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New Girl is Ilona Split #2

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The only good thing about Ilona trip is that the bottle in the fridge will probably have to be shared with two girls instead of three.

Oh...and maybe a cheaper electricity bill :)

I hope Irma and Anna have some good plans for tonight. "3 girls" was barely enough for a party...what can we expect with 2 girls only now ?

Ilona, come back soon and bring over all your vk friends and set this apartment on fire !

PS: On a second thought, maybe not all your friends. You have far too many :)

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I think Ilona may have said her goodbye to Irma last night with the Massage she kissed her hugged her then came back in and kissed her again. Also when the 3 girls were in Anna's room before this Ilona gave a very quick wave at the Camera.It doesn't seem that she has gone for good, but we will know in time.

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i was just thinking and it dawned on me that everything ilona is doing is the samething nora was doing to k&k everytime k&k were doing something together nora would come in and interfere and get in the middle or in the way of what they were doing and include herself into what they were doing.who remembers nora walking in on kamila when kamila was trying to masturbate and nora walked in and then left the door open.thats the samething ilona is doing for example the night anna wanted to masturbate and ilona was making noise and anna covered up she interfered in that to she didnt walk in on anna but she made her cover up and the day irma tried to masturbate and she barged into her room just to show irma something on her phone and last night when anna and irma were talking in irma room for awhile and she walked in irma room and demanded a massage.and the other days when anna and irma were dancing in the kitchen and she was on her laptop all of the sudden she wanted to dance just because they were dancing and having fun.for me she just wants to be the center of attention and be or get involved and but in on everything irma and anna are doing.just my thoughts on the situation.

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Just an observation:

We seem to be very hard on RLC, when they are the ones providing the entertainment.  How can they know the subtle personalities of the tenants?  When they are interviewing, I am sure the people show their best.  Once in the apartment, the slow progression of being comfortable lets their true selves out.

Let the real life bring us as much joy as it can.  Let RLC learn the lessons that must be learned as this experiment progresses.  Look at all the retired people in the list.  This has been a learning experience for them, too.  I think that 2016 will be a great year for this site.

Happy New Year everyone.  Go out to a party with friends or a pub to make new friends, and mingle with real people...these folks will be there when we get back.

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