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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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... now ... the last girl .... bodypainting is almost over .... :) .... very nice ... it is boring ass hell ...

than a fast shower and the real life can start .... most likely outside ... of course ... 

... this apartments are just a wast of time any money. ... :(

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4 hours ago, MrBox said:

It is time for their stupid teasing show. ... Today. ... It is the extrem boring body painting. ... AGAIN. ... :(

How many time will this girls have this dody painting again? .... This apartment is a bad joke. ... Lets hope RLC find some fast replacements. 

This apartment need some really open minded girls. ... No more teasing, but real life!

I can't take you serious with such a small image. And the font? Ridiculously tiny. Pfft.

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Just now, Spoon said:

I can't take you serious with such a small image. And the font? Ridiculously tiny. Pfft.

It is time for their stupid teasing show. ... Today. ... It is the extrem boring body painting. ... AGAIN. ... :(

How many time will this girls have this dody painting again? .... This apartment is a bad joke. ... Lets hope RLC find some fast replacements. 


This apartment need some really open minded girls. ... No more teasing, but real life!

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3 hours ago, euromike69 said:

Stncld let me tell you what most people around here don't want to admit.::)

They only come here to this particular 'GIRLS ON VACATION THREAD" to get noticed and to seek attention from other CC members,,,, That's the only reason why they comment so much in this Thread about the Barcelona Apts. They know if they complain about RLC or cry about the girls, their comments won't get noticed in any of the other Threads or Topics,,,This Thread is where 98% of CC members visit,,And if you want your voice to be seen and heard,,And if you want your complaints about RLC and the ladies to be seen and heard,,,then this is where they come to 'VENT". They know that if they complain or bitch anywhere else,,the chances of anyone seeing their comments is slim to none.

That's why you also have so many "OT" posted here too because if they know this is where everybody resides then their updates about the other apartments would get noticed by the majority of CC members here. We all know that they will never go to the "Rant and Flame Wars" section either,,,because hardly anyone goes over there. It's all about being seen and heard,,,, If you want to get noticed or if you want your comments to get noticed by the majority of people with as little effort as possible then write your comments in the Barcelona Threads.

This place feels like a damn "Sauna" sometimes because this is where most people like to come and blow off their Steam lol :biggrin::biggrin:


This is the biggest crock of crap I have ever heard on this forum!!  The reason I come to the Barca apartment threads is because I could care less about ANY of the couples threads, and not because I want to be noticed or seek attention.  If I want attention, I will find that outside my own house and not on this forum!!   You need to get off your high horse stating comments about other peoples reasons for coming to the Barca threads because you don't have a clue about what you are talking about!  Go back to your little clique and quit trying to stir up trouble!!!

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4 hours ago, MrBox said:

It is time for their stupid teasing show. ... Today. ... It is the extrem boring body painting. ... AGAIN. ... :(

How many time will this girls have this dody painting again? .... This apartment is a bad joke. ... Lets hope RLC find some fast replacements. 

This apartment need some really open minded girls. ... No more teasing, but real life!

At least we know you can change. How about not complaining about the same thing every day over and over? Everyone knows what you feel about this apartment already. Perhaps limit it to just once per day. Hmm?

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