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New couple Marta and David

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I wish things were otherwise.  And I don't want to trample upon all these beautiful flowers that someone has recently planted here in our lovely little garden.  But you can't always just run away or hide from the truth when it comes to certain things. 

Some of the things in life can be rather harsh or even brutal at times.  And it does no good to deny it or to try to dance around this, when you have to protect those of others that might depend upon you.

And yes, I am sorry to say that only a fool would be so careless as to not acknowledge that in certain areas, or down certain streets, there are certain inherent dangers that would place your life as well as those of others you might care about in jeopardy just because you refuse to accept this rather harsh reality. 

Things just are what they are.  Unfortunately. 


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Anyone that has any familiarity with that style, knows it can't be washed.  :-\

She is greased her scalp almost all the time, but also washed it today. It look like it is done recently and is tight, because she cooled it by ice cubes.

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Anyone that has any familiarity with that style, knows it can't be washed.  :-\

She is greased her scalp almost all the time, but also washed it today. It look like it is done recently and is tight, because she cooled it by ice cubes.

Sort of like Marta on the rocks.

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I'd like to learn something about Marta and David in this thread. But I guess I won't.

Unfortunately the English speakers have gone way off topic (as usual, they do this when they get bored) and the Spanish speakers who have the valuable information write in a dialect that makes translate.google.com vomit disconnected chunks of nonsense.


ROTFLMAO. Too true, Rodent. It's just that what Woody posted was true. Facts don't lie.

This isn't the great days of the 60's with long hair, naked women in the parks, good dragon or blotter, maybe a few Orange Barrels, Cheech and Chong joints, etc... This is the mid 2010's. People are fucked up. It's the poisons put in the foods by Monsanto and others to twist your mind into their way of thinking.

This way mind control simply by your iPad, Nook, Tablet or phone it within easy reach of the Government. They have to start slow and condition you first. But until they shut down all of the private ranches, and farms, not everyone will play to this tune. So it will take time to fully implement.

Rodent. Look at the pics that are posted of these two. Trust me, pal, they ain't my type or yours. Why bother? Let's try and right the demise of the free world by the Liberals.

entiendo que el lenguaje español actual no sea el mismo que utilizaba cervantes igual que imagino que ustedes los ingleses no utilizan el lenguaje de Shakespeare , si estoy equivocado ruego a vuestras mercedes sepan disculparme .

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entiendo que el lenguaje español actual no sea el mismo que utilizaba cervantes igual que imagino que ustedes los ingleses no utilizan el lenguaje de Shakespeare , si estoy equivocado ruego a vuestras mercedes sepan disculparme .

Gracias a mi amigo. Entiendo. Me gustan tus mensajes.

Castellano español ya no se enseña en nuestras escuelas. Ahora enseñan español mexicano: son notablemente diferentes. Podemos leer y entender Shakespeare; pero la mayoría no sabe leer Chaucer.

Cervantes era un genio.

Múltiples idiomas pueden ser un problema, pero también son fuentes de gran tesoro. Voy a publicar esto porque es divertido: La mayoría de los oradores cristianos inglés pueden entender el nombre de este trabajo, a pesar de que ya no hablan el idioma.

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Yep, braids. Lots of tiny little strands of braids. I don't mind the style; but it must take a lot of time to prepare.

Dreds are different; you simply pay no attention to your hair and the rats take care of the chore when they make their nest on your head.

I know my rodent cousins well, though I refuse to associate with them. Call me a rodentia racist, fine, but rats are useless assholes who will steal all your food, trade diseases and fleas like IHOP sells hot cakes, contribute nothing to the body politic, and eat your babies.

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