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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. There seems to be a basic misconception among some people who post VHTV content. Some users believe they are the owners of what they post and may not appreciate it when others re-post what they've already posted. Nothing could be further from the truth. All of the VHTV content that is posted on this site or anywhere else is owned only by VHTV. They alone hold the exclusive copyright ownership of their content. They may not enforce that ownership as rigorously as RLC does, but they are still the exclusive owner of all their content, no matter who posts it. Maybe they realize it's a great source of free advertising for them. But, the person posting their content never owns what they post. That being the case, what that means is this: Anyone can re-post any VHTV content, anywhere they choose, at any time, for any reason or purpose and the only people who can do anything to stop that is VHTV.
  2. You're not alone. I've never watched it, either.
  3. is it me or does that look a little chapped ? No, it's not you. It's because it's been sharpened just a bit too much after the pic was taken.
  4. Maybe one of them snores. Or both.
  5. The free cams do a disservice to the tenants. I agree, but not in the same way you mean. I'll explain in a minute. VH should be in control of which cam is the free cam, not the tenant. 100% agree. Tenants should never be able to dictate where cams go, which are free, etc., etc. a free cam always pays 0 This is absolutely wrong. Not wrong in that it's not true, but wrong in that it should not be true. The reason being, this is where most new subs come from. They can be just as much a money earner as the paid cams. When a potential member first goes to the site, all they can see is the free cams. That's all they have to make a decision. Hence, free cams should pay the tenant just like paid cams. Let the others attract the new subscribers and I'll reap the reward where I'd get paid 100% of the time someone watched my apt. Doesn't that seem a tad bit selfish? Don't you think as soon as the other tenants saw what you were doing, they'd want to do the same thing? Oops, there go all the free cams and VH has nothing to attract new members. (I know you cover this in point two...just saying.) I could say more, but the bottom line (pun intended), IMHO, is this. Most, if not all the problems you and others bring up could be solved by doing one simple thing: Pay the tenants for all the cams, not just the paid cams.
  6. First prize goes to the one on the left, second prize to the one in the middle!!
  7. Aw, come on, Amy, give us some consideration, please. I remember reading somewhere, probably in M&H back when they canceled the LR freecam, something you said about pulling for the little guy, the one who can't afford a sub, like me. First, you want to switch the free LR cam at V&J's, then you want to know, why even have freecams, at all. I can understand you trying to get the most income for your favorite couple, but leave us something decent to watch. Have a care, please.
  8. It looks like they bought a fuck machine. Clara will certainly love that! Can't wait to see her use it!!
  9. You know your GF is really bored during sex when she looks exactly like this. Is that a game controller he's holding? Credit to Howard for the pics.
  10. And some would agree that not being pregnant until you're fully ready to be or want to be is a much better outcum (pun intended) than being "not fully naked". And while a condom is not 100% foolproof, wearing one carries a much, much higher percentage of effectiveness against becoming pregnant, than not wearing one. It also has the added bonus of helping the guy last longer, which is almost always better for the girl.
  11. You'd probably have to ask Em that question. I'm afraid I can't help with that one.
  12. Well, he's certainly done the same to Em many times and since they have the emotional IQ of a couple of teenagers, that type of tit-for-tat behavior is not too surprising.
  13. This is not against you. Please, do not be offended. Sometimes, it can be very difficult to determine when someone is being funny, ironic, factual, sarcastic, etc. It can be hard to understand what someone actually means when all we have to go by, is just the written word. Things like irony, humor, sarcasm, etc., can be misunderstood or lost altogether when all we have is something to read. Judging from the responses, I would say that a lot of people didn't get the irony or humor in what you wrote. I, too, thought you were being very serious and factual. Maybe, when you're using ironic humor or sarcasm to be funny, you could include some sort of funny emoticon such as this one, , to indicate the humor in your words. I for one would really appreciate it. Thank you.
  14. For the sake of most of the rest of us, you would have done well to leave that on the cutting-room floor. Now, I've got to go borrow @Amy3's eye bleach.
  15. Bypassing the pop-ups is a very good thing. Thanks.
  16. Hey, Howard, just for shits and giggles, I downloaded this video from both hosts and learned something a little strange. Even though both videos were the same length, 9:29, the file from zippyshare was 59 MB, but the file from sendvid was only 39 MB. Since I figured you uploaded the same file to both hosts, I just thought it was a bit weird they ended up being different sizes.
  17. I don't think he found anything in there ... This girl had better luck!
  18. Interesting. That's quite a handy little tool. Thanks.
  19. Hey, Stone, I see the highlighted apts., but what does the highlighting mean? Why are a few highlighted and most not?
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