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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2020 #32 (October)

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5 hours ago, SierraTM said:

Elmira se involucró con los demás anoche

No perderé mi tiempo cuando se trata de este moderador, pero estoy de acuerdo contigo, siempre que Elmira tenga su propio contenido para los espectadores, puede hacer sus propias cosas y mantenerse alejada de los programas / juegos y el resto. Le ha ido bien hasta ahora, se ve bonita en las cámaras y se está sintiendo cómoda sola. Como dije, ella es un poco como Karla, que solo brindaba contenido sexual cuando estaba sola (ambos bates en la habitación y en las duchas) y Pam fue la única chica que empujó sus límites cuando estaba en B4 antes de que llegara su chico.


Ignóralo cuando sientas que no merece una respuesta y refutalo cuando sea necesario. Harley es un troll, pero para mí, solo está siendo tonto e inofensivo.

Karla in her first stay had sexual encounters with Deborah, Tina and Anita and I don't remember if with Bridget as well.

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7 hours ago, SierraTM said:

I won't waste my time when it comes to this moderator but I agree with you, as long as Elmira has her own content for the viewers, she can do her own stuffs and stay away from the shows/games & the rest. She has been doing well so far, she looks pretty on cams and is getting comfortable on her own.

Well said, Sierra. If she is doing her own thing, and she is sharing alot with the viewers, that's enough for me. No point forcing her to be someone she isn't. Another part in the equation is that Elmira has had a sore throat for a few days, plus she is obviously sad about something, maybe she didn't feel like getting involved in the party games. It's not like she doesn't integrate with the otners when they are in the kitchen and such. Look in the living room now for example, she is drinking tea and watching TV with Holly.

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1 hour ago, omedo said:

Karla in her first stay had sexual encounters with Deborah, Tina and Anita and I don't remember if with Bridget as well.

Yeah, Karla was a wild one. She also had a boyfriend visit, but that didn't end well.

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Hace 58 minutos, ed2 dijo:

Sí, Karla era salvaje. Ella también tuvo la visita de un novio, pero eso no terminó bien.

Yes, I remember, she made some gestures to the camera, that's why Karla had to leave the project...

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19 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

To me it was pretty obvious what you meant Moos...I feel the same. Just mix with the other girls a bit more, but stay well clear of the shows...I don't think sitting around a table chatting and sharing a meal and a few drinks with the other girls is a big deal...

Nobody ever said it was, but you know what it always leads to and unfortunately when Elmira gets better from whatever sickness she has, I'm sure I will once again be disappointed in yet another what seems to be a good girl.  I hope I'm wrong and she stays on the same course she is on but something tells me with all of y'all wanting her to participate more, her mom and dad will see to it that it happens.......man, i sure hope i'm wrong!!


19 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

You've liked Elmira from the beginning, so I'm a bit bit confused by their reactions tonight tbh...:huh:

LOL he likes them all, you shouldn't be confused by anything!

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19 hours ago, moos54 said:

For Harley, I just have to say white so that he can say black, or vice versa, if it happens if I say that I love Leora, he will maybe hate her out of a spirit of contradiction :biggrin:

Let's give your new theory a try since none of your others have worked for you yet.

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18 hours ago, ed2 said:

My reaction came because Moos wished Elmira got involved with the others last night. I think it's the best thing that could've happened that she stayed away from it.

Harley reacted because, well, he is Harley, and he needs something to troll about.

I agree with your first couple of sentences, but calling me a troll because I don't conform to your way of posting or thinking....sorry Ed2, back on the ignore list you go!!

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13 hours ago, ddhm said:

Totally agree with your comment moos54 , despite being times that she seemed to open up with some bates , I think that if she doesn’t “feel” the apartment , her colleagues and the job she is hired , it is better to ask for her release from the project . As I have mentioned , it seems like a good chemistry amongst tenants currently at the apartments and it only needs one person to create a bad mood , although she has done nothing with her behavior to cause this feeling so far .. but the example of Bonnie and Rama is very recent and we all remember how toxic their presence was at the apartment resulting for the majority of viewers not watching this particular apartment at all .  

So you think Bonnie and Rama were a toxic presence because they chose to stay clear of the bullshit shows like what the 3 stooges were doing?  I applaud them for staying clear of such bullshit!!

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10 hours ago, SierraTM said:

Elmira got involved with the others last night

I won't waste my time when it comes to this moderator but I agree with you, as long as Elmira has her own content for the viewers, she can do her own stuffs and stay away from the shows/games & the rest. She has been doing well so far, she looks pretty on cams and is getting comfortable on her own. Like I said, she is a bit like Karla, who only provided sexual content when she was alone (both bates in the room & in the showers) & Pam was the only girl who pushed her boundaries when she was in B4 before her guy arrived. 


Ignore him when you don't feel like he deserves a reply and rebut him when necessary. Harley is a troll but for me, he is just being silly and harmless.

WOW...catching it from all sides today because I simply do not agree with some of you.  What a bunch of babies you all have become!!

As for Karla, Elmira is nothing like Karla and you are wrong again about saying otherwise, she did shows all the time with some girl she brought back one time, Tina, Anita, Debi, with groups, etc; etc; etc;...

But don't worry, you all will get your wish once mom & pop have a talk with her and then she will be just another showgirl on the list!!

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