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I don't understand why nobody has not started using this section yet. Just as an example instead of adding more useless comments to picture sections complaining it has gone off topic (what a surprise) why not come here...  >:(

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You know what I hate...to laugh about? Austin is hands free for drivers now and it's about time. So the other day I am walking to the bus stop, on my way to work. I was crossing the street, with the light, in the crosswalk, and some bozo nearly hits me - missed by about a foot because I was watching and backed up. So I slapped his car on the way by and this not only startles him (the driver) but pisses him off. Firstly he isn't supposed to be texting while driving and secondly he nearly got me. So he pulls over presumably to kick my ass or at least yell at me; however before he gets out of his car he takes the time to finish his conversation -which is polite for the person at the other end. By that time I had finished crossing the street and was walking up the sidewalk past his car he had lost track of where I was and had to look around to find me. I was standing at the front end of his car, still on the sidewalk but just standing ... waiting... What he didn't realize though, because he was so intent on his phone use, was there was a policeman in the parking space behind me getting out of his car with ticket book in hand. The Dumbass driver got out only "Hey asshat..." before he realized his second or third screw-up. The policeman knew better but responded with "That better have been aimed at the person on the phone with you." Now, remember when I said he pulled over to yell at me? Well, he didn't pull off the road and was now blocking traffic. So what does the driver reply? "Did you see him hit my car?" The officer calmly asked, " You mean when you almost ran him over while you were texting? Yes I did and I also noticed you drove through the crosswalk while there was a pedestrian in it and you are now illegally parked and blocking traffic." "Did I miss anything?"

  Since the bus came before all the tickets were written I missed out on the rest of the conversation but that policeman was obviously good natured, I think since there had been no harm done, and had a wonderful, to me at least, sense of humor.

  Justice waited about two more hours before finishing up. It turns out the driver was a student at the business school where I am employed and I saw him again when I went into a class to help a professor. I had to ask him how it turned out and his reply was "because of you I may lose my license for six months." My answer was, "you mean when you almost hit me in a crosswalk while texting and then pulled over to yell at me for slapping your car as you passed, without pulling out of traffic and still taking the time to text some more. All this with a policeman near enough to see everything? I'm so sorry for your troubles." It was quiet as a cemetary in that classroom.

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You know what really grinds my gears the fact that time and time again over the years I've see the same group of guys Snaky,Ozi,Hampelo,Kooloos and Buster harass and say nasty shit to people and nothing ever gets done to them, and now they basically feel invincible to being punished by the Mods or Adm,I wish that I or the other members can go a least a day without these guys constantly trolling and stalking people on CC,to read their comments and bitch and whine about others bitching and whining,it's so ass-backwards it's not even funny anymore.

And on another note being at the atm drive-thru getting money and being surprised by a beggar at your passenger side window,has got to be one of the worst things ever!! and then they have the nerve to tell me that they know I got money because they can see the atm screen,and whenever I come back to that atm they will protect me whenever I come back there,needless to say I carry my gun in my lap whenever I go to an atm now 8) 8)

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You know what really grinds my gears the fact that time and time again over the years I've see the same group of guys Snaky,Ozi,Hampelo,Kooloos and Buster harass and say nasty shit to people and nothing ever gets done to them, and now they basically feel invincible to being punished by the Mods or Adm,I wish that I or the other members can go a least a day without these guys constantly trolling and stalking people on CC,to read their comments and bitch and whine about others bitching and whining,it's so ass-backwards it's not even funny anymore.

The problem I have is that the current flock of problems is not caused by Newbies, but by veteran CC members. Posts like "You're such an asshat," or "You're a stupid fuck-wit," especially in the Pictuers/Video sections are a big turn-off to Newbies and a perfectly good reason never to come back to visit CC.

The Rants and Flame Wars was created specifically for this kind of stuff.

My theory is that I should just copy such posts to the Flame Wars section, then remove the comments without explanation or warning.

In the meantime, I suggest you IGNORE such posts. It only serves to reward trollish behavior. If people are going to simply spew insults for trollish fun, then they shouldn't have anybody else in the sandbox to play with.

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You know what really grinds my gears the fact that time and time again over the years I've see the same group of guys Snaky,Ozi,Hampelo,Kooloos and Buster harass and say nasty shit to people and nothing ever gets done to them, and now they basically feel invincible to being punished by the Mods or Adm,I wish that I or the other members can go a least a day without these guys constantly trolling and stalking people on CC,to read their comments and bitch and whine about others bitching and whining,it's so ass-backwards it's not even funny anymore.

The problem I have is that the current flock of problems is not caused by Newbies, but by veteran CC members. Posts like "You're such an asshat," or "You're a stupid fuck-wit," especially in the Pictuers/Video sections are a big turn-off to Newbies and a perfectly good reason never to come back to visit CC.

The Rants and Flame Wars was created specifically for this kind of stuff.

My theory is that I should just copy such posts to the Flame Wars section, then remove the comments without explanation or warning.

