TBG 150 Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 After all of the shit that goes on from these so-called 'Refugees', our Muslim President is breaking all of the rules to allow these shitbags into this country to start their cells. Thank God, that he is a very short timer now. And with Swillery teetering on going to prison, and most of the country not wanting a Socialist regime from that ancient and decrepit Bernie idiot, we may just have a chance at defeating the left wing millennials and get ourselves back on track. Not sure who can handle that job, but it's going to be a tough run for all involved. Trump can't shut his mouth, Cruz isn't a U.S. born citizen and Rubio is too young in the eyes of most.
Guest Posted January 29, 2016 Posted January 29, 2016 After all of the shit that goes on from these so-called 'Refugees', our Muslim President is breaking all of the rules to allow these shitbags into this country to start their cells. Thank God, that he is a very short timer now. And with Swillery teetering on going to prison, and most of the country not wanting a Socialist regime from that ancient and decrepit Bernie idiot, we may just have a chance at defeating the left wing millennials and get ourselves back on track. Not sure who can handle that job, but it's going to be a tough run for all involved. Trump can't shut his mouth, Cruz isn't a U.S. born citizen and Rubio is too young in the eyes of most. You Americans will have really hard times in the future as you don´t have any ideal candidates for the presidency. With any one of those on top of the polls now, the U.S. will lose a big part of its political and economic power and has to give more space to China conquering the world economy. For us Europeans, the persons you have mentioned - clearly you seem to have no other choices but Republicans - are walking catastrophes. And Hillary Clinton as well as Sanders are too old in my eyes. You urgently need someone to save you. What about Bloomberg, what do you think of him? I don´t know his political stands. Has he got too much money?
Timewarp Posted January 29, 2016 Posted January 29, 2016 I'll bet you all 10 bucks that Hillary is going nowhere and she wins. She eats this stuff for breakfast and has been under investigation since 1992. It's time that here detractors gave up. You lost a long time ago. As for the country falling apart, perhaps I should list the 100 scary things that were going to happen if Barack Obama was elected/reelected that have never happened. We will survive just fine and if we get some reasonable players on the Supreme Court perhaps we can get on with the business of the 21st century and resist the pull to go back to the 1950's.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted January 29, 2016 Author Posted January 29, 2016 Since 2010, I have been forced to change the medical policy (that I liked) 5 times and my medical doctors (that I liked) 4 times. My premiums have more than doubled, and so have the deductibles. The out-of-pocket for a routine office visit has gone from $7 to $50. I'd say "to hell with it" and just plan on dying soon, but then I'd be fined, and I don't want to give these jack-asses any more money because they don't do anything whatsoever to protect my liberty or nation, and are in fact doing everything they can to destroy them. Fuck 'em all.
Thestarider Posted January 29, 2016 Posted January 29, 2016 And the establishment is awe that someone like Donald Trump will probably be our next president, says so much for our great nation doesn't it. What ever happened to the Reagan's of this country. They wonder why Puttin is advancing the Russian counties on the world stage.... It's really simple, he's got balls !!!!!!
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted January 29, 2016 Author Posted January 29, 2016 He's a poll that should elicit some arguments and discussions: Without involvement and interference by the United States, how long could the EU hold up against a Russian conquest? 1) Two weeks. 2) Two months. 3) Four months, with negotiations slowing it down. 4) 20 minutes if it went nuclear. 5) If Paul was in charge of the Russian army, the Russian advance would only last 3 minutes, so it's not a problem. 6) The Caliphate already has it in the bag, so Russia isn't a problem.
