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Dasha & Demid ~ General Chat For This Apartment October 01,2016. to November 30,2016.

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28 minutes ago, guitargst said:

whoa. calm down man.

that's my idea, my friend and my body. I wasn't forced or asked to do this.
and at least 50% of guests, especially those who've been invited by me, were notified about this.

if some of subscribers were shocked by this content... well, I'm sorry (it was not for YOUR eyes, %username%, and nothing featuring me really was. it was for me, Johnny Depp and Catgirl. and you are voyeur). but, c'mon, if I don't like something, I don't watch this specific something, and you had at least 7 extra cameras.

also, some of you could've read my "blog" there. did I said that I don't like body modifications? nope. I posted a girl with horns, tattoos and a lot of extremal piercing, who's also a fan of suspension. what have you been expecting of me? :)

so. call us "les 3 malades mentaux". i'll agree, for myself. but my friends are not. they just love me. and they did what I wanted them to do.
you wanted Real Life? you got it. THAT was real. THAT was emotions, feelings and actions. THAT was me feeling myself alive and comfortable. don't call it "torture", because it wasn't.


good explanation and answer :-) 

long life to you and your friends, and thanks for the party ;-)

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42 minutes ago, guitargst said:

whoa. calm down man.

that's my idea, my friend and my body. I wasn't forced or asked to do this.
and at least 50% of guests, especially those who've been invited by me, were notified about this.

if some of subscribers were shocked by this content... well, I'm sorry (it was not for YOUR eyes, %username%, and nothing featuring me really was. it was for me, Johnny Depp and Catgirl. and you are voyeur). but, c'mon, if I don't like something, I don't watch this specific something, and you had at least 7 extra cameras.

also, some of you could've read my "blog" there. did I said that I don't like body modifications? nope. I posted a girl with horns, tattoos and a lot of extremal piercing, who's also a fan of suspension. what have you been expecting of me? :)

so. call us "les 3 malades mentaux". i'll agree, for myself. but my friends are not. they just love me. and they did what I wanted them to do.
you wanted Real Life? you got it. THAT was real. THAT was emotions, feelings and actions. THAT was me feeling myself alive and comfortable. don't call it "torture", because it wasn't.


well said, by the way, nice girl Catgirl and sharp claws !!!

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Il y a 3 heures, guitargst a dit :

whoa. calmer l' homme.

C'est mon idée, mon ami et mon corps. Ne m'a forcé ou demandé de le faire.
Et au moins 50% des clients, en particulier ceux qui ont été invités par moi, ont été informés à ce sujet.

Si certains abonnés ont été choqués par ce contenu ... eh bien, je m désolé (il n'a pas été pour vos yeux,% username%, et rien ne me mettant en vedette était vraiment. il était pour moi, Johnny Depp et Catgirl. et vous êtes voyeur). mais, allez, si je ne l' aime quelque chose, je ne regarde pas ce quelque chose de spécifique, et vous avez eu au moins 7 caméras supplémentaires. En

outre, certains d' entre vous aurait pu lire mon "blog" il. ai - je dit que je n'aime pas les modifications corporelles? Nan. J'ai posté une fille avec des cornes, des tatouages et beaucoup de piercing extrémal, qui est aussi un fan de suspension. qu'avez-vous été attend de moi? :)

alors. appelez - nous "les 3 malades MENTAUX". i suis d' accord, pour moi - même. mais mes amis ne sont pas. ils aiment juste moi. et ils ont fait ce que je voulais qu'ils fassent.
vous vouliez Real Life? tu l'as eu. Qui était réel. Qui était des émotions, des sentiments et des actions. QUE moi était de me sentir vivant et confortable. ne l' appelez pas «torture», parce qu'il n'a pas.


