StnCld316 Posted April 19, 2017 Author Posted April 19, 2017 On 4/19/2017 at 8:50 PM, vortios said: What can not be, from my point of view is that one night you do a "show shit" pardon but I do not know how to adjectivate it otherwise (I admit amendments), and not even 24 hours later, assemble the party of the century. Being 20 hours out of the house. That's the first RLC error. Do not limit girls' exits. Another big mistake. How can you leave the house empty after night, week after week? Imagine that it happened in a house of couples ... And do not tell me that can not be done, because the first, that can differentiate one house from another? In theory, nothing. As you can see, I say limit, not prohibit. But that is normal in all work. Do you allow your boss to do whatever he wants when you want? Normally, that does not happen. Prioritize ... the first thing that any customer has to feel is that they feel important to the company. RLC has completely abandoned that point by allowing other strange visitors to enter and leave the house for no apparent reason. Define the interests of RLC ... or let people like Alex enter the house, or guys that in the end will harm the coexistence of the house, or directly bet on pairs (shared flats such as Taya I do not think they will agree with me, but that does not mean that it is not real. And without further extension, immediately bring the situation from RLC. People are very burned. Tomorrow is another day, if the girls come out again, you spune in the forums to be increasingly read thicker words. People leaving RLC does not mean that people are going to leave the forums. And people who are pissed off are much more complicated to wear. And it would not be good to start expelling people from the forums because anyone who wants to re-enter, would, and this time, with more bad milk. Forgive me for my extension, but after seeing this afternoon what has happened (all because of RLC, or the emperor, or the one behind this circus) I said that they had to expel him first ... Expand If Members have RLC Memberships then they should be showing their dissatisfaction with RLC about the girls not being there. If RLC receives enough complaints they'll lay the Gauntlet on the Girls and have them inside more than they are outside. Just a handful of complaints won't solve it. Everyone has to do it to have RLC change their ways. There have been some Posters in the Forum that say they will leave if al this fighting and bickering continues. A Forum is to Gain Members not Chase Them Away. 4
eremes Posted April 19, 2017 Posted April 19, 2017 On 4/19/2017 at 8:55 PM, bi_can28 said: Bende isterim iyi geceler öpücük,Mia... Expand I want to kiss good nigt someone too:
Nari Dog Posted April 19, 2017 Posted April 19, 2017 On 4/19/2017 at 9:14 PM, eremes said: I want to kiss good nigt someone too: Expand She is sorely missed.
vortios Posted April 19, 2017 Posted April 19, 2017 On 4/19/2017 at 7:02 PM, nagachilli2 said: Expand "Yo uso para disfrutar realmente chicos CC, pero no es convertirse en un lugar divertido para estar en este momento". Esos son sus gustos pero no pueden coincidir con los de otros participantes del foro. "Las niñas están recibiendo tanta mierda que les arrojaron, y están siendo culpados por este ambiente en el foro" !! ... Ciertamente las primera culpables son ellas, por su falta de implicación en RLC y dejarnos a los clientes con los dientes largos. Lo de salir constantemente y para colmo la de no hacer un buen espectáculo en B2, pero al día siguiente darse la fiesta padre, sólo fue la piedra que colmó el vaso. Pero el principal culpable no son ellas sino la organización que no vio esto (cosa que hacemos muchos desde hace tiempo) "Son chicas de vacaciones, nos guste o no and.are derecho a hacer lo que quieran, ya sea dentro o fuera de la vivienda." Ya me gustaría a mí saber de donde saca su información como es este caso. En las condiciones términos no dice nada de eso. Es que simplemente cualquier juez que leyese eso, se moriría de la risa. Dicen y es verdad, que una mentira repetida 1000 veces no se convierte en verdad. Las damas en vacaciones tienen las mimas obligaciones que tienen las parejas. Sino simplemente no estarían dentro de la casa y del proyecto. Si quiere podemos hablar sobre los pros y los contras de su indicación. Pero por favor, no insulte nuestra inteligencia con cosas así. Hemos visto como cada una de las chicas encargadas de llevar las casas, han estado en contacto permanente con la organización. Las demás chicas, hacen lo que en ese momento dicen que se haga. Hay mujeres que lo han hecho con más gracia y disimulo, y otras, que simplemente iba haciendo mientras ellas iban leyendo las instrucciones. Por lo que por favor cambie el disco, esa historia ya no se la cree nadie. "Están en 1 de las mejores ciudades del mundo, no querrías vivir a lo grande. Se les paga por lo que nos permite verlos en los apartamentos y nada más ... " Bueno, exactamente no sabemos porque le pagan, porque a no ser que usted haya visto las condiciones del contrato, es muy arriesgado decir lo que usted dice. Mas cuando esas condiciones contractuales, pueden ser ya negociadas desde el