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Thoughts for the day

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Laproaig and I both miss Pepe'.  Poor Pepe' has been working so hard and hasn't been around very much. 

I like Pepe'.    You might remember that I came close to shooting one of his relatives once a long time ago, back in the woods of Michigan.  I sure am glad that I didn't though.  Good o'l prudence stepped in.

But for a brief moment there it was a true Mexican stand off!  Me, with my shotgun barrel aimed squarely at his ass, and Him, vice versa.  A real tense moment for both of us.  And had I squeezed the trigger, I know that it would have been a stinking mess for the both of us.    But I lowered the barrel, and he lowered his tail, and we both walked away unscathed. 

I remembered that I thought well of him for that too.  He used prudence too.    A damn decent skunk when you think of it.

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Pepe will be back. He's not afraid of anything or anybody.

Skunks believe in karma, even when dead. For weeks.

Pepe's the President of the Leora Lovers Society as far as I am concerned. And honestly, Leora is worthy of having a fluffy-tailed fan club. We're loyal. We will never surrender.


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To paraphrase Marshal General Isoroku Yamamoto's legendary quote regarding the Japanese attack on the U.S. Navy facility at Pearl Harbor (12-07-1941), I believe that all the Muzzies have done in France and elsewhere in Europe is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.  Europe has some history in dealing with Die Untermenschen, as we all may recall.  I predict a Muzzie Kristallnacht. 

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Unfortunately, Until I see something tangible and uplifting occur, I'll have to wait before I start to feel like singing.

With the governmental leaders of Europe and England being the socialist liberal traitors that they are, they would only turn the police and the military's guns against the true patriotic citizens there, and do whatever they could to publicly condemn these protesters and rioters for wanting to hurt those innocent, lovable Muslims that keep sending them their money. 

What the patriots there need to do, is to solicit the support of whatever remaining patriotic generals they may yet still have, so that their army and their guns won't be trained on the very people who are fighting to protect their own national sovereignty.  Otherwise, it will only be a fun time in the streets for a little while, but in the end accomplishing nothing.    You have to remove the traitors first, if you want to get rid of the Muslims there and regain your lost heritage back!    That's the way I see it.   

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To paraphrase Marshal General Isoroku Yamamoto's legendary quote regarding the Japanese attack on the U.S. Navy facility at Pearl Harbor (12-07-1941), I believe that all the Muzzies have done in France and elsewhere in Europe is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.  Europe has some history in dealing with Die Untermenschen, as we all may recall.  I predict a Muzzie Kristallnacht. 

As much as I support your idea in theory, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

Some parts of Europe weren't as proactive as many think. A number of countries just didn't have the resources and would have been content to roll over and surrender, particularly with 5th column elements working against them. The war in the Pacific was won, however the war in Europe is a contentious issue. Did we actually win, or did Germany lose because of poor military tactics? Had it been purely left to the Generals, it most likely would have been a different outcome.

As discussed before, this is a war without borders, requiring the cooperation of many nations that just doesn't exist. The United Nations doesn't work when it comes to consensus or making hard line decisions. How many times has the US and their allies had to go it alone without UN support. NATO comes close, but is too restricted.

There still isn't the will or the desire to do anything about the problem. Look at the demonstrations in France and Australia after recent terrorist attacks. The main focus is solidarity, support the poor muslims, they are not all radical terrorists, they are not all to blame. I've attended some of these rallies out of curiosity and you very rarely see muslims themselves demonstrating, the peace loving tree huggers, hippies and flower children born in the wrong century, are doing it for them.

The reason for this lack of will or desire, people don't know there is an enemy other than a handful of terrorists. They don't know they are actually already in a war that only one side is fighting. The enemy is Islam, not just a handful of terrorists, and they are winning. They will continue to win until we finally wake up and stop piss farting around with band aid policing actions around the globe, accept the enemy for who they really are and start fighting back, seriously fighting back.

Most politicians know this but will not act. Some obviously support it. The rest either don't know, don't care, or figure they will be long gone before the world realises what's happening, so they won't be blamed.

Now I'm off to have a nice glass or two of single malt to calm the nerves.

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I'd like to hear comments from my French and other Euro friends.

As much as we deplore these acts, we Americans are stuck with an administration that has willingly handed over enormous swaths of territory to terrorists, and thinks that "peace in our time" will be the reward.


Je aimerais entendre les commentaires de mes amis français et autres Euro.

Autant que nous déplorons ces actes, nous, les Américains sont pris avec une administration qui a volontairement remis énormes pans de territoire à des terroristes, et pense que «la paix dans notre temps» sera la récompense.

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To paraphrase Marshal General Isoroku Yamamoto's legendary quote regarding the Japanese attack on the U.S. Navy facility at Pearl Harbor (12-07-1941), I believe that all the Muzzies have done in France and elsewhere in Europe is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.  Europe has some history in dealing with Die Untermenschen, as we all may recall.  I predict a Muzzie Kristallnacht. 

As much as I support your idea in theory, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

Some parts of Europe weren't as proactive as many think. A number of countries just didn't have the resources and would have been content to roll over and surrender, particularly with 5th column elements working against them. The war in the Pacific was won, however the war in Europe is a contentious issue. Did we actually win, or did Germany lose because of poor military tactics? Had it been purely left to the Generals, it most likely would have been a different outcome.

As discussed before, this is a war without borders, requiring the cooperation of many nations that just doesn't exist. The United Nations doesn't work when it comes to consensus or making hard line decisions. How many times has the US and their allies had to go it alone without UN support. NATO comes close, but is too restricted.

