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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Time to guess Irma's bust size. As a kid I use to work summers in my aunt's lingerie shop (think Victoria Secret but not so fancy). After a few weeks I got pretty good at guessing bust/bra size. But its been years and I am out of practice. She's either a 34D or 34F. Not a DD and not a 36. Yea...a 34F because her boobs are full.
  2. Rarely do I see the girl (lying down) on the receiving end of happiness. Usually she's the giver.
  3. Am I the only one who sees the cat as being malnourished? Looks to be a few pounds underweight.
  4. This should be the hardest decision in my life to make. Whose tits are more natural/I like better. Answer is this chick in the AM and Suzan in the PM. Nooner w/ Leora and if Maya wants to join, who am I to say no!
  5. I'm a big Maya fan but the award for best RLC ass goes to Leora.
  6. Here is the translation for above using Google Translate: "for me it is easier in Spanish, she is crying because the guy is a son of his mother ... No help at all, I think is a parasite, but it's definitely in love when you are putting clothing, only you see, and she claims that, that does not help and it is very difficult to do everything. you have several days do not eat well or sleep well. What I think is that now for him it is a burden, he can not or will not take a decision like buying an antenna." I get the jist. Dude is being insensitive to her needs (like many guys, he thinks with his dick and not his brain).
  7. I'm in love...and it's purely physical. :yeahbaby:
  8. Looking at past photos, she's also gained a few pounds (but who hasn't and I ain't complainin').
  9. If they were in East L.A., within the first week the apartment would have been burglarized and with the volume up, we'd hear (drive-by) shootings nightly. Also, instead of bringing in pizza it would be tacos and enchiladas.
  10. I had an aunt named Ilona. This girl looks nothing like her! :yeahbaby:
  11. Dude fucks the hell out of her and comes in her mouth and all I got today was a $64 parking ticket. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  12. Carla was rough with the kitty. But Kitty was within reach and jabbed her on the lip. Looks like a little blood may have been drawn. Score 1 for the kitty. Carla deserved it as she was playing with the kitten like he/she is a toy. I've also seen Mario toss the cat onto the couch from several feet away. Heaven forbid if these two last long enough (or if he doesn't pull out in time) to have kids :headache:
  13. One can probably take it a step further where their apartment is. That pizza shop is most likely within a 5 block radius of their apartment (it's a city of 1 million). FWIW, in the city of Los Angeles (4 million +), there are over 10 pizza shops within a 5 block radius of neighborhoods that have multi-residential buildings (apartments or condos)
  14. Don't know who is who but the chick w/ the bigger boobs (brunette whose carpet matches the drapes) feels shamed. Ironically, in the past it has been her who has the wondering eye. I don't know their language but the mannerisms very much play out like an American soap opera.
  15. Can't take a snapshot but looks like Hector is placing rose petals on the bed. It's either (choose one): - He fucked up and is apologizing - An anniversary - A congratulatory gesture - Choose your own reasoning. Either way, he'll get lucky tonight (just like last night, the night before, the night before that and...).
  16. +1. What a knucklehead. Where was he when she needed him (or does she need him?).
  17. Yea...this will be their third go-around (as far as I know) in the past 18 hours. Dude don't need no purple pill. He is a purple pill.
  18. These two are watching a movie in Russian that has a lot of Hebrew in it. More Hebrew then I think most would care to hear/read if they weren't familiar with the language. So I ask... which one had his/her bar or bat mitzvah?
  19. They're getting busy (click on images)! (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  20. In the living room now (driving down the Hershey Highway).
  21. His dick no longer works (outta bullets). He's giving her the manual touch. Update: I don't think she got (who Paul didn't give) her cookie. If she did, it was a Fig Newton and not a double stuff Oreo. She may go after the 'double stuff' herself.
  22. Going off on a slight rant regarding gun control. I live in Los Angeles. Chief of police liked boasting how violent (gun) crimes has decreased the past several years. I knew better for as a hobbyist, I listen to the police scanner 2-3 hours nightly. Just during the hours I listen daily there are several calls either of a man w/ a gun or of actual shootings. Getting back to the police chief, it was recently discovered that many of the gun-related calls the past several years were mis-categorized as either (non-violent) assault calls or minor offenses. To make a long story short, it is believed this mis-categorization of incidents was so that the police department can represent themselves as being a more efficient dept AND that current "buy-back' gun programs sponsored by the city is (was) effective. If you know anything about the city of L.A. (besides Hollywood) is parts of L.A. county (Watts, Compton, Wilmington) is riddled with crime (gangs). Violent crimes that occur in Beverly Hills or other influential parts of L.A. county, cops immediately go to the nearest highway entrance as they known 95% of these criminals are heading back to Watts or Compton (15 miles away). One last thing regarding the absurdity of gun control being effective (which it isn't: In 2013, only one murder w/ a firearm occurred in Iceland. Why? Because bad guys in Iceland know that 96% of Icelandics own at least one pistol and 62% own a shotgun. oops! One last thing: The state of California refuses to keep statistics of how guns have saved lives. They don't want to "glorify" the ownership of firearms.
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