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Everything posted by Loner-69

  1. Hate to be a cynic,guys,but I don't think Kristy cares that much for Kami as a person.I think Kami is just a sex object for her.I see all of Kristy's concern and affection just a strategy to get into Kami's pussy.Kristy may still need some chemical help to get the job done.
  2. I don't think Kristy can control herself anymore.I see a date rape coming in the next few days.
  3. Looks like they had a nice strategy session on the balcony before going to the bedroom.
  4. Finally some real action.My Cardinals just beat the Reds 4-3 in 13 innings.
  5. Kristy may have to return to plan B:Twister Party with booze and other aphrodisiacs.Almost worked last time.
  6. Maybe if we all chipped in and wired some money to RLC we could get them to hire a stripper for the living room.
  7. I think RLC needs a new script writer for this soap.
  8. There's a sexy water bottle setting on the coffee table in the living room.
  9. Possible, I guess - but then what is she doing in SPAIN ?? ;D ;D ;D ;D And don't give me this stuff about modeling jobs, please ! I got info about her being a model from CamCaps.
  10. No,she's reading your comments on CamCaps.Said they're boring. BY THE WAY, WATCH KRISTY.I DON'T TRUST HER. Now I'm going to eat dinner and watch St.Louis Cardinals baseball game on TV. BYE.
  11. What about Nora and Kristy leaving and Kami's husband/boyfriend moving in?
  12. Rita???? Maybe, but she's not here anymore!!!! Sorry,I meant to say Nora and Kristy.I'm getting tired. We know , it's your bedtime-GOOD NITE!!! No,it's time to eat and watch ball game on TV.
  13. Or maybe Loner got her phone # somehow, called with a Russian translation phone and warned her about CC and all the bad stuff that was happening to her. LOL She doesn't need to have me tell her,she can read on CC herself. LOL to the max.
  14. So what if her pupils are dilated? At 69 I would have hoped you would know that there are hundreds (if not thousands) of reasons your pupils dilate. She could have been excited; or interested in something; or hungry and looking at something she wants to eat; or in dim light; or suffering from concussion; or having a seizure; or maybe she just took some over the counter medicine such as paracetemol. Her being given ecstasy by a housemate would be way down the list of potential reasons for this for any remotely sane person. Hey Delirious365 why don't u give ur name to Loner69 and get a new one for yourself!!!! But pupils dilating in combination with her overheating and masturbating for an excessively long period of time that night.Someone posted a comment that she overheated from masturbating.That night she came downstairs put a wet towel on her head and laid on the couch and then went out to the balcony to cool off for at least an hour or more.Overheating is one of the symptoms of Ecstasy use.
  15. Rita???? Maybe, but she's not here anymore!!!! Sorry,I meant to say Nora and Kristy.I'm getting tired.
  16. Do you agree that both Nora and Kristy have very much pursued Kami for sex?And do you agree that RLC membership would greatly increase if someone had sex with Kami in this apartment?And do you also agree that Kami has resisted sexual advances?So given those facts would the possibility of drugging be that crazy?
  17. Do we all agree that both Nora and Rita are hot after Kami's body?And if someone were to have sex with Kami that RLC would make a lot of money?
  18. I never ever claimed to be a great satirist.
  19. Yes I do and no none of them have exhibited any signs of taking ecstasy or any other drug for that matter. What are the physical effects. Loner-suggest you Google effects of ectasy and read all about it! This is about the girls thread, not a medical information site I know you hate me and think I am crazy,but please go to Narcon International web page and look at Signs and Symptoms of Ecstasy.Remember night kami got sick.This may be another reason she is mad at Nora and Kristy.Who gave Kami the pill that night when she went to bed? Ecstasy is very easy to spot. Clenched jaws. Eyes very dilated and the person is very jittery. As someone who has done it maybe 30 times, I can assure you that she wasn't under the influence of ecstasy. You are making a huge amount of assumptions and spamming the board with conspiracy theories. Can you maybe make your own thread and put all of your pointless ramblings there. I'd like to see more people musing on the daily life of random people they will never meet and less conspiracy theories about people drugging other people for sex trafficking. Look at page 264of Pictures of Rita,Nora &Jenny thread,comments #3946 &#3947(closeup of Kami's face)Her eyes are brown.Look at her pupils.
  20. Maybe it affected you differently.Please go to Narconon International web page and look at Signs and Symptoms of Ecstasy and then remember her behavior that night.Also,it says there that Ecstasy can be in liquid form.Was that the night of the twister party?Also,on comments history of CamCaps look on page 264 of Pictures of Rita,Nora ,Jenny comments #3946 &#3947(closeup of Kami's face).Her eyes are brown.Look at her pupils in those photos.PLEASE. She probably had red eye like when the light hits your eyes wrong in a photo. Look at the thread and see what you think,they look very dilated to me.In the 1970s I saw people who did amphetamines and their eyes looked that way.
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