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Malia and Leora Fake Masturbation and silly shows #2

chris hillman

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Il y a 14 heures, masterchef56 a dit :

Oui je sais, et c'est toujours presque tous les idiots francophones qui ont des commentaires si stupides et des messages insultants qui me mettent en colère.

Je ne peux pas comprendre pourquoi ils sont ici s'ils n'aiment pas ce qu'ils voient, ça doit être quelque chose dans l'eau ou la nourriture qu'ils mangent, du foie d'oie.

en quoi mes commentaires sont stupides en disant que les filles ont énormément grossies au moins 8kg pour Léora et 5 pour Malia .......je suis plus pour dire la vérité à une personne plutôt que lui mentir comme Pulo ........pour Noel je serai plus foie d ' oie avec des escargots avec un bourgogne blancs Chassagne Montrachet plutôt que burger coca cola ....passes de bonnes fêtes 

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2 hours ago, Maturin said:


I'd like to see Leora and Malia happy and doing well in life too; I'd also like to see them sucking on each other's pussies and might even resubscribe if they started doing that regularly!

I like the way you think sucking each others pussies if that happens i will be the greatest wanker

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8 hours ago, moreau said:

why my comments are stupid by saying that the girls have enormously put on weight at least 8kg for Léora and 5 for Malia ....... I am more for telling the truth to a person rather than lying to him like Pulo .... .... for Christmas I will be more goose liver with snails with a white burgundy Chassagne Montrachet rather than a coca cola burger .... happy holidays 

The reason they are stupid is because, it is OK to criticise the girls for what could be in your opinion underperforming or being too choreographed, but you should never "Fat Shame " a person, especially a woman.

Do you imagine she is blind and doesn't see that she has put on a little extra weight? It could be for several reasons apart from her eating habits... Hormones, medication, various things that we are not party to.

Personally I thought she was always too thin and skinny, but her body is looking like a woman's body should look like as far as I'm concerned ( apart from the lack of a pubic Brazilian )🙃 but that's a personal choice.

You might want to rethink how you attack her in the future..... Personal attacks are not fair and it seems you only come on the forum to spew your bile.... never anything really constructive.

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3 hours ago, Maturin said:


I'd like to see Leora and Malia happy and doing well in life too; I'd also like to see them sucking on each other's pussies and might even resubscribe if they started doing that regularly!

Never say never in life for anything . 

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8 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Never say never in life for anything . 

Except if he wishes to see them sucking on each others pussies..😂

That is what keeps people watching ....The forlorn hope of "Never say Never," and the girls exploit it.....And who wouldn't?....I certainly would if the roles were reversed.🤑🤑

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2 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

Except if he wishes to see them sucking on each others pussies..😂

That is what keeps people watching ....The forlorn hope of "Never say Never," and the girls exploit it.....And who wouldn't?....I certainly would if the roles were reversed.🤑🤑

I would prefer seeing them enjoying a natural sexual act with their current partners than anything pure lesbian , but it is again a matter of taste I guess 😉 


To be more exact , I would like to see Leora with Paul have their private moments again than any Leora / Malia staff , at least I know that between Leora and Paul it was pure couples instinct whatever they were sharing while with Malia , well , i don’t even know if they know what they do 😳😬🙄



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3 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

Do you imagine she is blind and doesn't see that she has put on a little extra weight? It could be for several reasons apart from her eating habits...Hormones, medication, various things that we are not party to.

I will only thank you jimbo4 for stand up for the girls and I would have done it myself if I could express myself better though english is not my native language

so it´s hard for me to write everything I have inside me to express my feelings,thanks again.

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46 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

Vous ne manquez jamais de prouver quel enfant vous êtes mentalement, vos parents n'ont-ils aucun contrôle sur vous?

Il parait que c'est au "royaume-uni" qu'il y a le plus de pédophile, comme un certain prince de la famille royale.

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1 minute ago, King Lear said:

It seems that it is in the "United Kingdom" that there are the most pedophiles, like a certain prince of the royal family.

Perhaps you should be careful he doesn’t get his royal hands on your young body....If your intellect is an indication of your age you would be the youngest “ child “ the Royal Prince has ever had sucking his regal knob.....Don’t forget to swallow.

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3 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

Perhaps you should be careful he doesn’t get his royal hands on your young body....If your intellect is an indication of your age you would be the youngest “ child “ the Royal Prince has ever had sucking his regal knob.....Don’t forget to swallow.

I did that once tasted like caviar

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