Robbo56 Posted January 29, 2016 Posted January 29, 2016 7) The Russians would get so bored with the EU nations arguing with each other about every last detail of the war, that they would decide they didn't want it after all and go back to Russia.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted January 29, 2016 Author Posted January 29, 2016 I think their exit strategy would be through Barcelona so they could do some clubbing with the girls first. :P
Timewarp Posted January 31, 2016 Posted January 31, 2016 My rebuttal, rebuttal. This is the world facilitated and encouraged by the political views of some. This is not the world I see going forward. http://usuncut.com/world/masked-men-storms-swedish-train-station-beating-child-refugees/
Linked Posted February 2, 2016 Posted February 2, 2016 If you would read the comments to that article, there were a few people from Sweden who commented in the comments section. (At least their facebook said they were from Sweden.) These were not just random kids. These "kids" were a part of a gang who harasses and cause general havoc in this station. Most of the "kids" who were attacked were between the ages of 15 and 25. Of course, in liberal world 25 is still a kid. These "kids" were a part of a GANG. but hey, they are immigrants so we have to let them get there way when it comes to harassing the women and attacking security guards. It's just a damn shame that no leftist media outlet in the world will touch the fact that these masked men stood up for there country and are labeled neo-Nazi. which I will not lie might be the case and I don't condone the way they went about it. but it just goes to show the fact what these migrants and their 5th century ways are making people do. By the way, I had to leave my local Walmart yesterday without my groceries because I literally watched a Somalian refugee take a shit on the floor inbetween the beer case and the milk case. I guess the bathroom that was 100 yards away from his able body was to far. That's right he lifter up his man burka and shit right on the floor. From the looks of the guys who had to come clean it up, this was an everyday occurrence. Not to mention there is only one makeshift masque in that town and I have seen an official FBI report that says they are watching BokuHarram terrorist in that mosque. As a member of the National Guard with our Armory not 400yrds from that Mosque they sent us a report so on drill weekends we knew what was going on because quite frankly our National Guard Armories are not very secure. But, Hey, they are just trying to make better lives for themselves so it is ok. :bang head:
ww_watcher Posted February 16, 2016 Posted February 16, 2016 One of the arguments about America being the melting pot of the worls and that we should embrace the cultures or risk being labeled a "racist" (although the word "racist" is incorrect in this context). We should observe that the "melting pot" was filled mostly with european immigrants whose religion was the same. It is where the term WASP (white anglo-saxon protestant) came from. While we bickered alot among ourselves we had a common tenet; the 15...OY! 10 commandments (a little Mel Brooks humor). When the Asians started immigrating here they brought with them the Tao of Buddhism, Shintoism, and others, and, though many were brought here as indentured servants or slaves, they didn't require nor ask for help in making a new life. Nor did they even try and force their philosophy or traditions on us. In general they lived peacefully and worked hard. They were here to start a new life not carry on a failed life. The folks from the middle east are not so easy to get along with and have demonstrated that throughout history. The area around the eastern Mediterranian was the cradle of early civilizations but because they couldn't stop fighting among themselves (that includes Rome and Greece) they failed but what they left us in math, science, and medicine has endured. Even Persia was a large contributer to today's intellectualism. However the rest rest of the world around the middle east matured and continued to build but the world between the Med and, say, India has fallen to ruin because its inhabitants couldn't get above the narrow vision of their religion. Keep in mind that we very nearly didn't make it either. Many thanks should go out to the Lutherans for starting the movement of religious reform. Keep in mind the degrading life of the Castrati (young boys who were castrated before puberty in order to retain their "angelic" voices), who were often sold to the church because of poverty and used as sex slaves for the self-proclaimed overly pious Catholic Church. We had witch hunts, the burning and looting of the peasant farms in europe because they still worshipped pagan Gods or disagreed with the church in some other way. Think of the hardships endured by the pioneers of the intellect such as Galileo, et al. I personally believe we have not grown up very much in the last 200 years but our technology has and has allowed us to improve on the violence we can inflict on others while retaining a measure of self-serving detachment. Our great country has fallen because we tried to embrace everything without the thought of whether we should. Look at the generation after mine, faces stuck in the phones, no knowledge of our history - so destined to be repeated, hyper-violent games such as GTA that have started showing the resulting shift in their psyche (and don't try and convince me otherwise because I been in the middle of the technology that enabled it). Now we have drones that further allow us a terrible detachment from the reality of killing and we have started training our teens to make the best use of this. Our medicine has only improved because of the momentum in tech but the pharmaceutical gods only investigate things which turn profit. Like the tech to fix heart disease that is preventable and cheaply turned around. We have become a society of narcissists and anachists-for-profit. Like many adolescents we only think in turns of "me". Ozi, you mentioned earlier in this forum that America was the only country to come out of