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Teya & Stan, Eva & Mark

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2 horas atrás, jabbath1987 disse:

Sim, não há momentos de todos aqueles que escondem pessoas

Hello! I had problems with my PC and I was out almost a week.
Out to discover the worst way this site is deficient in relation to tablet (android), with errors of script and pllayer flawed, I lost anything else? Interesting?
I'm kind of confused as he is today. Layla and Silvia sharing the same environment (shower and kitchen).

For the moment I see that we had some action on Alex and Anna. Did you have anything else special?
Waiting for the return of Grisha and Maria, who according to VH will be in 3 days (Saturday).

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Little thought of the day, what is the use of a shower curtain? I know that most of the members here will tell me that it is better to hide, but in the real world, which is by the way the same as that of the tenants of VH, it especially helps to avoid a flood when We take this famous shower
I do not know you, but by force, it must be boring to mop all the time, right? maybe it's time to move the camera in better view if it's possible

It's a shame that some people forget all good common sense, just because it's VH and they want to see the nude, sex and some other things

And I find it a pity that no one takes the time to appreciate the beauty that Teya is, I also see that people complain that they make love in the dark, but hey, they make love and they do not hide, for the rest there is the NV 

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10 minutes ago, moos54 said:

Poco pensamiento del día, lo que es el uso de una cortina de ducha? Sé que la mayoría de los miembros aquí me dirá que es mejor que ocultar, pero en el mundo real, que es por cierto la misma que la de los habitantes de VH, especialmente ayuda a evitar una inundación cuando tomamos este ducha famosa
que no se conoce, pero por la fuerza, tiene que ser aburrido para limpiar todo el tiempo, ¿verdad? quizás es el momento para mover la cámara en una mejor vista si es posible

Es una pena que algunas personas se olvidan de todo sentido común, sólo porque es VH y quieren ver el desnudo, el sexo y algunas otras cosas

Y me parece una lástima que nadie se toma el tiempo para apreciar la belleza que Teya es, también veo que la gente se quejan de que hacen el amor en la oscuridad, pero bueno, que hacer el amor y no se esconden, para el resto no es la NV 

Pufff feel friend but I do not know on which planet you live! This is VH no RLC that first, secondly, to see someone fucking behind a shower curtain, I'm going to spy on my neighbors out of the window, that is free, and finally, if you think romantic and fun to see fuck someone in the dark in front of the camera of VH, not turn on nor the lights in your room will not be that is a good scare! Put candles in your absence! With all due respect friend, this is a voyeur site, it is not life real, Teya is not real to you because you charged money so you can see it. Change the chip, I advise it.

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11 minutes ago, Gudari said:

Pufff feel friend but I do not know on which planet you live! This is VH no RLC that first, secondly, to see someone fucking behind a shower curtain, I'm going to spy on my neighbors out of the window, that is free, and finally, if you think romantic and fun to see fuck someone in the dark in front of the camera of VH, not turn on nor the lights in your room will not be that is a good scare! Put candles in your absence! With all due respect friend, this is a voyeur site, it is not life real, Teya is not real to you because you charged money so you can see it. Change the chip, I advise it.

I live in a world where people have their feet on Earth
I pay to see what people want us to see and share their daily life, not to force them to do things because it amuses the gallery
After each of his views on what a Voyeur site is but the slogan of VH is it not , Real people in real home in real times

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5 minutes ago, moos54 said:

Vivo en un mundo donde las personas tienen los pies en la Tierra
que pago para ver lo que la gente quiere que veamos y compartir su vida diaria, no forzarlos a hacer cosas porque divierte la galería
Después de cada uno de sus puntos de vista sobre lo que es un sitio de Voyeur pero es la consigna de VH no es así, la gente común y corriente en la casa real en tiempos reales

Ok my two cents for you! If you live this as real-life people, you are wrong. They are people who are paid money so you can enjoy watching things that you probably wouldn't do in front of a camera, the closest thing to a few beginner actors. You live your real life! If you want the same thing on this site, it is not in the right place.

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2 hours ago, Gudari said:

Ok my two cents for you! If you live this as real-life people, you are wrong. They are people who are paid money so you can enjoy watching things that you probably wouldn't do in front of a camera, the closest thing to a few beginner actors. You live your real life! If you want the same thing on this site, it is not in the right place.

Each one his / her vision of what must be or not for the voyeurism

For me, I prefer that it resembles my neighbor rather than a porn film where there are guidelines and where one feels that nothing is natural

After that, I think that we must respect the point of view of each

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2 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

Lo principal es con esa cortina que funcionó bastante bien sin él desde que comenzó el appartement. Y ahora, de repente, se necesita? Venga. Stan instalado deliberadamente para ocultar propósito. Ese tipo debe GTFO lo antes posible.

They really were the two, the insurance idea that Stan was but Mark also helped him to install it. It should be withdrawn immediately. Cojido already have the bad habit of cover with the curtain even Eva and Mark. It seems everything is copied to the bad!

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I've had it with this apartment, the constant buffering, the no sound on 10, the TV next to 9 still not fixed, now the hiding behind a shower curtain. Are you fucking kidding me? An absolute joke!

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