vous venez vous faire scarifier "serve yourself" devant les caméras d'un site internet qui n'a pas comme 1er rôle de diffuser des sévices corporels réels!!! si vous l'avez fait devant les caméras, c'est parce que vous vouliez qu'on le voit!!! personnellement je regardais une soirée de fête chez dasha, et pas un gars qui décide de pratiquer de la torture SM!!!! vous avez certainement d'autres lieux dans st petersbourg pour vous suspendre à coups de crochets je suppose??? nous sommes ici voyeurs, mais pas des sadiques qui se régalent de la souffrance des autres, comme vos 2 amis!!!! si vous aimer souffrir, ya des sites BDSM qui vous feront plaisir!!! je pense que rlc ne devrait pas autoriser tout ce qui touche à la souffrance et à l'automutilation, car cela ouvre la porte à tous les excès!!! j'espère ne pas vous voir arriver un jour, avec une tronçonneuse,!!!!!:sick:

you just you scarify "serve yourself" before the cameras of a website that has not first role as disseminating real beatings !!! if you did it in front of cameras, it's because you wanted us sees !!! I personally watched a festive evening at dasha, not a guy who decides to practice SM torture !!!! you definitely other places in st petersburg to hang you with blows hooks I guess ??? we are here voyeurs but not sadists who enjoy the suffering of others as your 2 friends !!!! if you love suffer, are BDSM sites that will make you happy !!! I think rlc should not allow anything related to suffering and self-harm, because it opens the door to all excesses !!! I hope not to see you arrive one day with a chainsaw !!!!!:sick:

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2 hours ago, corboblanc said:

if you did it in front of cameras, it's because you wanted us sees !!! <...> I hope not to see you arrive one day with a chainsaw !!!!!:sick:

Well, it seems that you know what I want better than me? :)

I've already brought a circular saw, it's in the closet. but don't worry, I'll take it back in a month without a dismemberment of anybody, I promise :angel:

3 hours ago, corboblanc said:

we are here voyeurs but not sadists

maybe you're right, but I'd better not talk for everybody. how do you know? 


for conclusion, I'd like to quote Mr. Qwerty57:


dude, there is nothing he could do to make everybody happy. He is naked you say "he should not do that" he is not naked "he should be naked sometimes" no matter what he does, no matter what ANY OTHER MAN FROM RLC does, the people here will never be happy. You all think you are better than them. If you read all the comments of the site you'll see "This guy sucks, She should have a better man" but none of the guys on camcaps would be better. Everybody is different, everybody lives his life in a different way. That's not because YOU don't do this than it's something bad.


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4 hours ago, corboblanc said:

vous venez vous faire scarifier "serve yourself" devant les caméras d'un site internet qui n'a pas comme 1er rôle de diffuser des sévices corporels réels!!! si vous l'avez fait devant les caméras, c'est parce que vous vouliez qu'on le voit!!! personnellement je regardais une soirée de fête chez dasha, et pas un gars qui décide de pratiquer de la torture SM!!!! vous avez certainement d'autres lieux dans st petersbourg pour vous suspendre à coups de crochets je suppose??? nous sommes ici voyeurs, mais pas des sadiques qui se régalent de la souffrance des autres, comme vos 2 amis!!!! si vous aimer souffrir, ya des sites BDSM qui vous feront plaisir!!! je pense que rlc ne devrait pas autoriser tout ce qui touche à la souffrance et à l'automutilation, car cela ouvre la porte à tous les excès!!! j'espère ne pas vous voir arriver un jour, avec une tronçonneuse,!!!!!:sick:

you just you scarify "serve yourself" before the cameras of a website that has not first role as disseminating real beatings !!! if you did it in front of cameras, it's because you wanted us sees !!! I personally watched a festive evening at dasha, not a guy who decides to practice SM torture !!!! you definitely other places in st petersburg to hang you with blows hooks I guess ??? we are here voyeurs but not sadists who enjoy the suffering of others as your 2 friends !!!! if you love suffer, are BDSM sites that will make you happy !!! I think rlc should not allow anything related to suffering and self-harm, because it opens the door to all excesses !!! I hope not to see you arrive one day with a chainsaw !!!!!:sick:

You do know there are other cameras available in D&D's apartment? so if you know what went on in the bathroom it's because you clicked on it and watched it. He is free to do what ever he likes to his body. NOBODY is forcing you to watch ANY apartment. If you don't like what you see, there are plenty of other apartments to choose from. 


