philo Posted August 16, 2021 Posted August 16, 2021 So what does this information do to the theory that Leora spends the night with a single boyfriend when she is out? 1
philo Posted August 16, 2021 Posted August 16, 2021 I have always said, and sometimes been able to substantiate, that many of the RLC performers are fucking more off camera than on camera. We are just the enablers for them to do enough to pay for their lifestyles, which they enjoy off camera while they laugh at our stupidity. I have always believed, in spite of her supporters who somehow know more about what is going on than any of the rest of us, that Leora is one of those who is insatiable and is fucking way more than anyone would even suspect. 2 2
philo Posted August 16, 2021 Posted August 16, 2021 What kind of logic would conclude that most of the sex is on camera? After years of having her own apartment, for example, Dasha did not display her true sexuality until after she moved in with Masha and Sasha. Some of us knew otherwise, because we had seen the video of her with the banana before she ever came to RLC. 1
marco6742 Posted August 16, 2021 Posted August 16, 2021 il y a 2 minutes, philo a dit : What kind of logic would conclude that most of the sex is on camera? After years of having her own apartment, for example, Dasha did not display her true sexuality until after she moved in with Masha and Sasha. Some of us knew otherwise, because we had seen the video of her with the banana before she ever came to RLC. All I know is that yelp when Sasha first stuck it in her was like opening pandoras chest, good times! 1
GAG-HER Posted August 16, 2021 Posted August 16, 2021 23 minutes ago, patou said: Leora on the phone I think more of Paul than loverboy if she was with him tonight Paul ✔️ 2 1
Brokk! Posted August 16, 2021 Posted August 16, 2021 9 minutes ago, philo said: I have always said, and sometimes been able to substantiate, that many of the RLC performers are fucking more off camera than on camera. We are just the enablers for them to do enough to pay for their lifestyles, which they enjoy off camera while they laugh at our stupidity. I have always believed, in spite of her supporters who somehow know more about what is going on than any of the rest of us, that Leora is one of those who is insatiable and is fucking way more than anyone would even suspect. Non sappiamo cosa fa fuori infatti, possiamo solo presumere con chi esce tramite telefonate tradotte o da come si veste. Ma come può essere come dici tu può anche essere il contrario, cioè che non fa sesso con chiunque respiri. Non si sa.
philo Posted August 16, 2021 Posted August 16, 2021 1 minute ago, Brokk! said: Non sappiamo cosa fa fuori infatti, possiamo solo presumere con chi esce tramite telefonate tradotte o da come si veste. Ma come può essere come dici tu può anche essere il contrario, cioè che non fa sesso con chiunque respiri. Non si sa. It is because I know people in the sex industry who tell me that they not only have sex at work but they have their own sex not associated with work. They tell me that the have more for themselves than for their work. 1
Nicholas Posted August 16, 2021 Author Posted August 16, 2021 It's kind of hard to understand some women at times. Just as it seems to be regarding the appearance that it has seemed that the participant known as Malia has packed enough of her belongings that it seems that she may be leaving with no apparent intention of returning, while the participant known as Leora has not seemed concerned much about such a scenario occurring, if that is what is on the verge of occurring and it's not something such as Malia only getting ready to return home for a few weeks and actually does have intentions on returning, even though they have been friends as long as they have and are supposed to be some of the closest friends of one another. It does seem to be somewhat of a strange situation. 1
patou Posted August 16, 2021 Posted August 16, 2021 il y a 10 minutes, GAG-HER a dit : Paul ✔️ Bonsoir Merci Très heureux de vous revoir Bonne soirée 2 1
philo Posted August 16, 2021 Posted August 16, 2021 10 minutes ago, marco6742 said: All I know is that yelp when Sasha first stuck it in her was like opening pandoras chest, good times! There was a viral video circulating of her taking a banana to the stem way before she ever met Sasha. She was entertaining lots of men off camera on her patio. It was not until moving in with Masha did she continue on camera what she was doing all the time off camera. 1
Brokk! Posted August 16, 2021 Posted August 16, 2021 2 minutes ago, philo said: It is because I know people in the sex industry who tell me that they not only have sex at work but they have their own sex not associated with work. They tell me that the have more for themselves than for their work. Grazie per l'ovvio ma non c'entra molto con RLC anche se pure qui il sesso lo si vede. È ovvio che anche chi lavora nel porno ha una vita privata e fa sesso anche fuori dalle telecamere ma non vedo cosa c'entri con RLC. Non si hanno prove che Leora faccia sesso fuori dalle telecamere con il primo che passa. Per quanto ne sappiamo fuori dalle telecamere potrebbe essere anche una santa, in fondo le probabilità sono le stesse. 1
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