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Where are the Girls and What are they doing now ? ~ Part #1

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Good job, book. A nice explanation of Kami and coke boy. I think though she needs to break up once and for all and move on. He needs that too though he doesn't know it. All of us have gone through these things and honestly a clean break will make it easier on him. And she will never marry him. Now that she met another guy and had fun with him she knows what she has to do. Will she do the right thing and let him off? He is hopelessly hooked on her, no good basis for a long term relationship. 

She does not know what true love is honestly. But she is young, she has time. And love isn't just good sex. It is much more. having been married for 33 years, I know what love is. Coke boy and her is not love.

Book, she will find true love one day. no reason to tie herself down to a clingy guy. No matter what gifts he gives her. He is just buying her affection, no good reason for a relationship.

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Kamila or kristy aren't doing anything new,,we all travel and meet new people all over the world and fuck them,,,we all have relationships that we find very difficult to end,,(trust me I should know),,we all had to learn life's lessons the hard way,,,,I've been In both Coke Boy's and kamila's positions,,,I've made many mistakes throughout my life,,but that's what makes us part of the Human race.

What these girls are going through is not unique to them alone,,,it's just that they got cameras documenting their every word and movements in the apt,,We seem to forget sometimes just how young these girls are,,so we tend to think that they know exactly what to do in every situation that comes before them,,they have to learn from their mistakes,,we all had to go through what they are going through right now.

10 years from now,,kamila probably won't even remember who Coke Boy is,,and if she does,she may look back and wonder why she was even with him in the first place,,but after a while she might just laugh about it and say,"Thank you Coke Boy,,if it wasn't for you treating me like crap,,I would have never met the guy I'm with right now",,


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14 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

Kamila or kristy aren't doing any thing new,,we all travel and meet new people all over the world and fuck them,,,we all have relationships that we find very difficult to end,,(trust me I should know),,we all had to learn life's lessons the hard way,,,,I've been In both Coke Boy's and kamila's positions,,,I've made many mistakes throughout my life,,but that's what makes us part of the Human race.

What these girls are going through is not unique to them alone,,,it's just that they got cameras documenting their every word and movements in the apt,,We seem to forget sometimes just how young these girls are,,so we tend to think that they know exactly what to do in every situation that comes before them,,they have to learn from their mistakes,,we all had to go through what they are going through right now.

10 years from now,,kamila probably won't even remember who Coke Boy is,,and if she does,she may look back and wonder why she was even with him in the first place,,but after a while she might just laugh about it and say,"Thank you Coke Boy,,if it wasn't for you treating me like crap,,I would have never met the guy I'm with right now",,


It seems that some people need to grab their bibs also, because they absolutely eat up every bullshit and fake thing that is being said about the girls on this forum. Those people are the very ones that have no bigger desire in life, than to be the ones plowing these young pussies. Therefore, they feel immediate hatred for any guy appearing in these girls' lives, and need to know every juicy detail of their sex life if such is to be spoken of in some conversation. PATHETIC!

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1 hour ago, bookmaster8 said:


Whether their relationship continues or ends abruptly in the near future, I have every confidence that Kamila's decision will be based on what she wants her future to be like and how much she is willing to "compromise" in order to accept a long-term, committed, relationship.


Yes. This seams to be a very matching and wise statement. ... And in every scenario I can imagine, she will find her way.

1 hour ago, bookmaster8 said:


So, to sum it up, I believe we are seeing "real life" here (imagine that) and it amazes me that some people don't seem to allow themselves to even consider that possibility because they hate RLC so much.


No. I think it is sometimes good to question even the seemingly obvious things, because most of the time there are more to see if you try to view it from different angles.

Everything what we saw in this apartment would fit for both scenarios. It could be a real part of the lives of the girls or it could be mostly a story line that they are agreed to provide to us. I can not find clear prove for both. This do not mean this apartment is fake, but it also do not mean that i am convinced that it is real. 

Ultimately, it do not matter, since the largest profit as viewer of this apartment are the girls.

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1 hour ago, snaky said:

It seems that some people need to grab their bibs also, because they absolutely eat up every bullshit and fake thing that is being said about the girls on this forum. Those people are the very ones that have no bigger desire in life, than to be the ones plowing these young pussies. Therefore, they feel immediate hatred for any guy appearing in these girls' lives, and need to know every juicy detail of their sex life if such is to be spoken of in some conversation. PATHETIC!

So far, I liked to see every guy that appearing in the apartment of the girls and do not feel any hate about the girls, there friends or there boyfriends at all. I prefere to see the real life of people and all of the guests there are a part of it so there are more than welcome. :)

The "bullshit and fake thing" you mentioned are just a critical view on how real this apartment really is. Do you find it not strange that K & BF (K) had there first sex (btw, a ridiculously short one) in this apartment on day before vecation, even if (considering the translations) they were abstinent for a long time before. All this fit so well to an season brake cliffhanger scenario that i can not understand why someone blame this kind of obvious question. Are you still have a trip to the north pole to search for santa claus every year?

