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Trump Will be Impeached

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Write away my friend if it's your thing.  Groupthink?  I am not surrounded by liberals at all.  A horrible assumption Joey.  We should probably take this to PM if we are  to continue. 

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1 hour ago, rammer said:

Write away my friend if it's your thing.  Groupthink?  I am not surrounded by liberals at all.  A horrible assumption Joey.  We should probably take this to PM if we are  to continue. 

Why PM? I'm not going to school you or embarrass you. It's your right to believe in something. I'm just sorry we do not share the same views or attitude toward a situation or event; an opinion. If I can't comprehend or a better word, not understand you, then Educate me... Sometimes I feel your motives here, is nothing more than being a referee or a ploy to get people pissed off with each other. What once was fun, it's becoming irritable to say the least. Believe me, I value every word you utter, "but don't piss down my back and tell me is raining." Peace Joey 19.gif.6f53c94410ee2b75ac24b55df5822643.gif

The Video below is the main REASON Mr. Trump won the election and a insight into his personal life.


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You're going to school me or embarrass me?  Get off your high horse and realize someone with an alternative view is not evil or trying to piss people off.  I'm just expressing my opinion and if it pisses you off then so be it.  Let's call it a night rain man.

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On 5/29/2018 at 10:59 PM, rammer said:

You're going to school me or embarrass me?  Get off your high horse and realize someone with an alternative view is not evil or trying to piss people off.  I'm just expressing my opinion and if it pisses you off then so be it.  Let's call it a night rain man.

First of all Rammer, I bet on Horses, and I do not ride them, and I don't care for heights. I complimented you several times... What I'm politely saying is, you do not practice what you preach - IMHO.  And I never used or even imply anything that suggested that you were or are Evil. (Politician can be EVIL) 

I'm sorry. But I feel like you get off on this stuff. Maybe it's your intellect or curiosity, of other's, it's all good. I genuinely apologize, it was not my attention to upset you. As I said, it was fun in the beginning. Peace to you Rammer.  I am spent with Politics and this thread. 19.gif.defcbea4977d6a4f9cff75a22231d83f.gif

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I agree it is good to see the far left shoot there mouth's off and get laughed at by the majority of the American people.

72 Percent See Kaepernick's National Anthem Antics As 'Unpatriotic'

According to the Remington poll, 51% of Americans have watched less football this year and 69% of those stated the reason was players using the NFL as a stage to express their political views.

On top of that, 64% of Americans believe that NFL players should stand during the National Anthem. If you were thinking that only right-wing America believes the players should stand, you would be wrong as 91% of Republicans, 60% of Non-Partisans, and 43% of Democrats believe players should stand.

Make America Great Again        Impeach Trump for what doing his job that he was elected to do !!!!

The newest Real Clear Politics poll for President Trump's Approval Ratings up 8 % since the first of the year.

RCP Average 5/21 - 6/4 -- 44.6 52.8 -8.2
Rasmussen Reports 5/31 - 6/4 1500 LV 48 50 -2
Gallup 5/28 - 6/3 1500 A 41 55 -14
Economist/YouGov 5/27 - 5/29 1279 RV 45 51 -6
Reuters/Ipsos 5/25 - 5/29 1931 RV 44 53 -9
Harvard-Harris 5/21 - 5/22 1347 RV 45 55 -10

All President Trump Job Approval Polling Data

RCP Poll Average
President Trump Job Approval
Disapprove +8.2
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Almost all of the  Seized Documents in the Michael Cohen Raid has been given the Approval to be sent to Federal Prosecutors.  When this is said and done the Dirt on Donald J. Trump will come to surface.    Will his name Appear on the 2020 Ballot.  It's Highly Unlikely.   :biggrin:

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Well, the latest polling is A disaster for the Democrats. CNN just came out with a poll on general Congress, and they have Democrats only in front by three. That means no Blue Tidal Wave. Middle America is going to hurt the Democrats. Look at the numbers even in the recent primaries like Ohio who outnumbered Democrats by 160,000 votes cast in a Statewide race. That is terrible news for Democrats. Now the poll is skewed because it includes the East and West Coast where there are a higher number of Democrats. That means big trouble for Democrats. In fact, Democrats Nelson is losing in Florida according to the latest poll to Republican Scott by four. There's not going to be an impeachment. Even Pelosi is saying to stop talking about impeachment. As far as the Russian Collusion is going, it seems to be backfiring on the Democrats. Personally, I hope they keep talking about it. Democrats Polster Nate Silver stated that Blankenship was surging in West Virginia in hopes that Manchin would have a race he could win. So much for Nate Silvers prediction. Blankenship finished a distant third. By the way the last time CNN did a generic poll in 2016 it showed Democrats by four points, and they got killed.19.gif.68e71548aef5ff19b71edf7b087d2e1d.gif

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I never believe Polls. They are never Accurate.  The Story will be told when People Cast their Ballots when Mid Term Elections occur.   The way things are starting to go for Tyrant Trump it's not looking so good for him. 

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