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Here we piss and moan about CC Mods

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ok. so nobody will admit that they removed my post. so i will apologize for that. but i have just reviewed the rule adjustment posted in the dana/clay thread. i definitely did not violate that rule. i made a statement of fact that sparky claims to hate staged sex while at the same time being an expert on vh & chaturbate. do you think that he gained that knowledge by NOT WATCHING 24/7? did he see it on the local news? did his parrish priest give a serman about it which made him check out the sites so that he would then be able to tell everyone how horrible they are? and does that give him the freedom to continually say how much he hates them while at the same time watching them until his hand falls off from choking the chicken? as i said i made a STATEMENT OF FACTS ! NOT AN ATTACK !

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2 hours ago, golfer06 said:

ok. so nobody will admit that they removed my post. so i will apologize for that. but i have just reviewed the rule adjustment posted in the dana/clay thread. i definitely did not violate that rule. i made a statement of fact that sparky claims to hate staged sex while at the same time being an expert on vh & chaturbate. do you think that he gained that knowledge by NOT WATCHING 24/7? did he see it on the local news? did his parrish priest give a serman about it which made him check out the sites so that he would then be able to tell everyone how horrible they are? and does that give him the freedom to continually say how much he hates them while at the same time watching them until his hand falls off from choking the chicken? as i said i made a STATEMENT OF FACTS ! NOT AN ATTACK !

I have read a few posts in that thread, and based on what I have read, your beef, I apologize for my "take a drop" joke earlier in here.  Your Sparkles in VHTV sounds a lot like HFB in RLC--constantly complaining about the same thing over and over and over downgrading the sites or calling the participants names like hookers, prostitutes, etc.  The main difference is that sparky, I assume,  is a paying member of VHTV whereas HFB no longer is or can be on RLC.  Why do we have to put up that kind of bs??  A habitual complainer in the forum or a virtual bully against the participants has no place in a decent forum.  I agree with you--again accept my poor joke earlier. 


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16 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Hold on a second! This is CamCaps not the voyeur site forum. It makes no difference whatsoever whether or not the cc member is a subscriber or not. When the voyeur site creates their own forum, I will cede your statement, but with all due respect everyone her on cc is an equal. Voyeur site subscribers are not super CamCap members who hold some status. No! Here, all comments are equal regardless of our member status. Every cc member has the right to post comments as they choose provided that they fall in line with the rules of the forum. Only cc mods can be the ones to determine if a post is within bounds or not. Your only recourse is to report a post you think is out of bounds and hope the mods agree with you. If they don't then you can assume they are ok with it and you should just move on and let it go. 

The problem with that Amy is when you cannot see or hear what is actually happening in an apartment or on the site,  other than rely on what you read, or have been told, is much more unreliable that one who has first hand knowledge.

Why should we have to listen to the rants, negativity,  downgrading and belittling those who chose to be members of RLC, for a vendetta from a person who is no longer a member of RLC ,due to a permanent ban by the site, like HFB.. That is his only reason for his belonging to Cam Caps.

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I can not understand this cry,

I have member that I do not like your comments and simple mind go to ignore list very easy to solve,
the big problem and that this and personal, in the past sparkles has already been attacked, and they are back

because it will, in the past was because he put many caps, now that he returns to do the problems back

but the important thing is that if someone talks about porno, it soon shows the souls of the usual to speak to have life look out of the window, because it and that is real life, serious real life, in recent days we have seen who does not have life

he complains about the complaints of others when he has the same attitude when things do not suit him

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I find it absolutely pathetic and sad that a member can, and has, caused so much controversy on CC with their constant carping and caustic comments towards other members simply for expressing their opinions about VH and their tennants. We are all entitled to and be able to state our opinions without having constant put downs and sarcastic comments made against themselves just because they don't share the same opinions. Maybe they should take some of their own dished out advice being if they don't like what is being written then don't bloody read it or just ignore. I hope this will be the end of the latest round of criticising members for their comments and the hidden vitriol  towards any member. It is certainly not nice and many of us are pissed off with constantly reading it. 

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10 minutes ago, Robwin said:

I find it absolutely pathetic and sad that a member can, and has, caused so much controversy on CC with their constant carping and caustic comments towards other members simply for expressing their opinions about VH and their tennants. We are all entitled to and be able to state our opinions without having constant put downs and sarcastic comments made against themselves just because they don't share the same opinions. Maybe they should take some of their own dished out advice being if they don't like what is being written then don't bloody read it or just ignore. I hope this will be the end of the latest round of criticising members for their comments and the hidden vitriol  towards any member. It is certainly not nice and many of us are pissed off with constantly reading it. 

I am glad that you said what is highlighted.  I am going to change just a few of your words to demonstrate our problem-which is slightly different it appears than that in VH.:

I find it absolutely pathetic and sad that a member can, and has, caused so much controversy on CC with their constant carping and caustic comments towards other members by constantly expressing their opinions about RLC and their tennants.

That is HFB in a nutshell.  And that is what myself and a lot of other members in CC do not appreciate.  He has been banned by CC has returned and has been put in timeout, but yet is allowed to continue the harassment.

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after all of the problems caused by not leaving the post to be dealt with in a normal manner let me just make my origional points. constantly complaining about the same thing yet continuing to view the same things to build ammunition for the next round of complaints until finally it becomes intolerable is something that has made the forum a piece of shit. it can be easily solved. make the opinion known a couple of times, then stop watching the apt. also leave the origional post to be dealt with. if it was an attack (which it wasn't, but of course since it "vanished" people will think what they want & there is no proof 1 way or the other) there would be a warning, maybe a timeout if deserved, maybe rebukes from members. but without the evidence it becomes a mess. and btw, my number of posts, good or bad, are outnumbered at least 100 to 1. and as i said, if everyone is happy with the forum, have fun! but you have my opinion: it sucks! 

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8 hours ago, Amy3 said:

 but everyone has a right to not be insulted by another member. 

Excellent piece Amy have to agree with all points let's just get back to the tennants antics and the odd piss take of old lol. Good to see you back to your old self xxxx 

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12 hours ago, Amy3 said:

My point is that no one here, except the mods, have a right to decide who can be a member and determine whether or not the members comments are permissible or not.

Totally agree with you Amy3. Nobody who is not a Mod has the right to judge another members posts. Just because you don't agree with what somebody else says does not mean you have the right to insult them and try to belittle their opinions, everybody's opinion is as valid as anybody else's! Unfortunately some people seem to have the view that only their opinion matters and everybody else should just follow what they say because they know better and they will bully and demean anybody else who dares to hold a different view to theirs. This forum is CamCaps not VHTV or RLC so regardless of a persons position in those companies their opinion does not carry any more authority than any other CC member!!!

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On 9/8/2018 at 9:34 AM, jjkopite said:

Totally agree with you Amy3. Nobody who is not a Mod has the right to judge another members posts. Just because you don't agree with what somebody else says does not mean you have the right to insult them and try to belittle their opinions, everybody's opinion is as valid as anybody else's! Unfortunately some people seem to have the view that only their opinion matters and everybody else should just follow what they say because they know better and they will bully and demean anybody else who dares to hold a different view to theirs. This forum is CamCaps not VHTV or RLC so regardless of a persons position in those companies their opinion does not carry any more authority than any other CC member!!!

Just because they are Mods, does not give them the right to judge another members posts or opinion.--only to enforce the rules

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