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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. That's really cute, too, but a little earlier, the kitten was playing with something on the sofa right in front of cam 3, rolling all around, jumping and pouncing. It was adorable. I missed it all because I thought cam 2 was the sofa cam and that it had been moved. I even made a ticket for it. And, I'm still confused. Not cam 3. I confused cam 2 and cam 4.
  2. Nevermind, I got cams 2 & 3 confused. I already deleted the post. Thanks. 🙃 I also missed some really cute kitten caps as a result. Damn it!
  3. Since they are photographers, I had high hopes they would better understand the importance of light in photography. At least better than most other tenants. 😊 Unfortunately, there's not enough light from this camera position.
  4. By "probably" you probably mean you don't know for sure. Did you watch it live? Did you watch the entire time the guest was there? I don't know if it was more than once because I didn't get to watch it. I only know what was in the picture. I only know it happened at least once. But, maybe once was enough.
  5. https://camcaps.net/forums/topic/12079-paisley-cletus/?do=findComment&comment=1635471214
  6. Especially, when the guy grabs Cletus' ass. 😊
  7. Actually, Einstein is broadly credited with making that quote and since he lived before Perot, I'd go with Einstein. 😊
  8. Actually, Ze, I was referring to Kate & Molly vs. Viki & Kate. 😊
  9. For a minute there I thought you were losing it. I hadn't noticed they were bones on whatever that is she's wearing. I didn't get down that far. 😁
  10. Looks like she might have a lot of lights on. BR ceiling light, lights from the kitchen, light from the loggia.
  11. I think there's another rule concerning videos. They have to be posted using the Attachment Center. No third-party hosts. Is that still true?
  12. Dear @Lexy&Pete, I shall miss you more than words can say. You are good people, nice people with great, big, kind hearts. I will always remember you, Pete and your squirt gun and how you used it to make Lexy dance around like a Mexican jumping bean. Every time I watch that clip I laugh out loud. Thank you both for that. Although I'm not Irish, when I used to sing Barbershop Harmony, this was always my favorite song to sing. It's simply called, Irish Blessing, and I offer this rendition to you as my farewell gift. May it always hold true in your lives. May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, May the rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May He hold you in His Hand May God hold you in the palm of His Hand. (Though this quartet is not from the chorus I sang with, they sing it the way we sang it, as best I can recall.)
  13. She has just been hilarious, lately! 🤣🤣 Thanks, Hope.
  14. Thanks for the info. She was always one of my favorites. I remember when she went to B2. I was really sad because I couldn't see her there. Never understood why she seemed to be treated so unfairly. Thanks to you and Ze for clearing that up. I hope she knocks it out of the park here at VH.
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