MrBox Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 But not before another new one is opened.... I would like to see new apartments, too. ... Maybe this time they could add normal ones with nice people, like N&B or S&H. ... That would be fun. :) .... But this apartment is nonsensical now. ... Porn production on RLC. :-\ ... Too bad. ... And considering that the newly born porn actor was the only interresing person living in this apartment, there is no reason to keep it running. ... Sorry. ... Better a quick end as to allow a secound Tver (or should i say third, counting Voro too) in RLC. :( so she have made 1912 tks almost 325 euro in public,if i count 40 % for the site,it's almost 200 euro for her, and she have made 3 privat show too so i think she have made 250- 300 euro for her Unbelievable. ... ??? ... Really stupid. ... But as long as it is not my money. ... I only dislike that RLC has now a third non real apartment. ... No idea where this journey will lead.
gelsgels6 Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 Did you ever think that RLC has noticed an increase in viewers since the cam shows started? This may be a win for her, a win for RLC, and a win for those of us who aren't going to judge her. It may just continue. I think we know how everyone stands, how about we move on?
MrBox Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 Did you ever think that RLC has noticed an increase in viewers since the cam shows started? This may be a win for her, a win for RLC, and a win for those of us who aren't going to judge her. Do you know VV? ??? They had also a very nice viewer bost as they started to have this porn shows there. ... Just have a short look. ... All very quiet there now. :) It may just continue. I think we know how everyone stands, how about we move on? I do not attack anyone and just write my opinion. This should be possible in a forum, isnt it? ??? ... Why there is never a post complaining about an accumulation of unneeded positiv comments? ??? ... Not everything on RLC is fine and a negative development (like the non real apartments) should be allowed to discuss.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 According to the collective intelligence of CC (which I admit is minimal) she's not on an RLC contract; she's just a friend who's couch surfing with two RLC tenants. And some of us love her, some of us just understand her condition, some of us think otherwise. All I care about is that her life improves and that CC members don't tear up each other about her. Lately, this thread has become much more interesting and fun to read, and I very much appreciate those of you who have posted factual and objective observations about what's going on in that apartment. @ Mr Box: Your explanation regarding questions of how RLC is evolving its Mission Statement is worthy of discussion. You have not personally attacked other members in stating the concept, and I appreciate your maturity and logic when dealing with such complex ideas.
van the man Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 I firmly believe that RLC does not control the behaviour of participants. It is not a Big Brother show. It is the nearest we can get to a real life albeit one that is exposed to the world. In the real world there are wealthy people, smart people and there are less well educated people who can't easily find rewarding employment. Everyone attempts to earn a living in any way they can. The UK has a huge number of people who play the welfare system and do nothing to earn a living but there are also 31 million people who work and earn a decent living. If Blue chooses to become a Cam girl to earn a living who are we to judge her harshly. This is her reality. This is her life. We only observe. I for one, having never really been poor even though I lived for 25 years in social housing on a working class estate cannot really understand what it's like to never know where my next pay cheque was coming from, so I say good luck to Blue. As for RLC (who I am often very critical of, after all they banned me some time ago for no reason!) they should not do anything to remove Blue because of her cam work. If they offer real life and Blue is working in real life to provide for herself then leave her and the apartment alone.
StnCld316 Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 sorry guys, bonnie isn't an italian name.. then she don't show cam on italy and spain... Bonnie is likely not her real name.
Chip2020 Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 :doh: None of the apartment tenants use their real names. So what? As long as we know who we're talking about whenever we reference one of them, that's all that counts. You can hear them refer to each other sometimes by their real names, but I'd just as soon continue using their stage names. Leora's dog isn't even named "Scooter" people, that's a name we gave her. Her real name is Eva, but I'm going to still call her Scooter. Blue will always remain Blue and her friends will be Butch and Curly to me even though they both have their own stage names. :lmao:
janesmith Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 :doh: None of the apartment tenants use their real names. So what? As long as we know who we're talking about whenever we reference one of them, that's all that counts. You can hear them refer to each other sometimes by their real names, but I'd just as soon continue using their stage names. Leora's dog isn't even named "Scooter" people, that's a name we gave her. Her real name is Eva, but I'm going to still call her Scooter. Blue will always remain Blue and her friends will be Butch and Curly to me even though they both have their own stage names. :lmao: butch is her elder sister
Chip2020 Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 POP QUIZ! Is this a picture of: a) Carina b) Sabrina c) Butch d) I don't know, but I'm scared :lmao:
MrBox Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 I firmly believe that RLC does not control the behaviour of participants. It is not a Big Brother show. It is the nearest we can get to a real life albeit one that is exposed to the world. I really agree with this idea, but i am very sure that there are some agreements between the residents and RLC. Otherwise it would probably not work, because the residents could limit themselves like C&J and still keep the apartments. ... Ultimately, "Reality" in a project like RLC also means to overcome the shyness and to try to life as good as posible like in an apartment without cameras (even if there are present 24/7 and in almost every room). In the real world there are wealthy people, smart people and there are less well educated people who can't easily find rewarding employment. Everyone attempts to earn a living in any way they can. The UK has a huge number of people who play the welfare system and do nothing to earn a living but there are also 31 million people who work and earn a decent living. I agree. If Blue chooses to become a Cam girl to earn a living who are we to judge her harshly. This is her reality. This is her life. We only observe. This is not the case any more, because she started to get in contact with the viewers. Some of us ask her to move the chair so that the RLC cam had a better view. :doh: ... That should not be posible in RLC. ... She should also not had moved the chair to block the view of the camera in the first place. :-\ ... Both are negative developments, because there are not real (as in an apartment without cameras). BTW, I will not comment her life circumstances. But a little thought, I have after all: I have nothing against the decision. But no one should needto sell his body, because of money issues and i am pretty sure that it is not necessary in europa to do so. Usually there is everywhere a sufficient social network established. ... As for RLC (...) they should not do anything to remove Blue because of her cam work. If they offer real life and Blue is working in real life to provide for herself then leave her and the apartment alone. I think they should close this apartment, because it is not real any more and it was also not fun to watch anyway. Please do not tell me, that the residents are not meant to be entertaining. I know this and still prefer apartment that are exciting (while and because they are real) as N&B and H&S. Ultimately, RLC needs both. Nice and good looking residents and their participation to the idea.
miscvoyeur Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 Mr. Box, if you have such an issue with this apartment then just stop watching it. Thinking that the apartment should be closed just because you have an issue with a non-resident doing cam shows is just selfish. And as for her communicating with viewers? Tenants have been communicating with members here on this forum long before Blue started doing so. Leora has had an account here. So has Angela. And both girls used to post on here. And nobody forced any of the RLC members to run to her cam site to talk to her. Cam4 and RLC are two completely different sites. If members from RLC want to talk to her on Cam4 then that's their right and neither her nor viewers should be punished for it by having the apartment closed down. Just stop watching this apartment if it bothers you that much.
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