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Leora - Home Activities (2022) #5


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4 hours ago, motormuis said:

i never say much but her boyfriend knows everything that goes on in the apartment. leora has told him. and she protects him not to come into the apartment. and paul knows about it too. tog nice if you understand the language


karl pilkington bullshit GIF

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22 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

@ Howard and I had a discussion yesterday regarding membership of RLC.

Since then I have been sent the totals of visitors per day since July 2021.

The figures represent the number of " hits " the RLC page received on average per day and not membership numbers. The "hits " would be a combination of members, non members (who just look at the thumbs)and curiosity/accidental incidents.

It is worth bearing in mind that if someone visits the page several times daily that is counted several times, so if I for instance looked in the at 0800  1100 1500 1800 2300 that is counted as 5 " hits "

In July 2021 there was an average 640,000 "hits" per day

August. 166,000

September. 48,000

October.  403,000

November. 166,000

December. 403,000



Top Countries

  France 26.8%
  Germany 19.1%
  Egypt 8.6%
  USA 7.1%
  Cyprus 5.0

Just to correct you a bit on this 

In general , let’s say that each time you change the camera , it is a hit 😉


My current “ large “estimation of RLC viewers is between 2,000-5,000 viewers , my “ true “ personal estimation is nearly 2,500-3,000 . Analyzing financially per month estimated tenant / apartment costs , quality of what we see , RLC profit , the mathematics make the numbers .Just estimating .

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4 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Just to correct you a bit on this 

In general , let’s say that each time you change the camera , it is a hit 😉

I was trying to be non confrontational and impartial !

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49 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

About 04.10.

Blimey so she will get up at 4 p.m. ::)

I would guess the lady that phoned her was either the Salon owner or a friend saying the boss is back and has a gift for you.. bring your hooka, she said I do not smoke anymore and it has gone ! Which is not true as it is behind the chair on the balcony I think I need to check that.

I find this action strange going out at 11 p.m. back home 5 hours later. Is this part of credits from an employer going towards her application for residence i.e. keeping in her employers good books.

Was she given short notice of this invite to go out at this late hour.


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46 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

@ Howard and I had a discussion yesterday regarding membership of RLC.

Since then I have been sent the totals of visitors per day since July 2021.

The figures represent the number of " hits " the RLC page received on average per day and not membership numbers. The "hits " would be a combination of members, non members (who just look at the thumbs)and curiosity/accidental incidents.

It is worth bearing in mind that if someone visits the page several times daily that is counted several times, so if I for instance looked in the at 0800  1100 1500 1800 2300 that is counted as 5 " hits "

In July 2021 there was an average 640,000 "hits" per day

August. 166,000

September. 48,000

October.  403,000

November. 166,000

December. 403,000



Top Countries

  France 26.8%
  Germany 19.1%
  Egypt 8.6%
  USA 7.1%
  Cyprus 5.0

Cyprus 5.0 that is were RLC operate from.

Egypt Ala be praised.

The French and Germans have to much free time on their hands or something else in their hands.


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13 minutes ago, blue is the colour said:

Blimey so she will get up at 4 p.m. ::)

I would guess the lady that phoned her was either the Salon owner or a friend saying the boss is back and has a gift for you.. bring your hooka, she said I do not smoke anymore and it has gone ! Which is not true as it is behind the chair on the balcony I think I need to check that.

I find this action strange going out at 11 p.m. back home 5 hours later. Is this part of credits from an employer going towards her application for residence i.e. keeping in her employers good books.

Was she given short notice of this invite to go out at this late hour.


She did say that she wasn't  originally going to go, as she had headache but changed her mind, so this was something on offer anyway. Then after coming home made a quick call saying she forgot to pick up the gift package she'd been given. It's true the pipe is still there, but maybe she just meant she is no longer smoking (which is also true, when you realise it's been quite a while now). It had nothing to do with any work, just the girls she knows. 

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il y a 11 minutes, le bleu est la couleur a dit :

Blimey donc elle se lève à 4 heures.m.::)

Je suppose que la dame qui lui a téléphoné était soit le propriétaire du salon, soit un ami disant que le patron est de retour et a un cadeau pour vous. apporte ton hooka, elle m’a dit que je ne fume plus et c’est parti ! Ce qui n’est pas vrai car c’est derrière la chaise sur le balcon, je pense que je dois vérifier cela.

Je trouve cette action étrange en sortant à 23 heures.m. de retour à la maison 5 heures plus tard. Est-ce que cette partie des crédits d’un employeur va à sa demande de résidence, c’est-à-dire garder chez son employeur de bons livres ?

At-elle reçu un préavis de cette invitation à sortir à cette heure tardive.


Bonjour bleu  Guyquad Pulo

Oui je voie la chicha sur le balcon


Ou la traduction j’ai mal compris elle ne voulait pas la transporter avec elle mais c’était juste une info juste et elle disait quelle fumait plus

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