jjkopite Posted October 8, 2020 Posted October 8, 2020 Don't think Pence did himself any favours by continually ignoring/talking over the Moderator. 1 1
Nicholas Posted October 8, 2020 Posted October 8, 2020 6 hours ago, Scottish Republic said: * Are you serious? You're deperately clutching at straws to try and defend the evil, immoral, disgusting and murderous behaviour by America, right across the face of this planet. Nice try. I notice that you and your sidekick starlight are still around trying to pedal your communistic propagandist bullshit. One who roams around this forum projecting to be someone Scottish by use of an avatar, while the other roams around the forum projecting to be someone German by the language he posts in, when regardless, clearly it is evident that you are both no more than a couple of communistic bullshitters who pedal dishonest communist propaganda and disinformation. It's really nothing new of course since it's been occurring since before the Bolsheviks murdered The Tsar and his family and the ridiculous phsychotic communists were allowed to take over control in Russia not long afterwards. Of course that's the drawback of societies that allow free speech and expression, rather than suppression of such, as is done in places like ole mother Russia, or China, or North Korea, or Iran. But for anyone with any common sense which is most who visit and contribute in the various dialogue threads of this forum overall , none of either of you two communists dishonest propaganda or disinformation of bullshit is believable, but rather to the contrary, it is compIetely and utterly unbelievable. So your wasting your time trying to convince others otherwise in this forum, but by all means, keep on wasting it, and continue being disappointed that most do not fall for or believe such bullshit, because they recognize it for what it is. 1 1
StnCld316 Posted October 8, 2020 Posted October 8, 2020 3 hours ago, jjkopite said: Don't think Pence did himself any favours by continually ignoring/talking over the Moderator. No I don't think he earned too many Brownie Points over it. Even when the Moderator reminded him he had his 2 Minutes his mouth was still moving. The next debate between Trump and Biden even though it's a Town Hall format you can expect Bone Spurs will try to interfere each time Biden speaks but he'll have to scream it as the Microphone will likely be muted. 1 1
nagachilli2 Posted October 8, 2020 Posted October 8, 2020 6 hours ago, jjkopite said: Don't think Pence did himself any favours by continually ignoring/talking over the Moderator. I wonder where he learnt that tactic.... 😏 1 1
Maturin Posted October 8, 2020 Posted October 8, 2020 Trump 30% Biden 70% I think this poll will be broadly repeated come election day. 1
Scottish Republic Posted October 8, 2020 Posted October 8, 2020 6 hours ago, Nicholas said: I notice that you and your sidekick starlight are still around trying to pedal your communistic propagandist bullshit. One who roams around this forum projecting to be someone Scottish by use of an avatar, while the other roams around the forum projecting to be someone German by the language he posts in, when regardless, clearly it is evident that you are both no more than a couple of communistic bullshitters who pedal dishonest communist propaganda and disinformation. It's really nothing new of course since it's been occurring since before the Bolsheviks murdered The Tsar and his family and the ridiculous phsychotic communists were allowed to take over control in Russia not long afterwards. Of course that's the drawback of societies that allow free speech and expression, rather than suppression of such, as is done in places like ole mother Russia, or China, or North Korea, or Iran. But for anyone with any common sense which is most who visit and contribute in the various dialogue threads of this forum overall , none of either of you two communists dishonest propaganda or disinformation of bullshit is believable, but rather to the contrary, it is compIetely and utterly unbelievable. So your wasting your time trying to convince others otherwise in this forum, but by all means, keep on wasting it, and continue being disappointed that most do not fall for or believe such bullshit, because they recognize it for what it is. Yes, we're both Russian FSB agents ... for such a dumbass, you're very perceptive 🤣🤣🤣 * Oh dear, someone sure is butthurt because they've lost the argument. Is that deluge of venomous, pathetic, utter claptrap the best you can do in an honest and intelligent debate - your debating skills are worse than zero (big fail), I can only say I feel sorry for you. Go and learn some debating skills before you enter a political forum; and while your at it, go back to school and learn some history, and stop mindlessly ranting about things you know nothing about (Russia is no longer a communist country, get up to date!). Don't keep embarrassing yourself with your woeful lack of basic knowledge. It's moronic brainwashed dumbasses like you that epitomise everything that's wrong with America (just like your dumbass hero, Trump). You'll have to learn that not everyone buys the big American lie. 2
