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new couple - Suzan - Hector

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She's like a cobra winding up before she strikes in these pictures. Guess the guy deserves it after having all his mates around all night, seemingly every night.

His behavior has been very selfish and immature. I don't blame her for exploding. That kind of treatment to your wife is going to destroy just about any relationship. He should always put her first, but he should also be able to spend time with his male friends, too. Just not near as much as he has been doing.

One hour after their fight they had sex.

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I think that apartment is pretty disgusting... It just seems to give off something. Whenever I click to see whats happening, I always click away within a min or so, and have a strong need to wash.

I actually feel really sorry for Suzan. My thoughts are the couple thought they'd get a cheap place to live, just them on the 'lease' but have the male friends round/stay as well.

She looks unhappy, and I can't see the apartment lasting for long. Either she leaves, or RLC's does something about it.

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Actually I've never hear them speak, I assumed they are in Barcelona from the time difference so either Spanish, Catalan or South American.  Where are they from?

It seems they are from Czech Republic.

No, she said "Da" when answering yes to something. Not russian but something similar. The word for yes in CZ is "Ano". And they don´t speak czech, I would have recognized it as I lived in Prague for a while and actually studied czech a bit.

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Actually I've never hear them speak, I assumed they are in Barcelona from the time difference so either Spanish, Catalan or South American.  Where are they from?

It seems they are from Czech Republic.

No, she said "Da" when answering yes to something. Not russian but something similar. The word for yes in CZ is "Ano". And they don´t speak czech, I would have recognized it as I lived in Prague for a while and actually studied czech a bit.

I think they're Bulgarian but could be wrong it could be another country that uses Cyrillic alphabet like Moldovan.

I saw Cyrillic alphabet subtiltes on this laptop.

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Nice to have a series of relevant posts for a change. Nice work, gentlemen.

I don't watch them much, so your input is valuable.

Let me know when the take-out pizza box shows up on their kitchen table. I'm a great believer that pizza boxes don't lie, especially when they plaster their phone number in big type all over the box.

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you know all this information here, and believe me when I say they are in the Czech Republic !!! I do not say more ....

How defensive.. :)

Never said they weren´t in the Czech republic, just that they are not a czech speaking couple.

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