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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2021 #101 (September / October)

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2 minutes ago, Moosecini said:

It just occurred to me how many of these tenants watch shows and sports on their laptops/phones while sitting next to MUCH larger TV's!  How hard is it to get a HDMI cable and watch it on a large screen??  Are they all THAT technologically deficient that they don't know they can do that?  Just an odd observation...  🤔

Yes, it's been mentioned several times over the years. 4 girls will be squashed on a bed watching a film on a phone when there's a huge TV downstairs...I'm sure Boggy would sort it out if they were struggling...

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16 minutes ago, Moosecini said:

It just occurred to me how many of these tenants watch shows and sports on their laptops/phones while sitting next to MUCH larger TV's!  How hard is it to get a HDMI cable and watch it on a large screen??  Are they all THAT technologically deficient that they don't know they can do that?  Just an odd observation...  🤔

Most people are.

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Il y a 1 heure, StnCld316 a dit :

Quand ils ont commencé, ce n'était pas une question de sexe. C'était juste des couples qui vivaient leur vie de tous les jours. Ce qu'on a vu, c'est ce qu'ils ont obtenu.  

Ah bon ? Et les gens payaient pour voir des couples manger et jouer aux cartes ? En êtes vous certains ?

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3 minutes ago, corpslibre said:

Ah bon ? Et les gens payaient pour voir des couples manger et jouer aux cartes ? En êtes vous certains ?

Back in those days basically yes.  There was sex at times but not when others were demanding to see it.  If it happened it happened and if not maybe the next time. Today people seem to think they should have sex all the time.  There's more to life than genitalia between someone's legs.

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3 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

À l'époque, fondamentalement oui. Il y avait du sexe parfois, mais pas quand les autres exigeaient de le voir. Si c'est arrivé, c'est arrivé et sinon peut-être la prochaine fois. Aujourd'hui, les gens semblent penser qu'ils devraient avoir des relations sexuelles tout le temps. Il y a plus dans la vie que des organes génitaux entre les jambes de quelqu'un.

Thank you, there, I understand better

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2 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

When they first began it wasn't about sex.  It was just couples living their everyday lives.  What one seen is what they got.  


I wasn't around at the very beginning, but as long as I've known RLC, it's always been with cameras in the bedrooms and also the sex. What is really wrong today is the exaggeration. There are flats like Masha where the events become so extreme that they just don't seem real anymore, and than there are a lot of residents who don't have sex in the flat at all.

RLC's strength was once realism. A lot of good-looking people who had just lived normally in the apartments, including the sex life, but also not just the sex.

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Il y a 33 minutes, Alladino a dit :


Je n'étais pas là au tout début, mais depuis que je connaissais RLC, ça a toujours été avec des caméras dans les chambres et aussi le sexe. Ce qui ne va vraiment pas aujourd'hui, c'est l'exagération. Il y a des appartements comme Masha où les événements deviennent si extrêmes qu'ils ne semblent plus réels, et qu'il y a beaucoup de résidents qui n'ont pas du tout de relations sexuelles dans l'appartement.

La force de RLC était autrefois le réalisme. Beaucoup de belles personnes qui venaient de vivre normalement dans les appartements, y compris la vie sexuelle, mais aussi pas seulement le sexe.

Je suis d'accord que Masha me fait parfois un peu peur dans ses invitations et ses relations, ça ressemble plus à des relations rémunérées avec une satisfaction de désir très particuliers et pas vraiment agréable à regarder alors que Masha a tout pour faire autrement, en sélectionnant davantage ses relations, autre que probablement sur le critère de l'argent.

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46 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

It's nice to see all the B4 girls getting along nicely on the twins balcony, apart from Nelly...


Oh, how wonderful, a couple of girls sitting on a balcony. 😂 Where did I leave my credit card? I wouldn't like to miss such an incredibly exciting and interesting event. 🤣

Well, maybe not, at least I not have to see the flats all empty again the next day because the girls are with their BFs having sex off camera. 🤪

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il y a 4 minutes, Alladino a dit :


Oh, how wonderful, a couple of girls sitting on a balcony. 😂 Where did I leave my credit card? I wouldn't like to miss such an incredibly exciting and interesting event. 🤣

Well, maybe not, at least I not have to see the flats all empty again the next day because the girls are with their BFs having sex off camera. 🤪


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