botika216 Posted April 10, 2015 Posted April 10, 2015 Ya está el maricón de los cojones otra vez en el apartamento, con lo tranquila que estaba Rita bebiendo vino y todo, veremos lo que tarda en irse a la habitación...puto payaso de mierda, no queremos verte más por este apartamento, vete a la mierda! Lo he comentado antes, este piojoso se ha mudado aqui, cuantos dias lleva hay? 4-5 una semana, RLC-ESTAFADORES se rien de nosotros.
Gudari Posted April 10, 2015 Posted April 10, 2015 Muy feos gestos de Nora actualmente señalando a Kiko y de espaldas a Rita diciendo cómo que Rita está loca y contínuamente hablando al oído Nora a Kiko a espaldas de Rita, estos dos son unos hijos de puta, malnacidos y maleducados.
clubkev Posted April 11, 2015 Posted April 11, 2015 Has this guy moved in??? He is so annoying and ruins the house.
botika216 Posted April 11, 2015 Posted April 11, 2015 >:( >:( >:( Donde estan los chupapollas infiltrados RLC-ESTAFADORES para informar ya a sus jefes de que estamos hasta los cojones de la presencia de esta rata de alcantarilla en el apartamento.Fuera ya este gusano y tambien la sinverguenza de su novia-amante o mujer que se cree la dueña del apartamento.FUERA YA ESTOS PIOJOS.
euromike69 Posted April 11, 2015 Posted April 11, 2015 Why the fuck is this faggot ass leech still in an apartment that advertises as an all female cast,go find your own fucking place to stay and get the fuck out of here kiko, we don't pay to see you,if you want to see nora go rent a room and fuck her there, your fucking fifteen minutes are up WTF RLC!!! >:( >:( >:( >:( (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
Guest Ange_Gardien Posted April 11, 2015 Posted April 11, 2015 Why the fuck is this faggot ass leech still in an apartment that advertises as an all female cast,go find your own fucking place to stay and get the fuck out of here kiko, we don't pay to see you,if you want to see nora go rent a room and fuck her there, your fucking fifteen minutes are up WTF RLC!!! >:( >:( >:( >:( (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). Oui Monsieur, et sa sorcière font les tenanciers de bordel, observez bien "à quoi sert le portable?" ils suivent les connexions des clients peut être ils sont payés au pourcentage
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted April 11, 2015 Posted April 11, 2015 We've set up a Forum just for you bitches and flame warriors. :) It's here: Use it. So haul the irrelelvant shit over there so we don't have to waste our time reading it. Otherwise I might just start removing this crap. I'm sick of getting complaints about all this hostile fuck-head immature bullshit. It's not healthy for CamCaps. Thank you and and have a nice day.
euromike69 Posted April 11, 2015 Posted April 11, 2015 I appreciate it Mr.Foamy T and Adm, finally a place to let off some steam ::)but if you read the previous post you see that what all of us were talking about was RLC and about Nora and Kiko and here comes KOOLOOS trash talking us as he does every single day,nobody was talking about other cc members we were on topic talking about RLC,I'm going to see from now on how many times he talks about anything else but about the thread that he is in.
komptreyes Posted April 11, 2015 Posted April 11, 2015 Nora has been cooking up a storm this evening. Her, Dasha, and Alina have been cooking tonight. Must be getting ready for celebration tomorrow. I know that a lot of people give Nora a bunch of shit, but I have been watching her for several months, and even though she may have a bit of a cold exterior, she still has shown herself to be a nice person. In may just be that she is somewhat introverted or her eyeglasses style, but she really doesn't seem to be a bad or mean girl.
Guest joshua1584 Posted April 11, 2015 Posted April 11, 2015 I don't think there is any question that she is an introvert and what adds to the cold exterior is the fact that she rarely shows any emotion(happiness, sadness, frustration, etc). She just seems like a bland person to me.
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