Zorro0 Posted May 23, 2022 Posted May 23, 2022 On 5/20/2022 at 10:39 AM, Pete1960 said: WOW! They actually had sex last night 🙃 #996 Nice T-shirt Linda, wonder if that is aimed at certain people on here. Good on ya. :) 1
jugghead Posted May 29, 2022 Posted May 29, 2022 Linda is so bored she sleeps all day now. I hope to hell she can snap out of it. 1
Howard Posted May 29, 2022 Posted May 29, 2022 Linda is getting (has gotten) thick. Not necessarily a bad thing but she has been lethargic and showing signs of depression the past few weeks (maybe longer). Would be interesting to know why. Bored with Tibor (though I see him showing affection to her much more then she does to him). Things not good at the strip club? 1
jugghead Posted May 30, 2022 Posted May 30, 2022 19 hours ago, Howard said: Linda is getting (has gotten) thick. Not necessarily a bad thing but she has been lethargic and showing signs of depression the past few weeks (maybe longer). Would be interesting to know why. Bored with Tibor (though I see him showing affection to her much more then she does to him). Things not good at the strip club? Yes, she has gotten very thick and I agree it is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is true. Old captures I have show her much thinner but when you got dem boobies they balance it all out. They are huge compared to a few years ago and I like to watch them bounce when she allows herself to show them.
jugghead Posted May 30, 2022 Posted May 30, 2022 19 hours ago, Howard said: Linda is getting (has gotten) thick. Not necessarily a bad thing but she has been lethargic and showing signs of depression the past few weeks (maybe longer). Would be interesting to know why. Bored with Tibor (though I see him showing affection to her much more then she does to him). Things not good at the strip club? As far as Tibor, that dude is deeply involved with his production company and while we only see him on his PC a lot he is busy producing videos I'm sure to try to get that business off the ground. They are actually not bad but I'll bet in that business it is hard as fuck to make it into the big leagues. If I were him I would teach Linda the business and include her in it a lot more. Show her how to produce, edit, all that shit. Then sit back and watch what she can do. I understand he needs to work his ass off doing his job but it is wrecking his marriage a bit. She is clearly devoted to him to the core but leaving her alone while he works hours trying to start a business is taking advantage of her. Besides, she may surprise him with talents that have yet to emerge. To me, and I may be wrong, she met him and thought he was a god, and he saw her and said nice tits, I think I'll make them mine. I hate to disparage them in that way, but I see what I see. It is a bit unfortunate because I consider them the most normal people on RLC and I always admired their relationship. But it clearly is not what it was. 1
ddhm Posted June 1, 2022 Posted June 1, 2022 On 5/30/2022 at 3:39 PM, jugghead said: As far as Tibor, that dude is deeply involved with his production company and while we only see him on his PC a lot he is busy producing videos I'm sure to try to get that business off the ground. They are actually not bad but I'll bet in that business it is hard as fuck to make it into the big leagues. If I were him I would teach Linda the business and include her in it a lot more. Show her how to produce, edit, all that shit. Then sit back and watch what she can do. I understand he needs to work his ass off doing his job but it is wrecking his marriage a bit. She is clearly devoted to him to the core but leaving her alone while he works hours trying to start a business is taking advantage of her. Besides, she may surprise him with talents that have yet to emerge. To me, and I may be wrong, she met him and thought he was a god, and he saw her and said nice tits, I think I'll make them mine. I hate to disparage them in that way, but I see what I see. It is a bit unfortunate because I consider them the most normal people on RLC and I always admired their relationship. But it clearly is not what it was. It is just one more couple getting married and facing the marriage consequences ( apologies and hopefully no offense taken …) .. it isn’t a coincidence the saying that “ marriage kills being in love “ - of course with millions of different examples but I think the exceptions confirming the rule - , this couple with whatever reasons for Linda not getting pregnant in comparison to most of her friends being mamas and papas , I think it is natural what we are watching .. 1
jugghead Posted June 1, 2022 Posted June 1, 2022 25 minutes ago, ddhm said: It is just one more couple getting married and facing the marriage consequences ( apologies and hopefully no offense taken …) .. it isn’t a coincidence the saying that “ marriage kills being in love “ - of course with millions of different examples but I think the exceptions confirming the rule - , this couple with whatever reasons for Linda not getting pregnant in comparison to most of her friends being mamas and papas , I think it is natural what we are watching .. Agreed 100%. Let us hope for her sake and his, he gets that business off the ground and she appreciates him working so hard at it. like I said, this is still my favorite couple. They represent the "real" part of real-life. I just enjoyed them more when they spent more time together. The looks of adoration she would give him were inspiring to me.
ddhm Posted June 1, 2022 Posted June 1, 2022 24 minutes ago, jugghead said: Agreed 100%. Let us hope for her sake and his, he gets that business off the ground and she appreciates him working so hard at it. like I said, this is still my favorite couple. They represent the "real" part of real-life. I just enjoyed them more when they spent more time together. The looks of adoration she would give him were inspiring to me. It is just time to move on away off the cameras world and start the real life challenges away of the eye of thousand of people . We will always remember them as one of the best couples ever , no need to have the last impressions that aren’t so amazing like of what we have seen of them for years .
Friese60 Posted June 1, 2022 Posted June 1, 2022 51 minutes ago, ddhm said: Es ist nur ein weiteres Paar, das heiratet und sich den Konsequenzen der Ehe stellen muss (Entschuldigung und hoffentlich kein Anstoß genommen …) .. es ist kein Zufall, dass das Sprichwort „Ehe tötet Verliebtheit“ ist – natürlich mit Millionen verschiedener Beispiele, aber ich Ich denke, die Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel – dieses Paar aus welchen Gründen auch immer, warum Linda nicht schwanger wird, im Vergleich zu den meisten ihrer Freunde, die Mamas und Papas sind, ich denke, es ist natürlich, was wir beobachten. Was sollen die beiden denn in ihrer Situation mit einem Kind? Mit Kind hier weiter bei RLC sein? Oder er bleibt alleine u. sie fliegt in ihre alte Heimat? Woher weißt du, dass die meisten ihrer Freunde Kinder haben? Sind es wieder deine hellseherischen Begabungen?😉
ddhm Posted June 1, 2022 Posted June 1, 2022 4 minutes ago, Friese60 said: Was sollen die beiden denn in ihrer Situation mit einem Kind? Mit Kind hier weiter bei RLC sein? Oder er bleibt alleine u. sie fliegt in ihre alte Heimat? Woher weißt du, dass die meisten ihrer Freunde Kinder haben? Sind es wieder deine hellseherischen Begabungen?😉 Instagram posts of Linda and friends .
Friese60 Posted June 1, 2022 Posted June 1, 2022 11 minutes ago, ddhm said: Instagram-Posts von Linda und Freunden. Du kannst ihre Instagram -Posts lesen? Super...
Robbo56 Posted June 1, 2022 Posted June 1, 2022 Just out of curiosity (I don't have a sub and don't watch them a lot), can anybody say when last Linda actually left the apartment? I can't remember when last I looked in to find no one at home. Her life basically consists of sleeping and sitting in the lounge alone on her phone and/or watching TV. A little bit of time with Tibor and some very occasional guests. It's like watching a single goldfish just swimming in circles in a bowl. Note: not a criticism, just observation that if somebody doesn't have any mental stimulation and interaction with others, they will start to 'behave less' which then appears like depression
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