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B5 COV Hanna & Aaron and Tereza & Timur - General Topic 2021 #1 (May)

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1 minute ago, wooders78 said:

dai loro una possibilità che sono appena arrivati, spero che non sappiano di CC e leggano tutta questa negatività

Ha fretta di vedere il pene del ragazzo... o della ragazza, non si sa’ mai😂 somiglia alla donna delle pulizie

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The general feeling is that a ) comparing Lorraine and Hannah , it is a big downgrade of outside appearance between the two .. b ) this might prove the best couple ever , but viewers not excited so far , judging by the comments here .. time will tell , but it isn’t this couple that will attract you to watch them .. 

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2 minutes ago, ddhm said:

La sensazione generale è che a) confrontare Lorraine e Hannah, è un grande downgrade dell'aspetto esterno tra i due .. b) questa potrebbe rivelarsi la migliore coppia di sempre, ma gli spettatori non sono entusiasti finora, a giudicare dai commenti qui .. tempo dirà, ma non è questa coppia che ti attirerà a guardarli .. 

ti aspettavi il sesso appena varcata la porta?? Che cazzo di ragionamento

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2 minutes ago, ddhm said:

The general feeling is that a ) comparing Lorraine and Hannah , it is a big downgrade of outside appearance between the two .. b ) this might prove the best couple ever , but viewers not excited so far , judging by the comments here .. time will tell , but it isn’t this couple that will attract you to watch them .. 

So if you were coaching them DD, what would be your recommendation?  Fuck each other's brains out tonight with wild and crazy sex to win over the crowd early???  What is your play here?

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4 minutes ago, Mauri said:

Sono appena entrati, cosa vuoi che facciano, e c’e’ ancora la donna delle pulizie


3 minutes ago, wooders78 said:

give them a chance they have only just got here, hope they dont know about CC and read all this negativity

I also hope they don’t read CC but whoever does, it is up to them to either continue and read the comments ( positive or negative ) or simply do nothing with the site . I like they are everyday people , but let’s be realistic , we also want to watch nice women , otherwise it would be easy to cast just anyone .. anyway , maybe I am already “ translating “ the comments of some members here .. mauri , nothing expected and also with the cleaning lady inside the house but it is the general feeling so far of the arrival of this couple that members don’t seem excited , nothing against them . 

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2 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

So if you were coaching them DD, what would be your recommendation?  Fuck each other's brains out tonight with wild and crazy sex to win over the crowd early???  What is your play here?

dont ask him LMAO

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3 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

So if you were coaching them DD, what would be your recommendation?  Fuck each other's brains out tonight with wild and crazy sex to win over the crowd early???  What is your play here?

Just be themselves 😇to do as they would do at their home 😇

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1 minute ago, JenniferMom said:

I hear you Blue and others who are disappointed at this early stage.  

But don't we ultimately want real experiences and no fake shows?   To me that is important.  I did not care for C&C but at least they always kept it real and pushed the envelop with the girls who do the fake shows.

I subscribe to RLC for entertainment, If I don't find a participant attractive, I won't watch them so to me they'll have zero entertaining value. well, I guess we must take a loss for every win, Vivian was a nice addition, this one not so much. we'll see how the next ones turn out to be 😉

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7 minutes ago, Mauri said:

ti aspettavi il sesso appena varcata la porta?? Che cazzo di ragionamento

I explained myself and how the general feeling is already .. as long as they are themselves , it is totally fine .. that’s why the apartment maybe should be UM with the cleaning lady inside so as they get some time to feel comfortable .. on the other hand , it is more “ real “ for sure like this , their reactions and behavior 

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9 minutes ago, ddhm said:

The general feeling is that a ) comparing Lorraine and Hannah , it is a big downgrade of outside appearance between the two .. b ) this might prove the best couple ever , but viewers not excited so far , judging by the comments here .. time will tell , but it isn’t this couple that will attract you to watch them .. 

Lorraine was attractive but was still as sexy as a wet cloth. That girl had no passion and almost no personality. 

Physical attractiveness doesn't mean much if there is no worthwhile interest. Just look at Megan for another example.

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21 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

Stats question for Noldus:  What is the longest a new couple went from arrival to first sex on cam?

Hehe, Damira had sex after a few hours, with Amalia and so her bf 😉

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Just now, miscvoyeur said:

Lorraine was attractive but was still as sexy as a wet cloth. That girl had no passion and almost no personality. 

Physical attractiveness doesn't mean much if there is no worthwhile interest. Just look at Megan for another example.

We have agreed on that ( especially Loraine 😉 ) since a very long time . Loraine passionless . Megan hot as hell but everything she does looks like robotic moves 😬

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