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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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41 minutes ago, dmizzle26 said:

So i know she just got there but every time ive looked in on the apt ive only seen Kylie with Stella or in the room by herself...Has she been social with the other girls since she been there?

Yes she was talking to Gina and the twins in the LR earlier. 

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12 minutes ago, Sergio said:

outputs are also leaving the television on, with Angelina who is sleeping, they are really stupid girls

Exactly this is the reason why they all look for a man with money.

Because they can do nothing but Styling, Fashion, Whatsapp and consider how to take the money from the men.

For everything else is staff needed. Cook, cleaning woman, household help, driver....

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