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35 minutes ago, MrBox said:

The "bullshit and fake thing" you mentioned are just a critical view on how real this apartment really is. Do you find it not strange that K & BF (K) had there first sex (btw, a ridiculously short one) in this apartment on day before vecation, even if (considering the translations) they were abstinent for a long time before. All this fit so well to an season brake cliffhanger scenario that i can not understand why someone blame this kind of obvious question. Are you still have a trip to the north pole to search for santa claus every year?

Just my opinion.

Just before going in vacation, K&K has increased their shows :

  • Kristy has played with her kitty in the bathoom
  • Kamilla has played with her kitty in the bathoom
  • Kamilla has her 2nd real mastubation in the bedroom
  • Kamilla has spent some times naked in the other rooms of the appartment

In my opinion, RLC told them to give "more", but i don't think K&Coke Boy sex was for the show. Kamilla was excited since a few day and i also think as Kamilla broke up with Coke boy, he did all he can to reconquer Kamilla.


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It sounds like to me that they played up to the cameras just before going on vacation because they new they were going to be gone for 2 weeks and that the apartment was going to be down for the two weeks while Kristy's friends were there.  Just my .02

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8 hours ago, snaky said:

It seems that some people need to grab their bibs also, because they absolutely eat up every bullshit and fake thing that is being said about the girls on this forum. Those people are the very ones that have no bigger desire in life, than to be the ones plowing these young pussies. Therefore, they feel immediate hatred for any guy appearing in these girls' lives, and need to know every juicy detail of their sex life if such is to be spoken of in some conversation. PATHETIC!

Snaky, I don't hate the guy. Neither does mikey. Mikey even speaks from personal experience having been in the guy's position for a long time. 

Coke boy has trouble letting go of Kami and Kami doesn't make it easy on him. Cut him loose, Kami, let him live his life. It is a horrible feeling being hooked to a girl. And no basis for a true relationship. I am married 33 years and I know how the give and take of a true relationship works.

But, as Mikey says Kami and Kristy and all the girls are young. Let's give them a chance to make  their  own mistakes.

I do get what you are saying though snaky. You are talking more of the "stalkers", the ones who have to find out every private detail of their private lives. I have no need to know all that.

I will say though that all people like Kitek and Yury do is translate conversations the girls  have out loud. They don't translate what they say outside of rlc.

This is a voyeur site and people are naturally curious about where they are going in their lives or sex lives. This is a soap opera and people want to know how it will "end".

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9 hours ago, euromike69 said:

Kamila or kristy aren't doing anything new,,we all travel and meet new people all over the world and fuck them,,,we all have relationships that we find very difficult to end,,(trust me I should know),,we all had to learn life's lessons the hard way,,,,I've been In both Coke Boy's and kamila's positions,,,I've made many mistakes throughout my life,,but that's what makes us part of the Human race.

What these girls are going through is not unique to them alone,,,it's just that they got cameras documenting their every word and movements in the apt,,We seem to forget sometimes just how young these girls are,,so we tend to think that they know exactly what to do in every situation that comes before them,,they have to learn from their mistakes,,we all had to go through what they are going through right now.

10 years from now,,kamila probably won't even remember who Coke Boy is,,and if she does,she may look back and wonder why she was even with him in the first place,,but after a while she might just laugh about it and say,"Thank you Coke Boy,,if it wasn't for you treating me like crap,,I would have never met the guy I'm with right now",,


Mikey, thank you for posting again. As long as you are calm you are a great read. I like your perspective. See, people thought all you were good for was your pics. You are much more than that.

And I agree with what you say about the  girls. I write books. I could  probably write a  good soap opera. People just die to read or guess where the characters are going. Who they will fuck, who they will go out with, who they will break up with, who they get along with, who they hate. That and the sexiness of the girls are why we watch. We fantasize we are fucking them, they are sucking our dicks, they are eating us out (that one is for Lyree).

So have fun people. Don't get in too deep though. It is just fantasy after all.

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7 hours ago, MrBox said:

So far, I liked to see every guy that appearing in the apartment of the girls and do not feel any hate about the girls, there friends or there boyfriends at all. I prefere to see the real life of people and all of the guests there are a part of it so there are more than welcome. :)

The "bullshit and fake thing" you mentioned are just a critical view on how real this apartment really is. Do you find it not strange that K & BF (K) had there first sex (btw, a ridiculously short one) in this apartment on day before vecation, even if (considering the translations) they were abstinent for a long time before. All this fit so well to an season brake cliffhanger scenario that i can not understand why someone blame this kind of obvious question. Are you still have a trip to the north pole to search for santa claus every year?

Soap opera, Mr. Box. Just see it that way and you will get it. But, the stuff with coke boy was real. The poor guy is hopelessly hooked on Kami.

And if they want to show us stuff, I won't be one to complain.

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