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5 minutes ago, AlexLina said:

Boa noite, queridos amigos! Estes são os nossos novos amigos! Espero que você goste destes!

We seem to like it. A question, if I may. As it was the other apartment that still takes their names with new members there.
It is very disturbing that we do not have a definition and identification of them. Still .

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8 minutes ago, AlexLina said:

Good evening, dear friends! These are our new friends! I hope you'll like these!

Hey Alex/Lina

I hope Lina is fine now.One Question - Why single bedroom for 2 couples ?

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2 hours ago, mic351 said:

Angle for the kitchen cam is fricking terrible!  Cams should always be placed away from windows, not pointing towards them.  Lighting will always be bad in the daytime in that sunlight will effectively cancel the room light and cams will always be dark.  I'm beginning to really dislike your tech team.

Tech team? Any amateur photographer knows any bright lights in the room need to be behind the camera, otherwise the subject will be to dark to make out. very good cams will have features to overcome some of this, but i'm pretty sure the only  feature these cams have are an on off switch.

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