent funeral. 

I just did my paypal donation. Together we WILL make it! 

Edited by moos54
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me quereis decir que una modelo porno , que recorre medio mundo rodeada de lujos , vivia en la indigencia , perdon pero no me lo puedo creer , no digo que millonaria , pero buena vida si se dan , estas chicas ganan de 2000 a 3000 euros al mes minimo .

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