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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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2 minutes ago, C_TAY_2 said:

Look eyes Rosa, desire and pleading, Gina know nothing, scared of truth, she want she like she look at Rosa when legs apart too but still scared.

Now if it was Irma with Rosie, things would be different !!..........:heart::sleepy:

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2 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

That's My Girl!!!.....

heart beat emoticon


Well it just shows that we haven't got a fucking clue on here, and that includes guys who think they can be clever and translate everything that's actually going on...I'm also including myself here, cos I'm also full of shit sometimes. It certainly beat a bedtime story,....I posted last night that when Nicole's clicks it will be epic...and she didn't disappoint...
Thank you you gorgeous sexy girl...You probably haven't silenced everyone on hear, they'll always moan about something, but I thought that was immense.....

she best naga and I'm very glad shes back

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29 minutes ago, Benfold said:

A few pages back a Spanish speaking guy said that the dude didn't want to fuck her on cam. She tried to get him in the mood in the bathroom, I guess this is a compromise

I just think it is alittle strange!

Last time:
First time off cam, then several times (without hesitation) openly on cam the 2 next following nights.

This time:
First time off cam, then they have no problems doing it 30 minutes later

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2 minutes ago, ed2 said:

I just think it is alittle strange!

Last time:
First time off cam, then several times (without hesitation) openly on cam the 2 next following nights.

This time:
First time off cam, then they have no problems doing it 30 minutes later

I Was talking about Rosie and Gina.

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2 minutes ago, C_TAY_2 said:

yes  she really have desire, I know little girls act like little girls, no understand passion

but they're not little girls who have never had sex before... if they really really wanted to so badly, they would

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Everyone thinks 'things' will happen every time they drink,well i know from watching here awhile now,things are not as they always seem,or what you want to happen in your head doesn't,,these girls put on a'show' for the cameras and the people watching. 

p1272_ssdd_same_shit_different_day_f.jpg (650×650)

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