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6 minutes ago, thinga69 said:

Is just me that is finding strange the Villa being empty this long?

No I find it strange as well, I don't see any of the girls in other apartments and I thought Radi and Loraine would have been back by now.

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14 minutes ago, jetlag8 said:

No I find it strange as well, I don't see any of the girls in other apartments and I thought Radi and Loraine would have been back by now.

They all went for karate lessons in case that strange little dumbass guy comes back through a window again.::) (or as @HarleyFatboy would say,Bogdowns co-conspirator friend,🤪)

See the source image

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5 minutes ago, RAGNAR said:

They all went for karate lessons in case that strange little dumbass guy comes back through a window again.::) (or as HFB would say,Bogdowns co-conspirator friend,,lmao)

See the source image

They don't need karate lessons, I am sure Svetlana could kick the shit out of that guy.

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2 minutes ago, MrFlexxy said:

Il mio primo pensiero è stato che avrebbero lasciato tutti fuori dalla villa per alcuni giorni mentre eseguivano gli aggiornamenti di sicurezza, tuttavia potrebbe essere completamente sbagliato

I observed Holly and she got ready for two days out, maybe you are right and we hope so at least we get rid of Svetlana

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3 minutes ago, poncherello said:

Ho osservato Holly e si è preparata per due giorni fuori, forse hai ragione e speriamo che almeno ci liberiamo di Svetlana

Instead of emptying they could have distributed the girls to the other apartments. Shave at her mother's house, Loriane at her house, Olivia and Ulyana at Fiora and Harley and Holly at Kylie and Rus

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