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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Nothing would be finer than to be in Karolina in the, morning. (Lyric to an old song.)
  2. You're welcome. My pleasure. I'll get some more out soon. My computer heats up a great deal when processing videos, I was giving it a break.
  3. Well now, that's a new one on me. I did not know that had a name and now I'm sorry I do.
  4. Are you just trying to wind me up or are you just being funny 'cause I was sure that's what I said? He first said being away from the cams would make them happy. Then he said he thought that [getting off the cams/being happy] was best for them. I was speaking to both those statements. But yes, I agree with you.
  5. Or, maybe he just got tired of reading all the negative, insulting comments about his behavior and decided to say, "Fuck it, I won't do anything."
  6. And, I don't follow your logic. Since Jabba avoids RLC like the plague, he probably didn't know they existed until they got to VHTV. And, in the post right above yours, he said he doesn't know them, so he most likely doesn't follow them on VHTV, either. So, since he doesn't know them, how can he know what's best for them?
  7. Certain fabrics develop what's known as pills (or maybe they all do at some point, IDK), some fabrics get bigger ones than others. They're little balls of fabric that give it a rough feel and sometimes noticeably used appearance. There have been mechanical devices around for decades for removing them, usually with little spinning, metal blades under a metal grid that basically "shaves" the pills off, with a removable chamber to catch them, so they don't get all over everything. But, I guess a razor does the trick, as well. While lint can be removed with duct tape, pills are usually still attached to the fabric and may not come off at all with duct tape. Hence, the little pill shavers, or a razor, to cut them loose.
  8. I thought about that, too. Even thought I saw someone coming down the stairs, but maybe not. But if it was someone on the stairs, how did the light shine on the wall inside the gym where the chairs are? Light can't bend around corners without fiber optics. Then, there's the fact that this went on for a very, very long time. Much longer than the 3.5 minutes in this video. Someone would have to have a lot of time on their hands and patience to do that for probably more than an hour. I didn't watch it all. I think it was aliens.
  9. Barking cat gets caught Barking cat gets caught.mp4
  10. I'll bet that driver was pissed!
  11. OK, but don't stick your neck out. Protect that one. Everyone can afford to lose a kneck or two here and there, but necks are important.
  12. AMAZING trick shot!!!! Amazing trick shot - GIF.mp4
  13. Aliens? Ghosts? Bugs flying in formation? You tell me. (It takes a few seconds to start in the upper left corner.) (Content No Longer Available)
  14. Hey, look! There really are people in there. And they're not even Smurfs.
  15. You're right. There is no photography without light. But, I was wondering about the comparison. When you view a live feed, regardless of what the lighting is in the room, when you take a screenshot, does the screenshot look the same as the live feed, or is it lighter or darker?
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