Foamy T. Squirrel Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 Hey, at least he's giving his opinion and not insulting anyone here, and this is a discussion thread. I'm an old-school nora lover -- but to an extent, he's got a point. I loved the pix with Nora dressed as a nun: Mother Nora was a hilarious post. I'm beginning to feel a bit like Nurse Ratchet around here myself. Maybe I need some time off from modding. I hear the weather is good in Barcelona this time of year. ;D 8) :P So your mod approach is: "it's ok to insult the tenants just because you like them a little less then others, but it's not ok to respond to peoples crap and nasty comments" ? People who we've never met in our lives and never will. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this forum is not about CC members and keeping their feelings intact, but about RLC inhabitants and discussions about them. When these discussions start turning into hate rants and head bashing of tenants, luckily there are a few members here(including myself) who will respond to them defending the tenants My mod approach in this case is to suggest that I don't agree with him, but I'm glad he's stating his opinion in a discussion thread and not in a picture thread. The Picture threads are getting too junked up around here with bullshit and flame wars crap. And yes, the shopped picture with Nora as a "Mother" nun was hilarious, well crafted, and even Nora would have laughed about it. I'm personally tired of the head bashing going on between CC members. If it continues I'll either leave or do some head bashing myself. The constant mod reports are pissing me off. One week of modding for this board and you'd be just as disgusted as the Sheriff and I are with all the /btards that inhabit this place.
Ozi Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 Hey, at least he's giving his opinion and not insulting anyone here, and this is a discussion thread. I'm an old-school nora lover -- but to an extent, he's got a point. I loved the pix with Nora dressed as a nun: Mother Nora was a hilarious post. I'm beginning to feel a bit like Nurse Ratchet around here myself. Maybe I need some time off from modding. I hear the weather is good in Barcelona this time of year. ;D 8) :P So your mod approach is: "it's ok to insult the tenants just because you like them a little less then others, but it's not ok to respond to peoples crap and nasty comments" ? People who we've never met in our lives and never will. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this forum is not about CC members and keeping their feelings intact, but about RLC inhabitants and discussions about them. When these discussions start turning into hate rants and head bashing of tenants, luckily there are a few members here(including myself) who will respond to them defending the tenants My mod approach in this case is to suggest that I don't agree with him, but I'm glad he's stating his opinion in a discussion thread and not in a picture thread. The Picture threads are getting too junked up around here with bullshit and flame wars crap. And yes, the shopped picture with Nora as a "Mother" nun was hilarious, well crafted, and even Nora would have laughed about it. I'm personally tired of the head bashing going on between CC members. If it continues I'll either leave or do some head bashing myself. The constant mod reports are pissing me off. One week of modding for this board and you'd be just as disgusted as the Sheriff and I are with all the /btards that inhabit this place. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 Don't anybody get the wrong idea about me and Snaky. We're best buddies. I like him a lot. He's not a /b/tard. ---Unless Leora starts painting pictures of Snakes instead of Squirrels, and posting them next to her owl. Then I'll get pissed. (And so will the skunk.)---
alextoy2 Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 Nora est enceinte et attend un bébé et ça va être une fille lol ;D
happyone Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 Nora has called the girls into the bathroom for cleanup-she has plastic bag for trash and is trying to find out about all the bottles of stuff-Oh looks like Kristy had to take and empty bottle of water out!!!
CC62 Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 Das ist ja auch richtig was Nora da macht, die geht den ganzen Tag Arbeiten, und soll noch den Dreck von den Partymädchen weg machen, die nix anderes im Kopf haben wie Schlafen, Strand, Essen, Party... Ich finde das voll OK........
legrandrobert Posted August 9, 2015 Author Posted August 9, 2015 Das ist ja auch richtig was Nora da macht, die geht den ganzen Tag Arbeiten, und soll noch den Dreck von den Partymädchen weg machen, die nix anderes im Kopf haben wie Schlafen, Strand, Essen, Party... Ich finde das voll OK........ Iwould like to know what you said but I do not speak German.
Frankster Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 Das ist ja auch richtig was Nora da macht, die geht den ganzen Tag Arbeiten, und soll noch den Dreck von den Partymädchen weg machen, die nix anderes im Kopf haben wie Schlafen, Strand, Essen, Party... Ich finde das voll OK........ Iwould like to know what you said but I do not speak German. just use google translate, works fine.
snaky Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 Such a little thing as cupcakes, yet the Queen once again finds a way to bring peace to the household. Everyone is having tea with cupcakes. Everyone is happy. Go Nora!
snaky Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 I sometimes think Nora butts in too much but she tries to involve the mates with the games and entertainment. Seeing her in bed naked tonight she has a lovely creamy body and can be very sexy. She keeps intervening in their lives because she likes to be the center of attention. If RLC has any intention on keeping Kristy and Kamila on a permanent basis then they should offer them an apartment where they can be alone and not have any interference from Nora. StnCld, your first sentence says it all. I can't explain why no one else seems to even consider that as a possibility. Maybe because it's not true and only "his" opinion, key words being "i sometimes think". Did you ever consider "that" as a possibility?
HarleyFatboy Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 I sometimes think Nora butts in too much but she tries to involve the mates with the games and entertainment. Seeing her in bed naked tonight she has a lovely creamy body and can be very sexy. She keeps intervening in their lives because she likes to be the center of attention. If RLC has any intention on keeping Kristy and Kamila on a permanent basis then they should offer them an apartment where they can be alone and not have any interference from Nora. StnCld, your first sentence says it all. I can't explain why no one else seems to even consider that as a possibility. Maybe because it's not true and only "his" opinion, key words being "i sometimes think". Did you ever consider "that" as a possibility? What the "hell" is it with all these "words" that are in "quotation" marks? You forgot to put "possibility" in quotation marks! I can feel the venom coursing through my veins already LOL
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