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Nina & Kira, Masha & Lex (2020) Part #1

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With first impressions we’ve all been a bit critical ( including me)know how the girls work  

it will soon be ship shape and bristol fashion into a lovely home 

as for M & L haven’t seen a lot of them 

let’s hope things work out between the four of them

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2 minutes ago, disneykid said:

With first impressions we’ve all been a bit critical ( including me)know how the girls work  

it will soon be ship shape and bristol fashion into a lovely home 

as for M & L haven’t seen a lot of them 

let’s hope things work out between the four of them

I do not get why they have chosen such a big place? They are not known for big parties with many people. Are they going to change this? Maybe they finally have to do more now when the place costs more rent...

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il y a 2 minutes, jabbath1987 a dit :

Je ne comprends pas pourquoi ils ont choisi un si grand endroit? Ils ne sont pas connus pour les grandes fêtes avec beaucoup de monde. Vont-ils changer cela? Peut-être qu'ils doivent enfin en faire plus maintenant, alors que le loyer coûte plus cher ...

You have to understand that they choose their accommodation not according to VHTV but according to their desire, their financial means and they came across a great opportunity.

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