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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. I read the Secret Service is up in arms for putting their agents and other staff at high risk. I'm sure he did. He has to control everything. And, if there were any laws involved, he'd have done it anyway because he's the king I'm-above-the-law psychopath.
  2. Refresh your screen. Better now? I'm in dark mode and yellow text is great on a black background. Although, it doesn't usually copy the text color unless I take a screenshot. You should be able to read it, now.
  3. AP FACT CHECK: Trump, Putin and the no-collusion chorus WASHINGTON (AP) — The upshot: substantial misrepresentations of what the special counsel’s Russia investigation actually found. A review of recent rhetoric from Trump and his associates on Russia and more, with Putin in the mix: RUSSIA INVESTIGATION PUTIN on special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation: “A mountain gave birth to a mouse.” — remarks Tuesday, echoed in a phone call with Trump on Friday. THE FACTS: Some might say this is a mouse that roared. The investigation produced charges against nearly three dozen people, among them senior Trump campaign operatives and 25 Russians, as it shed light on a brazen Russian assault on the American political system. The investigation did not establish a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia and it reached no conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice. Yet it described his campaign as eager to exploit the release of hacked Democratic emails to hurt rival Hillary Clinton and it exposed lies by Trump aides aimed at covering up their Russia-related contacts. The Russians caught up in the investigation were charged either with hacking into Democratic accounts or orchestrating a social media campaign to spread disinformation on the internet. ___ TRUMP: “The Mueller Report strongly stated that there was No Collusion with Russia (of course) and, in fact, they were rebuffed ... at every turn in attempts to gain access.” — tweets Thursday. ATTORNEY GENERAL WILLIAM BARR: “The evidence is now that the president was falsely accused of colluding with the Russians and accused of being treasonous. ... Two years of his administration have been dominated by allegations that have now been proven false.” — Senate hearing Wednesday. SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, R-S.C., chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee: “Mr. Mueller and his team concluded there was no collusion.” — Senate hearing. THE FACTS: This refrain about the Mueller report stating there was no collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign is wrong. Trump’s assertion that his campaign denied all access to Russians is false. The Mueller report and other scrutiny revealed a multitude of meetings with Russians. Among them: Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer who had promised dirt on Clinton. On collusion, Mueller said he did not assess whether that occurred because it is not a legal term. He looked into a potential criminal conspiracy between Russia and the Trump campaign and said the investigation did not collect sufficient evidence to establish criminal charges on that front. Mueller noted some Trump campaign officials had declined to testify under the 5th Amendment or had provided false or incomplete testimony, making it difficult to get a complete picture of what happened during the 2016 campaign. The special counsel wrote that he “cannot rule out the possibility” that unavailable information could have cast a different light on the investigation’s findings. ___ BARR, speaking of Trump: “He fully cooperated.” — Senate hearing. THE FACTS: It’s highly questionable to say Trump was fully cooperative in the Russia investigation. Trump declined to sit for an interview with Mueller’s team, gave written answers that investigators described as “inadequate” and “incomplete,” said more than 30 times that he could not remember something he was asked about in writing, and — according to the report — tried to get aides to fire Mueller or otherwise shut or limit the inquiry. In the end, the Mueller report found no criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia but left open the question of whether Trump obstructed justice. ___ GRAHAM: “As to obstruction of justice, Mr. Mueller left it to Mr. Barr to decide after two years, and all this time. He said, ‘Mr. Barr, you decide.’ Mr. Barr did.” — Senate hearing. THE FACTS: Not true. Mueller did not ask Barr to rule on whether Trump’s efforts to undermine the special counsel’s Russia investigation had obstructed justice. According to the report, Mueller’s team declined to make a prosecutorial judgment on whether to charge partly because of a Justice Department legal opinion that said sitting presidents shouldn’t be indicted. As a result, the report factually laid out instances in which Trump might have obstructed justice, specifically leaving it open for Congress to take up the matter or for prosecutors to do so once Trump leaves office. Barr wrote in a March 24 letter that he ultimately decided, as attorney general, that the evidence developed by Mueller was “not sufficient” to establish, for the purposes of prosecution, that Trump committed obstruction of justice. Barr subsequently acknowledged that he had not talked directly to Mueller about making that ruling and did not know whether Mueller agreed with him.
  4. They play very well together. Jax tried to tongue kiss her there at the beginning, but Bonya wasn't having any of it. I still think Bonya should be "Quinn".
  5. And, that would mean Nina would have to get out of the bed.
  6. She and Freddy both lost a bunch of weight while on vacation.
  7. Which is brewed in Munich by the Lowenbrau, "Lion's Brew", Brewery, which is owned by the American brewing company, Anheuser-Busch. They also happen to be the world's largest brewing company. Just a wee bit of trivia. 😊
  8. Yes, it's an old video. That's why there are only two tats. I'm sure there are a lot of people, though, both old and new, who don't have this video, who've never seen this video. In fact, until I posted this particular video, I can guarantee 100%, no one had ever seen or downloaded this video before.
  9. Golfer, if you saw my previous reply to this post, please ignore it. It was a mis-post. I thought someone else had said it.
  10. Piper & Taylor relaxing bottomless watching a movie on their laptop (Content No Longer Available)
  11. You should try reading the posts you quote before you reply. No one is treating anyone for COVID-19 with HCQ because the FDA made it illegal to do so in the US.
  12. Just another gormless "whataboutism" from your unlimited supply. They are each responsible for themselves, as anyone with two grains of sense could easily discern. But, as I clearly explained and you clearly ignored, IQ45 is responsible for the entire country, even though he refuses to take responsibility for anything. And again, no one said anything about the Governor and responsibility, except you.
  13. Obviously, you didn't read the very first line of that post. It said: "I may have missed it, but I couldn't find any post that said anything about the Governor of Virginia until you brought it up." Clearly, I was referring to this topic. It had nothing to do with the news.
  14. So far, Fox is the only news source I've heard or read that rants the kind of garbage propaganda they pontificate.
  15. Amazingly, there are only two tats in this entire video. LINDA AND TIBOR FUCKED WILDLY IN THEIR BEDROOM (Content No Longer Available)
  16. If you like pussy, at all, you will LOVE this video. ALEXANDRA AND KIM MASSAGE AND TOUCHING PUSSIES (Content No Longer Available)
  17. LOL. I hope that was both your first and last ever attempt at emulating I Jump Philip.
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