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B4 - General Topic 2023 #67 (November)

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4 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

She's a hermaphrodite not trans.  There are only around 525 confirmed hermaphrodites currently in the world.  

She's fucking weird. Yea...I said it. All you woke nimrods can bite the big one  (whew...that feels better).

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In addition to all that , we even lost Cecilia tonight as well , not the same interest like when she moved in the villa , fix her things , the annoying lighting that she INSTANTLY fixed after our complains , the nice and unique patent of water next to her bed and so many other tiny details showing that she LOVED being there ( immediately a first show later on )… yes , in the morning she had a great GOODBYE VILLA anal session ( she really knows how to fuck this woman ) , but it is all today really weird ..

It becomes way so much questionable , considering that the majority FINALLY AGREED that we had in the villas FINALLY ( except the disastrous  Child ) tenants to satisfy all needs . Super hit women , skinny ( Sara ) , more curves ( Lali ) , nice body anatomy ( Karma ) , model type ( Margo ) plus the amazing Cecilia and totally horny top blowjobber newcomer Sabina .. We finally got “ promised “ entering a month to Christmas with anything being posssible with all girls BEING BISEXUAL , nice chemistry amongst the majority of them , ALL LOOKED PERFECTLY GREAT ..


But then , it is like RLC said , NOT SO FAST , there should always be controversy , otherwise even the forum will get quiet 😂🤣😂 ( look what happens at the perfect happening apartments like Venera and Lion / Gyana and Dantez /  Barbie and Ken ) , it is like RLC WANTS TO CHECK VOICED REACTIONS HERE and that’s why they did / are doing what they do . 

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