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Voyeur-House.TV - Part 1

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and another thing since VH management looks at this thread.  At the moment I count four guys and only on girl in the Alex and Lina apt...for the third time this week!  I realize that you can't dictate their guests, but I'm not going to pay to see the backs of a bunch of guys.  ...who head out to smoke every 15 minutes.

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2 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

And I find you just annoying in general and never anyone to ban you either. So what's your point? Mind your business.

Currently, I visit this thread regularly to see if VH is worth a try. ... I figuered out very fast that the comments of Freitag13 can be irgnored without any loss. ... Unfortunately, this was also necessary, as he permanently spams this thread.

Maybe, some of the mods can have a word with him.


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