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While I'm not an avid viewer I do look in on the odd occasion tonight being one of them. Loraine seems to be totally disinterested in Samson even though he's trying with his little nudges of his nose on her shoulder just like a pet dog. Whilst all four have been in the room together she's barely given him a sidewards glancs and now he just said something to her and she rolled her eyes she seems more interested in what Holly's doing.
As for Holly and the other guy I'm not sure

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il y a 2 minutes, larry5168 a dit :

While I'm not an avid viewer I do look in on the odd occasion tonight being one of them. Loraine seems to be totally disinterested in Samson even though he's trying with his little nudges of his nose on her shoulder just like a pet dog. Whilst all four have been in the room together she's barely given him a sidewards glance and now he just said something to her and she rolled her eyes she seems more interested in what Holly's doing.
As for Holly and the other guy I'm not sure. And there goes Loraine


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