There still isn't the will or the desire to do anything about the problem. Look at the demonstrations in France and Australia after recent terrorist attacks. The main focus is solidarity, support the poor muslims, they are not all radical terrorists, they are not all to blame. I've attended some of these rallies out of curiosity and you very rarely see muslims themselves demonstrating, the peace loving tree huggers, hippies and flower children born in the wrong century, are doing it for them.

The reason for this lack of will or desire, people don't know there is an enemy other than a handful of terrorists. They don't know they are actually already in a war that only one side is fighting. The enemy is Islam, not just a handful of terrorists, and they are winning. They will continue to win until we finally wake up and stop piss farting around with band aid policing actions around the globe, accept the enemy for who they really are and start fighting back, seriously fighting back.

Most politicians know this but will not act. Some obviously support it. The rest either don't know, don't care, or figure they will be long gone before the world realises what's happening, so they won't be blamed.

Now I'm off to have a nice glass or two of single malt to calm the nerves.

Good points, all. 

However, I am not holding my breath, nor am I fixated on the usual American ten-minute time frame.  I am no revolutionary but if there is one thing I'm come to respect from those who were/are, it is summed up in the slogan, "The People United Shall Never Be Defeated."  Okay, it plays better and has a nicer rhythm in Spanish, but hey.

Don't forget the power of the Left in Germany prior to her re-militarization.  National Socialism was, once you boil it down and render it down, a middle-class movement, bitching about the aristocracy and the communist menace at the same time.  Therein it found its numbers -- not in the Jew-hating defects that came to control it.

The war in the Pacific was won because we knew who the enemy was and we had no goal but to defeat it.  Caring little for collateral damage, we did what it took to "absolute victory so help us God" so to speak.  Alas, as Pattin correctly observed, the enemy in Europe was Stallin.  We did everything we could to become his butt-boy and he enjoyed it immensely, I'm sure.  But ever back then, Americans wet their pants wanting things to be over -- victory? not so much.  Should have taken care of the Bolsheviks when we had the army and equipment there to do so.  Smiling Ike had other plans, as we all know.  From that point on, both he and his bitch, Nixon, were too soft on the CCCP -- note that discussion in the 1960 Kennedy-Nixon debates.  Kennedy's whole point was that Ike and Friend (NPI) did a lot of talking but were soft on the enemy.  Kind of a reversal of the usual political party line-ups, right?  Just like the faux-president lurking in the White House, who can't even talk the talk for crissakes, let alone walk the walk.  He is a pussy, that ineffectual metrosexual poser.

Solutions to all problems are the same: Bomb the shit out of the enemy and ignore the collateral damage and, most importantly, GET OUT OF TOWN!  Our defeats come from nation building, not military failures.  When they come back in another few years, bomb them again. Will that "work?"  No, not in the sense that they will forge lasting love and affection for democracy -- they never will.  Kill lots of them.  The term "recruiting tool" means the asshole downtown who told you that you could become a pilot if you joined the Army.  For the Muzzies, the only recruiting tool they need is the rape-some-virgins-in-heaven death-cult user guide. 

As for France, for example, Pussy Hollande did not allow the Front National (FN) Party to even participate in the so-called Unity Rallies.  That's okay, keep suppressing the underlying reactionary urges of the French and sooner or later the Muzzies will get their very own Kristallnacht. 

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Let's just add the fact that prior to WWII, Europe had several standing and well developed armies and navies, and those countries were considered as individual world powers, both militarily and economically.

They didn't want or need a EU, since each of the major nations could stand on their own. They all fought fiercely until such a time that they needed North America to help out: but even those days are gone. Now days, without the US, Europe would be steam-rolled by Russia, and god know what designs China has on the high seas and their new version of the Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere.

It's very different now,  especially since the current US administration has shown considerable naivete when dealing with Russia and Iran, has ceded vast swaths of territory to psychopathic Muslims, and has bought into the placid economic structure of European socialism. The US has not won a war in decades; its Congress is too pathetic to declare war, and its president is an operative trained by the Ghost of the Third ComIntern.

It's quite possible the the US will not be able to bail out Europe again, even if it wanted to. To be truthful; many of us wonder what will become of our own country now that our Constitution has been essentially trashed by the rodents in Washington, DC. Check out http://usdebtclock.org/ if you wish to view a dying empire.

I assure you, history does repeat itself but changes the tune, and I suspect the tune will not be any better than it was in 1914 or 1938. Just different. And you'll know it when your Internet becomes silent.

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The whole fucking world is just one big zit now, just begging to be popped.  But on our side of the ocean, we'll have to wait until we get a real man, and a real president, if we ever will again, before we can do anything about it. 

It will take a man who's not afraid of the liberal media.  Someone with a clear eye and a lot of guts to finally push back when it comes to these socialist Marxist traitors here in our country and across the seas.

Someone who has the guts and the willingness to fight a real war against these cock sucking Muslims, and who won't quit after some hollow victory, for some quick photo shoots and a press release. 

Like I said.  It will take a real man, or a true patriot, who still cares about the future of this country. 

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The whole fucking world is just one big zit now, just begging to be popped.  But on our side of the ocean, we'll have to wait until we get a real man, and a real president, if we ever will again, before we can do anything about it. 

It will take a man who's not afraid of the liberal media.  Someone with a clear eye and a lot of guts to finally push back when it comes to these socialist Marxist traitors here in our country and across the seas.

Someone who has the guts and the willingness to fight a real war against these cock sucking Muslims, and who won't quit after some hollow victory, for some quick photo shoots and a press release. 

Like I said.  It will take a real man, or a true patriot, who still cares about the future of this country.

Obama has no real power, he is nothing more than a puppet on a string.

Presidents are nothing more than Corporate Benchmen that take all the political heat,while the controllers remain in the shadows safe from public scrutiny.

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