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Barcelona Apt. #1 ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos January to March 2017

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8 hours ago, Benfold said:
8 hours ago, legrandrobert said:

you have the right to do so but Irma always shows the same thing and it's getting very boring to my taste , same old saggy tits and she always want to be the star of B! with tits always hanging out like a 50 year old mommy.

What the hell is wrong with you? Why start throwing insults at someone because you're 'bored' with them? Fucking hell man 

Do you really not see why he is disappointed? .... It is actually very simple ....

8 hours ago, miscvoyeur said:

He's not bored with her. He's jealous and doesn't know how to handle it. All these insults didn't start until she started hanging out with another guy. 

Exactly. ... He is jealous, because his virtual girlfriend is not in the apartment to give him a teasing show. He do not like that she is most likely with a guy or even visiting the so often mentioned swinger club. 


8 hours ago, beaver67 said:

some people have to realize that Irma is Irma, and she is going to do what ever the hell she wants to do, whether it be inside the apt or outside, that is the way she is, and if some people don't like it- go to another apt- plain & simple- my opinion

It took me some time to understand, but it is actually very easy. .... Most of this people are not interrested in the other apartments, because they are not interressted in the REAL LIFE of the residents. ... They want to create an artificial world in their mind as some kind of an virtual relationship. As soon as the girls move out of this fantasy, they get angry. ... This is also the reason why they get crazy every time a guy is in the apartment.

This people need RLC to be artificial, because they can not bear to see the REAL LIFE of the residents. ... If they would be here for voyeurism, they would like to see guests (as long as there are sympathetic) and hope for some development or even something exciting to see. Instead, this people are getting offended, because their virtual girlfriend is not doing what they want. ... It is kind of sad. 

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What the hell is going on in this thread..lots of gibberish.The stupid thread EVER in the history of threads.God be with the people who stalk these threads every min.

Goodness Gracious Me...get a life people.Do you people even have real jobs.I only get an hour to watch RLC/Camcaps and instead of updates about the apartments,i get all loads of text of rubbish !!!

Even the Mods tolerate and participate in useless discussions.Sad and Pathetic


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Hmm ... this thread is not good at the moment. Let's hope for a good party tonight and we can forget all this. People like different types of girls and it's OK to say you aren't attracted to somebody's face or body type or behaviour but I thought the rule was that we don't insult the girls on this forum.

By and large the entertainment from the Barcelona flats (well I can only see B1 and B2 what people show me) has been pretty good in my opinion and I have been happy with the girls in them. I find the Twins a bit dull at the moment but there is every possibility that next week they will surprise me and that doesn't mean they have to get naked just show personality like I saw from Angel when she was here. How much I enjoy a girl or find them sexy is not predicated on how good looking they are and it's probably the same for most of you.

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56 minutes ago, MrBox said:

¿De verdad no se ve por qué él está decepcionado? .... En realidad, es muy simple ....

Exactamente. ... Él es celoso, porque su novia virtual no está en el apartamento para darle un espectáculo de burlas. No le gusta que ella es más probable con un chico o incluso visitar el club libertino lo que se habla. 


Me tomó algún tiempo para comprender, pero en realidad es muy fácil. .... La mayor parte de este pueblo no se interrested en los otros apartamentos, ya que no se interressted en la vida real de los residentes. ... Ellos quieren crear un mundo artificial en su mente como una especie de una relación virtual. En cuanto a las chicas a salir de esta fantasía, se enojan. ... Esta es también la razón por la que se vuelve loca cada vez que un individuo está en el apartamento.

Esta gente necesita RLC sea artificial, porque no pueden soportar ver la vida real de los residentes. ... Si iban a estar aquí por el voyeurismo, que les gustaría ver los huéspedes (siempre y cuando no son simpático) y la esperanza de algún desarrollo o incluso algo interesante para ver. En su lugar, esta gente se está ofendidos, porque su novia virtual no está haciendo lo que quieren. ... Es un poco triste. 


Without entering wars that do not call me ...
But a reflection on everything that is happening ...
And it all started with a phrase that Mr Bendford found offensive ... by the way, as far as I know, he is not a moderator. But sometimes it seems as if it were.
I have not seen that the real moderator has said anything about those words (I do not look opportunistic either), simply that at one point, he was tired of the attitude of a particular girl. And he just put it that way.
; And I like CC, and if I read to you all, I do not block anyone, so I follow what you say, and in the end you know how each one will act.
Here, there are people who have championed the paladins of the girls (when I think no one has asked them to be), there are people that reality "their reality" is indisputable (well, there are people who think this is another spectacle like Anybody (where there are rules and rules ... and things do not occur to the free will.) But each one has his point of view, and neither of us will give our reason.
If they want CC to remain a free place and where people enter to inform themselves and to give their opinions freely, they will have to assume that many of the opinions and statements that are expressed about what is happening are not to their liking.
If you want to read only good things and things that flatten your ears, I think it is better to make a private forum where only you have access.

By the way, I'm not asking anyone to leave CC.

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Let me guess - "Sorry but I agree with [insert retarded opinion here]!!! It's all smoke and mirrors but I can see through it!!! Well I am DONE with this website but I will be back tomorrow to tell you that I AM DONE AGAIN!!!"


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1 hour ago, nack said:

What the hell is going on in this thread..lots of gibberish.The stupid thread EVER in the history of threads.God be with the people who stalk these threads every min.

Goodness Gracious Me...get a life people.Do you people even have real jobs.I only get an hour to watch RLC/Camcaps and instead of updates about the apartments,i get all loads of text of rubbish !!!

Even the Mods tolerate and participate in useless discussions.Sad and Pathetic


It is not any usefull to insult the residents (girls or guys) no matter what. ... Sometimes it is needed to write down a very clear opinion to make people think. Maybe this time should be every time a resident or a guest is insulted. 

This is RLC. The residents are free people and do not deserve to be insulted only because they live their lives. This page is about REAL LIFE.  

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4 minutes ago, Benfold said:

Nope she pulled an all-nighter. Jess looks a bit lost without her!

Some time ago someone mentioned that she visited a swinger club in barcelona. ... Do you know were this information is comming from?

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