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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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1 minute ago, EMMETT111 said:

of course it has if these guys are to be believed that claim to have the girls social media accounts and seem to know exactly what the girls are doing [benfold leaps to mind] I just was sayin it cant be easy but if they could do it so could most anyone if they were obsessed with them but I'm just curious about the real girls and what they might be doing off cam sometimes in not going to fly over to the Ukraine or spain or Russia anytime soon so I think they are safe from me lol

I know for fact it has been done and it was not easy.

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11 minutes ago, Snakeater said:

RLC newsletter says Kylie friend of Stella and Belle canceled trip.

Does it mention anything about pretend parties?

Actually My Belle:heart: danced on and off for about 24 minutes - probably no more than 5 minutes actually dancing but she did almost do her trademark pulling down of the panties and much of it was sexy with lots of thrusts and certainly suggestive hand movements.

The other 2 girls did fuck all.

But the laptop was brought in by Rosie very early on meaning she (and presumably the others) had that intention from the start. I can see she can wiggle her bum very well but that's it.

The staggered arrival was odd with Belle seeming to arrive a few minutes before Rosie and Angel probably 10-15 minutes later although I am pretty sure they had been to the same party and I haven't looked at the reports but I believe B1 were represented there as well.

So much potential tonight and I really badly let down. These girl are paid. They do stage parties for us because we've seen them particularly during the Nora era, but the system in B2 has badly broken down. 

I just hope My Belle:heart: gets back safely tonight because you was fairly drunk when she went.


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Just now, Snakeater said:

Usted no sabe si dan a cabo emabrgo número privado. Se le olvida que tienen dos teléfonos. Uno podría ser para su uso sólo en el Barça. De hecho RLC podría darles una sólo para este propósito.

Of course I know it. One is a "business phone" is with which girls have the obligation to carry on always. They are all Iphone ... (but I remember badly). These phones, you'll always see the girls carry it on. And they have their own personal, although we have had girls who have only used one. The staff never brought it over. And I think the exception to this was Milena, that she had a personal one that she always carried on and the "company" phone seemed like she did not wear it.

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23 minutes ago, Snakeater said:

RLC newsletter says Kylie friend of Stella and Belle canceled trip.

Obvious friend of Stella's. Caught her in the shower. Not my type by a long way so sorry Stella but I am not watching B1 just for you - OK I will a bit Stella :biggrin:

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8 minutes ago, EMMETT111 said:

really all they give out their first name and if they gave out their first name only how could that hurt  you try and track down someone with only their first name

Sorry, Emmett. I'm not sure I understand your comment. I was saying that RLC gives all the girls phony names as a way to protect their privacy. I don't see anything wrong with that. It makes perfect sense to me. However, I don't understand the need by CC to prevent any info at all about the girls from being revealed. There can't be that many stalkers around that visit this site. 

Back when Kami and Kristy and Rita were tenants, I was given personal info about them that allowed me to visit their social media pages and get a feel for what they were really like. I certainly am not a stalker. I did it because I like them as people and it's fun to be able to read about how their lives are going. I like them. Am I not allowed to like any of the tenants? That was my point.

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It is a shame Belle's so socially weak because a stronger girl would just have said she was partying anyway and probably 1 if not both would have joined in, but she didn't even try as hard as she did with Jasmin. I think she might be a bit intimidated by Angel's confidence (she likes her though) and it's sometimes not easy to push a friend because that can be a whole lot of grief you don't need. Of course we don't know whose plan it was to waste our time but I'm guessing it was Rosie's but maybe the others as well.

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