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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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7 minutes ago, Sergio said:

Good evening everyone, I also want to give a comment on Nicole, last night was sublime, but I think you're come to Barcelona to increase its RLC salary in a remarkable and who better than Lima and even more its likeable friend can to show him the best road, I hope with all my heart be wrong but I think this

I completely disagree with you, but I doubt I will change your mind. In my opinion, nothing about their behaviour tonight confirms what you are suggesting, from the way they were dressed to their behaviour, it seems to me they had a completely normal day (well, as normal as it can be when you live in a house broadcasting you naked on the internet :biggrin:)

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3 minutes ago, happyman88 said:

Maldita sea, tan ocupado viendo el desarrollo de estos dos perdidas Michelle ido a su propia cama y ahora bajo las sábanas. 

Ya hace un buen rato de eso. No hubo nada interesante, bueno que ella se dejo los pantalones en la habitación de Candy. Yo no vi que se los llevase, ni cuando se fue al aseo, ni cuando se fue definitivamente.

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Guest beaver67
1 hour ago, Benfold said:

No she definitely had a bag, and took out of it a couple of bottles of what looked like shampoo / conditioner etc

that is what I saw so- thanks Ben

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Guest beaver67
1 hour ago, happyman88 said:

Was it the blue bowl she just washed you saw maybe?

nope- blue bag with stuff in it

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Hace 4 minutos, Benfold dijo:

Estoy Totalmente de Acuerdo con Usted, Pero dudo Que change de Opinión. En Mi Opinión, nada about Do Comportamiento esta noche Confirma lo Que esta sugiriendo, por la forma en Que Estaban vestidos con su Comportamiento, Me Parece Que Tenia Un día Completamente normal (bueno, tan normales de Como Puede Ser Cuando Se vive en Una Casa transmitir desnuda en internet  :biggrin:)

I think Lima is one of the best that feels in front of the cameras, I think the most comfortable. It will be logical.

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then I do not say anything, I read of Jessica masturbation but I lost because I was at work, I must say that apart from this, the two apartments today have been very boring, again I do not understand what it takes to demonstrate RLC, at the level trade is a suicide, I will open a petition for Vanessa in one of two apartments

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