pais de origen y ni siguiera sabemos si esas condiciones van más allá de la estancia dentro de la casa. Yo tampoco sé como va esta página, pero si sé de otra web de sexo, donde transmiten chicas y si sé los contratos que ellos tienen. No creo que esta gente haga cosas muy, muy distintas. "y me pagan $ 75 al mes como todos ustedes ..." Espero que sea una errata, ya que a mí, me cobran, por desgracia, nadie me paga por estar aquí "Lo que pasa es que leen CC, y el más mierda algunos chicos de aquí lanzar en ellos, menos lo harán en el apartamento ... de hecho ... es un círculo vicioso ... más mierda DIRIGIDO a las chicas, una menor actividad en la casa, más argumentos aquí, conduce a una mayor MIERDA DIRIGIDO a las chicas , menos actividad en las casas ...." Eso tiene una facil solución, que no entren en CC, ya que ellas no pintan nada aquí, y se evitarían leer muchas cosas desagradables. Es que en el mundo no le puedes caer biien a todo el mundo. "Podemos tratar de conseguir este foro de nuevo en marcha con algunos buenos Banter antes de que llegue más allá del punto de no retorno ..." Me pregunto que considerará usted el punto de no retorno. Parece muy teatrera esa expresión (sin ánimo de ofender)
bi_can28 Posted April 19, 2017 Posted April 19, 2017 On 4/19/2017 at 9:14 PM, eremes said: Ben de iyi nigt birisini öpmek istiyorum: Expand Ben Mia öpücük isterim,İrmadan değil...
balt2103 Posted April 19, 2017 Posted April 19, 2017 The problem is the following: The RLC members say the girls should stay at home. The RLC members say they want to see real life 24/7. Make the girls real life 24/7 like this evening (watch videos), then it is not correct. Because people want to see shows. Just as irma did it. Alcohol, music, dancing, and in the end a lesbian orgy. Nightly. A good show, every day new, and not lookng faked but like real life. And that ist simply impossible!
eremes Posted April 19, 2017 Posted April 19, 2017 On 4/19/2017 at 9:17 PM, Nari Dog said: She is sorely missed. Expand You say it. I'm so sad without her, I wish, she could come back as soon as possible. Irma, my girl, I love you
nagachilli2 Posted April 19, 2017 Posted April 19, 2017 On 4/19/2017 at 7:15 PM, meran said: I am also a critic of girls but no need to insult them. These guys dont understand that if they dont like something they can just simply unsubscribe like I did. Thats the only way to let RLC know that you dont like whats going on. If you keep on subscribing nothing will change and there is absolutely no need to use abusive words . Expand I'm also a critic, we all are to a greater or lesser extent, but there are different ways to approach it. I would love the girls to spend a lot more time in the apartments like all you guys but what you'll then get is staged events like we've seen in the past, and more complaining...The girls can never win... 1
vlkvlk111 Posted April 19, 2017 Posted April 19, 2017 On 4/19/2017 at 8:22 PM, StnCld316 said: Whatever they are doing on the Outside of the Apartment is causing a lot of Turmoil in the Thread over the last few days. As each day passes it gets worse than the previous day. A solution has to be found to stop this from happening or Members are going to leaving if it continues. Expand Thanks for trying to find a solution StnCld. The apartments are not interesting to follow at the moment, that is a truth that not anyone will dispute. There is a problem with the casting, and the priorities of some of the tenants, that is obvious. That doesn't excuse the amount of bile, temper trantrums, logorrhea of poorly google translated posts about how we "own" the girls and every second of their breathing time for our 40€ a month - spammed ad nauseam-, insinuations, rumor mongering, hate stirring, name calling, dirt digging surrounding the girls. If you are really so mad at the girls or RLC, complain to their support, and ultimately, vote with your wallet and just frigging unsuscribe, instead of spending your nights obsessed on cam 6 while writing pages of bile on the forums. I mean some of the posters here have been posting the same threats to leave for more than 6 months now, predicting the doom of these terrible businessmen, and they are still spending their night awake fuming with fury. Plus I am pretty TIRED of seeing the most toxic posters here using strawman arguments against people that try to advise for a bit of civility, saying that they are in love with the girls, puppets of RLC or whatever crap. Just correctness and human decency here. 6
CowArt Posted April 19, 2017 Posted April 19, 2017 On 4/19/2017 at 3:33 PM, wathou said: You are making a mix up between cc members and the thinfoil hat poeple that we have here, most of the "real" cc members have stop posting because of those crazy poeple ^^' Expand You are correct of course, my apologies to the reasonable CC-members that either fled from this thread, or who's posts got buried under the avalanche of crap. 1
eremes Posted April 19, 2017 Posted April 19, 2017 On 4/19/2017 at 9:20 PM, bi_can28 said: Ben Mia öpücük isterim,İrmadan değil... Expand Ok, everyone of us kisses his girl, then it's good.
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