WWII unscathed. We didn't. During the war our county's infrastructure was turned into a war machine that collapsed in on itself causing a financial depression that is still reverberating today. Such as we had to use steel and aluminum (Aluminium for you Aussies) -bad, instead of copper -good, for house wiring because it had all been used for ammunition. The women had been working in the factories and now had to transition to men except that many of the women were now single mothers but still had to give up their jobs to men, but now the factories had to lay off a bunch of people or close completely because they no longer needed to build thousands of tanks and airplanes. The Rothchilds, Rockefellers, and others including the Bushes (among the founders of the Federal Reserve) have been profitting from that ever since. We rebuilt Germany and Japan and they are better at many things now because we didn't upgrade our own infrastructure. Woodie, the fight between the "Left" and "Right" has become inane at best. Conservativism has taken on an adulterated definition and no longer means holding to traditional values. Liberalism now means let's accept everything right or wrong and we'll deal with the consequences later. Most of the Republican politicians are directly responsible for moving our labor force off-shore to avoid paying higher wages and the Democrats want to give everything away because there are those who make excuses for their poverty and we must accept them. Both sides are responsible for our country's present plight. Someone in this forum said if you don't accept homosexuality you must be homophobic. To that person, if God-Creation-Nature had intended for us to practice that lifestyle we would be hermaphriditic...like worms and such. Regardless of what you think it is all about sex, nothing else. Our species developed spiritualism when we became self-aware we (and certain other mammals) are the only species to have experienced love as a result; but that is often confused with lust. I won't tease or harrass someone because they prefer to have sex with the same gender but I don't want to be forced by law to accept it. Actually I resent it. It has been a contributor to the downfall of every civilization on the planet because the hedonism involved became the focus instead of the onus of life and providing for a family. Oh yes, as always there are exceptions to this but they are irrelevant in the larger picture. The parable of Sodom and Gamorrah illustrated this quite nicely. It is a lesson delivered every so often, in our +15,000 year old history as a species, but, because we seem to have to re-learn life's lessons every few generations, we are going through it again. Someone here asked to name a european country that has failed because of socialism. Actually, I can name several. France, Italy, Germany, Greece, Spain, England, Sweden, and Norway to name a few. They have all nearly collapsed due to a socialist government - and fascism for some. The only reason many of these countries didn't go down completely was because of colonialism and the aquisition/exploitation of resources from another country such as the US and Africa. Greece can't blame its problem on the European conglomerate, they relied heavily on tourism because their own currency could not support a country whose leaders didn't enforce the paying of taxes and refused to live within their means. Sound familiar? We are doing that too except we manipulate the world economy and our leaders don't rely on (couldn't care less about) the Dollar. The average American is feeling the crunch because this is happening and we have forgotten how to save and live without credit. But this too isn't new. The jewish communities in the bible teach us that interest is evil and they would run the "money changers" out of town. Where do you think the adage, "Never a borrower nor a lender be." came from. I should stop here because I have exceeded the attention span of many and my voice is likely falling on deaf ears. So the point is, stop squabbling about who's smarter and/or better informed and put your combined intellect to work solving things. You'll hit upon a solution much faster. I invite arguments but refrain from insults and expletives for they are the sign post of the ignorant, don't fix anything and are meant only to make yourself feel superior, and I won't respond.
BBsq69 Posted February 16, 2016 Posted February 16, 2016 Deja vu. This nonsense again. Norway, by far the richest country in the Western world has collapsed :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Whenever there are international statistics on anything like education, health, disposable income etc., Norway and Sweden are pretty much top of everything. The UK (which I presume you referred to as England) collapsed due to fighting 2 World Wars and have been reduced to only having the 6th largest economy in the world despite having it's huge financial sector shagged by being stupid enough to fall for all those US toxic debts. BTW because the UK is so free market it does not even protect its own vital industries and resources unlike the protectionist US - I am not saying, the US is wrong to do that, quite the opposite, but in certain aspects the UK appears to be philosophically to the right still. Please detail in every way, how exactly socialism has destroyed those countries rather than just assert and repeat in the hope to what you hope is true equals a valid argument. And as for the other countries, were you asleep when the Global Financial crisis caused by greedy deregulated bankers happened? A lot of them suffered because Germany had decided to include them in their financial club (which has quite a bit to do with WWII as well) by bending the rules of the club to let them in. And Berlusconi the socialist ... hilarious. Someone here asked to name a european country that has failed because of socialism. Actually, I can name several. France, Italy, Germany, Greece, Spain, England, Sweden, and Norway to name a few. They have all nearly collapsed due to a socialist government - and fascism for some. 1
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