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Thoughts for the day

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It's a con game.  Everybody sees it except the West.  This NAZI 2.0 scam has the West tripping all over itself trying to explain how a "religion" is not responsible for the actions prescribed by its leaders. 

That's not a religions.  It's the enemy.  What do we do to the enemy?  We invite them in and explain to them just how much we love and respect them.  Then we change the subject when we see our own lying prostrate with their severed heads on their chests. 

"It's a religion of peace."  and "Ninety-nine point nice percent of them are peace loving and kind."  These are what we tell ourselves as they slaughter us.  History tells us that many German Jews said, "Germany can't do this to us; Germany is Beethoven, art, science, and progress." 

Shun them.  Don't patronize their stores, buy their goods, invite them into your homes.  They truly are crabgrass in the lawn of life.

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A young Australian cricket player just died after being hit in the head by a ball during a game. Very sad and I feel sorry for his family and friends. I can't imagine how the poor bowler must feel and I hope he gets the support he deserves.

Now that I've got that bit out, I cannot explain how fucking pissed off I am with the fact that the whole country has almost come to a standstill, whole clubs, towns and regions not knowing how they will get over it. How disastrous the death of a young man who used to do battle with other countries during cricket tests, a fine warrior who defended his country in this fine sport.

He played cricket for fucks sake and was paid well for doing it.

How about we show the same grief and emotion to our fallen soldiers, who really did die defending our country and not in a fucking game. I wonder how many people can even remember the name of one of our fallen, very few I bet.

But, sport is really business now and business means money. Well fuck the lot of them. 

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Well over 85% of practicing Muslims currently in the USA have stated that they would like to see Sharia Law replace current U.S. law.  When pressed on the subject, they back down a bit (for political correctitude) and change that opinion to one where Sharia "is recognized along side U.S. law (for all people, not just Muslims).

Therefore, the time has come to DELETE the term "radical" when describing those folks.  Islam is a terrorist ideology that avoids direct action against it by claiming to be a religion. 

Islam is a religion just like National Socialism was a religion in Germany in the 1930s.  Notice, by way of example only, that we did not make war, bomb, destroy, and kill Nazis.  We did those things to Germans.  Get the picture, Akbar? 

Good post, nevertheless, Oz.

Islam is a Threat.

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When I first went to selling cars, I was thirty years old, and then working at a small dealership called Rodeo Dodge.

Well, there were a number of older guys there, who were somewhere in their late fifties or so, but a great bunch of guys.  Happily, they seemed to take to me, and one day this one guy named Ben came up to me and said, "Come here ____, I want to show you something."

So, I followed him into his office where he then pulled out of his coat pocket, an old, yellowing newspaper article.  He then laid it flat on his desk, and began to unfold it and smooth it out rather slowly and lovingly, as he then told me that he once owned a small liquor store.   

Well, one day he told me that this big black guy came in.  He stressed to me that this guy was huge, and took up the entire door when he lumbered in and made his way up to the counter, where he then raised his hand up with a gun in it.  Ben had a few guns behind that counter and quickly shot him in the neck.

He then said to me that this guy had a neck like a tree stump, and that with any normal guy and that shot would have knocked them on their ass, but with this guy, he just stood there with a dazed look upon his face, and then just as slowly turned around and started walking back toward the door.  And that's where he finally dropped, half way in and half way out. 

I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit,.. I mean, Ben seemed so proud of that old yellow news clipping.


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