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Voyeur-House.TV - Part 1

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9 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

I count the days until new trouble with her


nomen est omen

More and more I am getting convinced that all this was theatre (from the demounted cam in GR), the hiding etc.) that we do get upset and VV informed thru us and that they have no other chance than to let her go....

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1 hour ago, Voyeur House TV said:

As Polina did not want to stay with Anton, cuz they have some intrigue with Nastya/Nasty, she decided to leave, and now we have Nasty, who decided to join our website because of Anton and the offer we propose for participants (i believe that's Anton that made her make this decision). Let's see how it plays out.

Meanwhile Polina is interested in participating within VHTV, but with other man or people. We'll keep looking for a candidate for her and will get Polina back as soon as we find everybody.

I think this is a controversial decision. You really can not find a couple of young exhibitionists except refugees from VV?? This close interaction between the two projects is alarming. One couple from VV already was a fiasco.

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So this means that from yesterday's incident we had a real gain here. Nasty is ours now and no masks.
I believe Lina is in the clouds celebrating this.
I just hope that she will not turn off cam showers or any other (LOL).
Even if not yet official here on the site (screen), Welcome to VHTV.

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2 hours ago, Voyeur House TV said:

Como Polina não queria ficar com Anton, porque eles têm alguma intriga com Nastya / Nasty, ela decidiu sair, e agora temos Nasty, que decidiu aderir ao nosso site por causa de Anton ea oferta que propomos para os participantes (eu acredito Que é Anton que a fez tomar esta decisão). Vamos ver como ele se desenrola.

Enquanto isso, Polina está interessada em participar da VHTV, mas com outros homens ou pessoas. Continuaremos procurando por uma candidata para ela e obteremos Polina de volta assim que encontrarmos todo mundo.

Since conciliation ideas and suggestions are being accepted (example of) why not try with Polina at this time in Alex's apartment, who upgraded Anton with the keys?

Of the ideal size for what you propose above as Pollin's intention,
And so we have 4 active apartments (and really active) as was his previous proposal.
Alex and LIna coming back (?) Maybe move her to the A and A room where we still have 2 cams running for walls there.

You see, nothing absurd or unfeasible to be considered. Just try the challenge of wanting to hit, Finally.

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