Nicholas Posted October 8, 2020 Posted October 8, 2020 3 hours ago, Scottish Republic said: Yes, we're both Russian FSB agents ... for such a dumbass, you're very perceptive 🤣🤣🤣 * Oh dear, someone sure is butthurt because they've lost the argument. Is that deluge of venomous, pathetic, utter claptrap the best you can do in an honest and intelligent debate - your debating skills are worse than zero (big fail), I can only say I feel sorry for you. Go and learn some debating skills before you enter a political forum; and while your at it, go back to school and learn some history, and stop mindlessly ranting about things you know nothing about (Russia is no longer a communist country, get up to date!). Don't keep embarrassing yourself with your woeful lack of basic knowledge. It's moronic brainwashed dumbasses like you that epitomise everything that's wrong with America (just like your dumbass hero, Trump). You'll have to learn that not everyone buys the big American lie. Russia is still a communist country just as it has been for over a century and just like China and North Korea and you and your other comrades are as well you truly unfortunately ignorant and uneducated, good little communist propagandist. Putin loves little obedient followers that have little mind will power to think for themselves such as you and your other comrades obviously lack. But, there have always been others that do possess enough common sense to realize the differences between what is actually right and wrong and justifiable in all forms of other authoratative or totalitarian forms of worthless attempted mind control governments or regimes that have believed otherwise you ridiculous excuse of humanity. No since in attempting any debate with anyone who are obviously indoctrinated ignorant dishonest communists because all that you all do is attempt to spread disceptive and dishonest bullshit propaganda and disinformation. 1
StarLight28 Posted October 8, 2020 Posted October 8, 2020 8 hours ago, Nicholas said: Ich stelle fest, dass Sie und Ihr Sidekick-Starlight immer noch versuchen, Ihren kommunistischen propagandistischen Bullshit in die Pedale zu treten. Einer, der in diesem Forum herumstreift und mithilfe eines Avatars projiziert, um jemand Schottisches zu sein, während der andere im Forum herumstreift und sich in der Sprache, in der er Beiträge verfasst, als jemand Deutscher ausgibt, obwohl klar ist, dass Sie beide nicht mehr als sind ein paar kommunistische Bullshitter, die unehrliche kommunistische Propaganda und Desinformation in die Pedale treten. Es ist natürlich wirklich nichts Neues, da es passiert ist, bevor die Bolschewiki den Zaren und seine Familie ermordeten und die lächerlichen psychsychotischen Kommunisten nicht lange danach die Kontrolle in Russland übernehmen durften. Das ist natürlich der Nachteil von Gesellschaften, die Rede- und Meinungsfreiheit erlauben, anstatt solche zu unterdrücken. wie es an Orten wie der alten Mutter Russland oder China oder Nordkorea oder dem Iran getan wird. Aber für jeden mit gesundem Menschenverstand, der die meisten besucht und in den verschiedenen Dialog-Threads dieses Forums insgesamt mitarbeitet, ist keiner von euch beiden Kommunisten unehrliche Propaganda oder Desinformation von Bullshit glaubwürdig, sondern im Gegenteil, es ist vollständig und vollständig absolut unglaublich. Verschwenden Sie also Ihre Zeit damit, andere in diesem Forum davon zu überzeugen, aber verschwenden Sie es auf jeden Fall weiter und seien Sie weiterhin enttäuscht, dass die meisten nicht auf solchen Bullshit hereinfallen oder ihn glauben, weil sie ihn als das erkennen, was er ist. Keiner von euch beiden Kommunisten, der unehrliche Propaganda oder Desinformation über Bullshit, ist glaubwürdig, aber im Gegenteil, es ist völlig und absolut unglaublich. Verschwenden Sie also Ihre Zeit damit, andere in diesem Forum davon zu überzeugen, aber verschwenden Sie es auf jeden Fall weiter und seien Sie weiterhin enttäuscht, dass die meisten nicht auf solchen Bullshit hereinfallen oder ihn glauben, weil sie ihn als das erkennen, was er ist. Keiner von