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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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21 minutes ago, sulzer25059 said:

We have to all admit now that there is no intention by this cast to be a part of the project as such, just use the place to doss out and get washed. All the partying will be done elsewhere. there is no happy medium for the RLC fans. If Belle continues to act this way she wont ever be asked back. Thats hard for me to say as i am a big Belle fan but she really is not interested in it anymore.

I came to that conclusion over a week ago. :dodgy:

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1 minute ago, Marcel1888 said:

juhu half day maintenance other half empty apartment :(

Both barca apartments were under maintenance god knows the reason..what an horrible girl cast.Totaly party girls,all the funny at outside,then rlc users are gifted with crap massages and endlessly body's painting.

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The fault lies with RLC not the girls. This is absolutely why you have contracts as a business or virtually any aspect of life. If they haven't given minimum requirements with any their contracts people will take the piss just like for instance they do in the House of Lords in the UK when some peers turn up stay 5 minutes and get paid for the whole day. If you open a system to abuse this will happen. If My Belle:heart: has a 60 day review then maybe it won't be extended but I'm not sure how long I would last in a job (and this is a job, for some full time) if I turned up for work only half the time and then most of the time did nothing. And please nobody mention Real Lives in context of Barcelona! I think we are now seeing Real Lives and it's hardly worth watching. See when Nicole seemed to opt out a bit she was at least thinking about her contract, RLC or the customers in that she did a lot on the camera. Now it seems others do quite a bit of the camera as well maybe like B1 now but they are compensating - not to my taste but they are compensating. B2 are doing nothing.


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4 minutes ago, Benfold said:

Even if you are frustrated with the girls and RLC, don't be 'that guy' ::) 

Indeed Benfold, that is definitely not what's going on. TBH apart from anything else it wouldn't make any sense, nor fit in with what we are witnessing.

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