In the meantime, I suggest you IGNORE such posts. It only serves to reward trollish behavior. If people are going to simply spew insults for trollish fun, then they shouldn't have anybody else in the sandbox to play with.

Lol,Oh my wise and powerful leader Mr. Foamy T. I thank both you and the Adm for making this section for me to vent my frustrations without going overboard on the other pages that were meant for pic/videos, i'm pretty sure you've seen my handy-work page after page ;D, anyways I've tried time and time again to ignore these clowns,but just like an hemorrhoid on a fat bitch they just keepon flaring up and provoking me and others on here, and then they log off and wait for our reactions to what nasty things they say about us,believe me I really want to ignore them but in real life I never take shit from nobody,I guess i'm just gonna have to learn to do so on CC too,they ruin the fun that people try to have on CC,when I or anyone else comments about any topic,or about the people of RLC,they seek us out just to talk shit about us personally, instead of sticking to the topic or thread they are in,the evidence to what I'm saying is there on the pages it is not hard to find people like kooloos calling everyone a" FUCKWIT" and day after day trying to insult people that's not cool at all, I will take your advise,as difficult as it might be and get the hell outta that sandbox and let these trolls play amongst themselves.

150413034028578794.gif150413034029408932.jpg150413034032471294.png ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) 8) ::) ::)

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I ban spammers.  >:(

I ban people peddling any virus.  >:(

I ban any RLC woman who gives me crab lice. So far, I haven't banned any of those girls.  :-*

I hesitate to ban any long standing member (get it? -- "long standing member!"  ;D) who has contributed in the past. And though many posts annoy me, I'm willing to put up with Snaky and Buster and Kooloos because they have been interesting in the past and occasionally contribute.

All I want is a healthy CamCaps ambiance. There are enough problems in the world as it is. We're here to have fun, and the major part of the fun is having civilized discussions that invite new members to join.

My discourse is not directed at any one member in particular. I think such bickering and  arguments at CC happen whenever RLC or CC become boring.

Maybe we need some new kittens at the apartments to get things interesting again. Let's hope they're bipedal and trained by Meerkat.

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I ban spammers.  >:(

I ban people peddling any virus.  >:(

I ban any RLC woman who gives me crab lice. So far, I haven't banned any of those girls.  :-*

I hesitate to ban any long standing member (get it? -- "long standing member!"  ;D) who has contributed in the past. And though many posts annoy me, I'm willing to put up with Snaky and Buster and Kooloos because they have been interesting in the past and occasionally contribute.

All I want is a healthy CamCaps ambiance. There are enough problems in the world as it is. We're here to have fun, and the major part of the fun is having civilized discussions that invite new members to join.

My discourse is not directed at any one member in particular. I think such bickering and  arguments at CC happen whenever RLC or CC become boring.

Maybe we need some new kittens at the apartments to get things interesting again. Let's hope they're bipedal and trained by Meerkat.

Alina now has a turtle. Was a bit cool seeing the cat following it around the apartment. Surprised the cat never bothered taking swipes with the paw at it.
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I ban spammers.  >:(

I ban people peddling any virus.  >:(

I ban any RLC woman who gives me crab lice. So far, I haven't banned any of those girls.  :-*

I hesitate to ban any long standing member (get it? -- "long standing member!"  ;D) who has contributed in the past. And though many posts annoy me, I'm willing to put up with Snaky and Buster and Kooloos because they have been interesting in the past and occasionally contribute.

All I want is a healthy CamCaps ambiance. There are enough problems in the world as it is. We're here to have fun, and the major part of the fun is having civilized discussions that invite new members to join.

My discourse is not directed at any one member in particular. I think such bickering and  arguments at CC happen whenever RLC or CC become boring.

Maybe we need some new kittens at the apartments to get things interesting again. Let's hope they're bipedal and trained by Meerkat.

You know what really grinds my gears? Going to the dentist today and getting poked like crazy with needles by a hot ass brunette chick and the whole entire time I was in pain but couldn't flinch or show any weakness because she was so damn HOTTT!!!!! lol.

"LONG STANDING MEMBERS" don't you mean  "LONG STANDING ASSHOLES" LMAOO ;D ;D....I actually joined CC way before you and those guys MR.Foamy T, In the early parts of 2013,but my "designated porn" laptop mysteriously quit on me with all my saved passwords and all the information from all the porn sites that I frequented including CC.I guess I downloaded one too many Aisian Bukkake and Panty job videos LMFAOO!! For the life of me I could not remember any of my information so i could log back into CC,anyways even though I hate to say it but sometimes they do make sense or have a valid point with some of their comments,and dear I say sometimes I actually agree with them,but if you ask anybody on CC,it's the way they go about doing it and the way they curse at,and put people down just for the hell of it."that really grinds my gears" :o :o

RLC is pretty boring right now so yes you will see a lot of whining and bitching on CC. I've watched you Mr. Foamy over the years and i don't ever recall you getting into an argument with anyone on CC,you are a well respected and a pretty good guy overall,well maybe every now and then someone incurs your squirrely  wrath and you shut them down lol ;D ;D ;D

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