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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. That is strange. You would think it would function the same way on RLC, no matter what you're viewing. I have no explanation.
  2. I understand, but I'm not able to explain the difference in our experiences. I can only offer two points of reference. I use Firefox and this is my extension/plugin page. The Flash plugin is disabled and RLC's feed still works. Chaturbate currently uses both Flash and HTML5. If I open a broadcaster's feed with Flash enabled, Firefox asks if I want to activate Flash to view the feed. If I do the same thing with Flash disabled, it immediately opens the feed using HTML5 which is much better than Flash, IMHO. These two things are what I base my comment on.
  3. You are amazing!!! Well done!!!
  4. I suspect they may have already switched from Flash, hopefully to HTML5, because Flash is completely disabled on my PC and the RLC feed still works fine.
  5. If he had the videos you want to see, I'm sure he'd be happy to share them on CC. What he meant was, since he no longer has a subscription, he can't record anything from the paid cameras. I hope that's helpful.
  6. Thanks, Red, but they were gone in just a few hours. Would it be possible to upload them to mab? They'll last 2-3 days. Thanks.
  7. You've heard of a picnic and a naked-nic, this is a bed-nic.
  8. You mean you couldn't hold onto a light bulb and light it up?
  9. Hi Miraguy. If you have a paid mab account, that means you have a transfer limit of, at least, 1 TB. That's an entire hard drive on most computers. That means every 30 days, not every month, you can transfer, upload or download, up to 1 TB of data, assuming you have a Basic paid account. The next paid level gives you a 5 TB limit. After that, it's unlimited. Not saying it can't be used up, but that is a HUGE amount of data. Much more than has ever been posted in the RLC forum in 30 days. And, as I said, it's not a monthly limit, it's every 30 days on a sliding scale. I only have a 200 GB transfer limit. I've had that for years and the only time I've exceeded that limit was last month when Secret78 was posting all his videos. If you're only downloading from CC, I would say you're in no danger of exceeding your transfer limit. I hope that's helpful.
  10. New Zealand has ‘effectively eliminated’ coronavirus. Here’s what they did right
  11. Since the psychopath's administration took control of the nation's COVID-19 data, I see the number of new cases has "miraculously" dropped by more than 20,000 in just the last two days and the number of new deaths fell by 60% in the same timeframe. Nooo, there's nothing smelly about that, at all.
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