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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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il y a 6 minutes, vortios a dit :

Peut-être qu'elle était juste un invité, mais je ne donnerais pas beaucoup d' importance si elles apparaissent les noms d'une fille en particulier, car ils ne sont pas les vrais noms, donc peu de valeur, a, en plus d'être en mesure de distinguer et ne pas mettre attrayant, que pourrait conduire à l' erreur.
Il pense que nous avons eu une fille, avec son nom dans la liste, qu'ils ont vraiment été peu de temps.
Personnellement, je ne déteste pas votre séjour. Bien qu'elle soit heures, parler le jour même type après jour. Ce gamin ne fonctionne pas?

Vortios. Names do not matter, since they are not true, ok.,  but this may explain his lack of involvement

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il y a 1 minute, vortios a dit:

Les massages vraiment d'manqué Anna, vous le Mais Comme Dites, RLC un Dû recompter l'équipe de gala verser RELANCER RLC.
Mais will be - ILS de changer le capables cours du jeu?
Est - il bon Que les clients il y a un an, nous le répétons Encore une Fois le same jeu? (Avec que je te ne veux pas dire Que ne etait pas bon CE, ni bureaux Qu'un serveur, ne aime pas voir - en action à filles nouveau), Mais que si de voir CE juin Serait relecture.

les barca servent à faire de l'argent pour rlc!!! rlc sait parfaitement que tant que des filles font les lesbiennes trash devant les cams, une grande partie des nouveaux voyeurs sont très contents, ils s'abonnent seulement pour voir du sexe!!!! voir la vraie vie ne les intéressent pas, ils veulent du cul, rien d'autre, et l'homosexualité les passionnent!!!!

The barca are used to make money for rlc !!! Rlc knows perfectly that as long as girls do lesbian trash in front of cams, a lot of the new voyeurs are very happy, they subscribe only to see sex !!!! See the real life do not interest them, they want to ass, nothing else, and homosexuality passionate them !!!!

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18 minutes ago, martyen said:

Vortios. Los nombres no importan, ya que no son verdad, ok., Pero esto puede explicar su falta de participación

You will be right, but I do not appreciate her participating less than the other girls.
She has participated in the ice games with Stella. She is showing off her nice body, unrestricted.
She has kissed Stella, even before Gina (the famous night of sleeping together)
She has bathed with Stella and rubbed her tits ...
I do not want it to look like a defense, you know my politics, to say what I see, to be as fair as possible with the girls.
So I think, from my point of view, that she is not participating less than the others.

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19 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

Les servent barca à faire de l'argent verter RLC !!! RLC Sait parfaitement Que tant que des filles fuente les lesbiennes basura devant les levas, une grande partie des nouveaux voyeurs contenido sont Tres, ILS s'abonnent seulement verter voir du sexe !!!! voir la vraie vie ne pas les intéressent, ILS veulent du cul, rien d'autre, et l'homosexualité les passionnent !!!!

La barca se utilizan para hacer dinero para RLC !!! RLC sabe perfectamente que mientras las niñas hacen lesbianas basura delante de levas, muchos de los nuevos voyeurs son muy felices, se suscriben sólo para ver el sexo !!!! Ver la vida real no les interesan, quieren culo, nada más, y la homosexualidad ellos apasionados !!!!

Well, actually, any company, its purpose is to give a product that satisfies customers. In that I can not have any inconvenience.
What I wanted to point out, is that this would be to burn the boats too soon ... knowing that these girls, in August, a month where people have time to enjoy RLC, these girls will no longer be.

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3 hours ago, BBsq69 said:

Sorry it has been during the last week. 2 major naked sexy dances and Belle on her bed displaying like never before - in fact 20 solid hours of Belle entertaining just 3 days ago. B2 had just come to life.

If you say so.

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10 hours ago, EMMETT111 said:

I think the endless going out every night has been dealt with as the girls have been staying home and putting on some shows,i think that night they all stayed out till the next day was the final straw as they all quit going out every night ever since that night RLC had to have said something,but I'm a huge lola fan she is a alfa female that the other girls just seam to love and follow her so I might have to subscribe again now

Lets hope so,but with the arrival of the ultimate party girl polya I have my doubts..if some think Stella and the others are always party and having fun out..get ready for polya..every single night out..and the return of jasmin it was another bad thing in my opinion..she was as exciting to see and active as dana the first time she was in rlc..hope she stays were she is ..b2..that place it's lost.At least b1 have Lola.Lets hope the others in b1 will be more in house and do something at all more and not only the same as usualy.

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2 hours ago, timber said:

I certainly enjoyed parts of that (and lol at 'baked', I assume you meant naked but baked may also have been accurate). But I probably don't put quite as high a value on naked dancing from Belle as you do, and there have been plenty of nothing days before that, and a few after. I'll be as bummed as anyone if Jasmin snuffs the fun out of Rose and Belle, but Rose seems like a firestarter to me and she and Jasmin are obviously close, so I'll cross my fingers and hope it goes the other way.

I'm optimistic as well. I to think Rosie has more spirit than we've seen. She was going to bed naked last night then Belle had to go and put her nitie on so Rose got up and did the same.:dodgy:

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2 hours ago, Thestarider said:

I could really give a shit if she joins in the silly games these girls play, I will  be happy just to watch her put on lotion every single day maybe two or three times a day actually :heart:

A dance won't hurt either and she knows how to dance.::)

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