euch beiden Kommunisten, der unehrliche Propaganda oder Desinformation über Bullshit, ist glaubwürdig, aber im Gegenteil, es ist völlig und absolut unglaublich. Verschwenden Sie also Ihre Zeit damit, andere in diesem Forum davon zu überzeugen, aber verschwenden Sie es auf jeden Fall weiter und seien Sie weiterhin enttäuscht, dass die meisten nicht auf solchen Bullshit hereinfallen oder ihn glauben, weil sie ihn als das erkennen, was er ist. Ich habe hier selten so einen dummen Müll gelesen. Auf dem Niveau bist DU keine Hilfe für Ridge und Trump-Dummy. Spiel im Kinderzimmer lieber weiterhin mit Bauklötzchen oder Lego. Du schreibst ein langes Epos, doch wenn man Deinen flachen literarischen Erguss sortiert, stellt man fest das Du große Teile hintereinander 3 mal geschrieben ("Verschwenden Sie also Ihre Zeit damit .....") Ich habe für Dich Deinen Unsinn mal in Absätze unterteilt. Schau Dir den Text oben einmal komplett an. Fehler macht jeder einmal, ok ich auch. Doch wer lange Texte 3 mal schreibt hat nicht Korrektur gelesen und ist einfach nur unreif. Und mit solchen Menschen befasse ich mich nicht weiter - dazu ist mir die Zeit zu schade !! 1 1
StarLight28 Posted October 8, 2020 Posted October 8, 2020 1 hour ago, Nicholas said: Russland ist immer noch ein kommunistisches Land, so wie es seit über einem Jahrhundert ist, und genau wie China und Nordkorea sind auch Sie und Ihre anderen Kameraden wirklich leider ignorant und ungebildet, ein guter kleiner kommunistischer Propagandist. Putin liebt kleine gehorsame Anhänger, die wenig Verstand haben, um für sich selbst zu denken, wie es Ihnen und Ihren anderen Kameraden offensichtlich fehlt. Aber es gab immer andere, die genug gesunden Menschenverstand besaßen, um die Unterschiede zwischen dem, was tatsächlich richtig und falsch und gerechtfertigt ist, in allen Formen anderer autoratativer oder totalitärer Formen wertloser versuchter Gedankenkontrollregierungen oder Regime zu erkennen, die geglaubt haben, Sie hätten eine lächerliche Entschuldigung der Menschheit. Und schon wieder Unsinn von dem unreifen Bubi. Geh zur Mami und weine. 1 1
Nicholas Posted October 8, 2020 Posted October 8, 2020 21 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: Und schon wieder Unsinn von dem unreifen Bubi. Geh zur Mami und weine. Putin loves all his obedient followers especially his obedient choir boys like you Starlight and your comrade the fake Scottish Republic. 1 1
StarLight28 Posted October 8, 2020 Posted October 8, 2020 32 minutes ago, Nicholas said: Putin liebt alle seine gehorsamen Anhänger, besonders seine gehorsamen Chorknaben wie Sie Starlight und Ihren Kameraden, die falsche schottische Republik. Mache nur so weiter hier mit dummer Propaganda und Hetze. Putin mag keine Intriganten. "Genosse" Putin findet Dich überall in der Welt und lässt Dir ohne Erbarmen den Arsch aufreißen, genau wie der CIA überall unliebe Menschen liquidiert ! 😁😁 Ein guter Rat von mir, ziehe Dich zurück in Deine Höhle, vielleicht zusammen mit Deinem "geliebten" Ridge, der hat ja für Homosexuelle viel übrig. 😁 Und wenn Du noch einmal postest, dann bitte zum THEMA: "Wer hat die erste Präsidentendebatte gewonnen" - davon haben wir von Dir noch keine Zeile gelesen. 1
Nicholas Posted October 8, 2020 Posted October 8, 2020 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said: Just keep going here with stupid propaganda and baiting. Putin doesn't like schemers. "Comrade" Putin finds you all over the world and lets your ass open without mercy, just like the CIA liquidates disliked people everywhere! 😁😁 A good piece of advice from me, retire to your cave, maybe together with your "beloved" Ridge, he has a lot for homosexuals. 😁 And if you post again, then please on the TOPIC: "Who won the first presidential debate" - we haven't read a line from you yet. A good pic of reflection of the mindsets and mentalities of both you and your communist comrade who poses as Scottish Republic. Perhaps such pics of reflection of communist comrades in arms should be shared with other ridiculously misinformed and poorly educated communists such as yourselves. It's been noticed for quite a long time that you communistic comrades in arms have always had a thing for unexpectedly mentioning or bringing up a subject of homosexuality. Coincidental, highly unlikely. Releases of actual suppressed beliefs of self identifying determinations, quite likely. As far as other beliefs may go, fortunately, neither of you comrades will be very successful, if at all, in locating any others with similar mindsets or mentalities such as yourselves around here.
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