I swear people look to be offended nowadays!

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il y a 2 minutes, broxman a dit :

Vous ne savez il y a d'autres caméras disponibles dans l'appartement de D & D? donc si vous savez ce qui se passait dans la salle de bain, il est parce que vous avez cliqué sur elle et l'observiez. Il est libre de faire ce que jamais il aime son corps. NOBODY vous oblige à regarder TOUT appartement. Si vous ne voulez pas ce que vous voyez, il y a beaucoup d'autres appartements à choisir. 


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What happened on here? There are heaps out there for you to check out. Like it or not, it's real life. That's why I'm watching. I personally enjoy having guitargst and his girl in this flat and want to see them back again. I am with guitargst. ::)

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4 hours ago, guitargst said:

Well, it seems that you know what I want better than me? :)

I've already brought a circular saw, it's in the closet. but don't worry, I'll take it back in a month without a dismemberment of anybody, I promise :angel:

maybe you're right, but I'd better not talk for everybody. how do you know? 


Corbo is a bit of a preacher, not sure what religion but he sounds quite intolerant, and whenever there is an opportunity he is not shy to voice his thoughts, he normally prefers insulting women by calling them sluts but he can be eclectic... 

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Il y a 14 heures, stash a dit :

Corbo est un peu d'un prédicateur, pas sûr de ce que la religion, mais il semble tout à fait intolérant, et chaque fois qu'il ya une occasion, il n'a pas peur d'exprimer ses pensées, il préfère normalement les femmes insultantes en les appelant salopes mais il peut être éclectique ... 

il y aura toujours des abrutis pour défendre l'indéfendable!!!! un gars n'a pas à venir devant des caméras qui ne lui appartiennent pas, pour se mutiler jusqu'au sang!!! c'est tout"!!!! votre avis m'importe peu, je m'en contre fou totalement!!! si vous aimez la torture, les déviances et le BDSM, ils y a des sites faits pour cela!!!

there will always be idiots to defend the indefensible !!!! a guy has not come before the cameras that are not theirs, to maim to blood !!! that's it "!!!! review I care little, I totally against crazy !!! if you like torture, deviance and BDSM, they are sites made to it !!!

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Il y a 4 heures, gelsgels6 a dit :

Je trouve que la chose importante à retenir est:   Ne jugez point, afin que vous ne soyez pas jugés.

Il peut vraiment maintenir la paix. Juste une pensée.

il n'y a aucun jugement, le gars fait ce qu'il veut!!! si il a envi de s'accrocher des pierres de 30 kilogrammes sur les couilles, il peut le faire si cela lui plait!!! mais la diffusion directe de scènes de torture ou de mutilation est interdite!!!!

there is no judgment, the guy does what he wants !!! if he vied to hold stones of 30 kg on the balls, he can do it if he likes !!! but the direct broadcast scenes of torture and mutilation is prohibited !!!!

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1 hour ago, corboblanc said:

il n'y a aucun jugement, le gars fait ce qu'il veut!!! si il a envi de s'accrocher des pierres de 30 kilogrammes sur les couilles, il peut le faire si cela lui plait!!! mais la diffusion directe de scènes de torture ou de mutilation est interdite!!!!

there is no judgment, the guy does what he wants !!! if he vied to hold stones of 30 kg on the balls, he can do it if he likes !!! but the direct broadcast scenes of torture and mutilation is prohibited !!!!

I was talking about all of us...there is a lot of judging going on in this forum, and sometimes it is too much.  That was all I was saying.

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