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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2023) #38


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pour nous en France quand il ont passer la télévision du noir et blanc a la couleur   les décors sombre est  tous les invitées en  costumes noir et blanc c'était  super ou est l'erreur .

la c'est pareil leora avec des sous vêtement rouge vif qui passe direct au gris   (la franchement lumière allumée la différence aurait était la )

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1 hour ago, RAME said:

for us in France when they switched the television from black and white to color the dark sets and all the guests in black and white costumes it was great or is the mistake.

it's the same Leora with bright red underwear which goes straight to gray (the light was really on the difference would have been)


Perhaps he is the type of person who would be satisfied watching snooker or pool in black and white….

As I mentioned before, if a person sets their sights low they are never disappointed.

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2 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

They should revoke his Visa and send him back to Russia.  Putin could use more men on the frontlines.  :biggrin:

I'm surprised he hasn't been called already. Maybe he served his time. Seems like I saw him in an army uniform once and I'm sure Putin will take anyone he can grab!

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21 minutes ago, curious101 said:

I'm surprised he hasn't been called already. Maybe he served his time. Seems like I saw him in an army uniform once and I'm sure Putin will take anyone he can grab!

He was in practice in telecommunications  

Leora In military politics 

Eva at home 

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il y a une heure, curious101 a dit :

Je suis surpris qu'il n'ait pas déjà été appelé. Peut-être qu'il a purgé sa peine. On dirait que je l'ai vu une fois dans un uniforme militaire et je suis sûr que Poutine prendra tous ceux qu'il pourra attraper !

Oui c'est vrai ,pourquoi n'a t'il pas été appelé,alors que Poutine cherche des hommes désespérément ?

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