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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. She's laughing about how big her strap-on is that she's going to ram up the publics ass now. "I'll fuck ya until you bleed." Haw, haw haw. Fucking liberal cunt!
  2. Yes, I do believe your right. Mien German ist a little offta. Danke herr StdCld.
  3. Sorry Ms Abbas has destroyed your illusions of the sad situation concerning her. I don't know why she would lie to the news about it all,.. Do you? And maybe she couldn't afford the deluxe cruise plan offered by the people smuggler on board the luxurious sixty foot cabin cruiser, and had to settle on the four meter long rubber dinghy instead. Hell, I don't know? Perhaps you should ask Ozi all these perplexing questions, as I didn't see the telecast. Every time I try to watch the sad segments about the Syrian refugees' I get so sad that my eyes weld up with tears and it all becomes a horrible blur to me. So I usually just change the channel right away. :'( By the way, how many of the refugees is Switzerland and Sweden taking on? Just need to know if I need to change my travel plans in the future. And it sure would be nice if some of these countries would finally decide to band together and form an army to kill all these nasty barbarians that are causing all these people over there to have to flee. But I know that most of Europe is pretty much entirely liberal now, so we can forget about that idea pretty quick. FIGHT? Not on their lives! Not even for that of their own wives and children, or for that of their own homelands, and certainly not over there for them. I learned that much from the liberals over here.
  4. Always nice to finally get at the truth of things. Thanks Ozi. Also, there was a bit of good news today here in the U.S.A, as the police shot and killed an armed carjacker, sparing us tax payers the angst of a lengthy trial as well as the expense of having to house, feed, and clothe this animal for the next 15 to 20 years. So here's a salute to our boys in blue. My own instincts are telling me that the police have had it with them being targeted and painted as the villains here in this country by Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, and the whole "Black Lies Matter" crowd, and are starting to finally fight back. For a while there they were walking on tip toes, and were timidly trying to be overly nice and cautious, so as to not be wrongly prosecuted by some liberal district attorney. But now I think they see that none of that even seemed to matter somehow, and that only the Black Lie matters somehow, so now it's back to hollow points for them instead. And while I'm at it let me add this. A long, long, time ago when I was in my early to mid-teens the Detroit police squad cars were solid black with the usual gum ball on top and a gold metallic reflector type image of a jagged lightning bolt on it's doors, which I got a good chuckle out of even back then. But now I hear they are thinking about going with a silhouette image on a white squad car of a policeman patting an Afro-American boy on the head, with the words underneath it saying, "We like you." (Just kidding about that one, though I think it would be funny.)
  5. Well you've got to admit though, he humps a mean leg when he has a mind to.
  6. The old guy doesn't seem to get around like he use to.
  7. From Bach to Jizz Hole Barbie. It's like I'm stuck between two colliding worlds.
  8. I heard a conservative talk host ask another, what he thought would become of Bill and Hillary Clinton if Hillary doesn't become president, and he responded that they would most likely separate from each other as there really isn't any reason for them to stay together if that is the case, and that Hillary will probably just retire off to a little island off Greece. He didn't mention it by name, but he was of course referring to the island of Lesbos, which got a significant chuckle out of me. ;D
  9. Good chance your right about that. And it's no accident that the dog happens to be a female. Paul is very territorial and would never stand for the two of them being there vying for her affections. Personally, I think the dog would win out.
  10. http://safeshare.tv/w/FvVTVikOSz This is kind of funny. I think you'll like this TBG, and all the other good guys here.
  11. What do the Europeans have to laugh about anymore? People over here don't even care to spend their money and visit Europe as they once used to. France's tourism for one is way down from it's previous pre-Muslim era. And what Sarah Palin actually said, was that she wanted to eventually remove that department out of the hands of Federal control and return it once again to the States governance instead. Either your favorite liberal newspapers don't care to give you the whole story, or you deliberately left that part out of your post. One or the other has to be the case here.
  12. Leora as a little girl in the House of Mirror's for the first time: "Oh look, there's me! And there's me again, and over there as well. Oh I love this place so much, I see me everywhere!"
  13. I thought maybe it was a kilt, and was expecting him pull out a bag pipe at some point. But now I'm disappointed, I would have loved to have seen what his neighbors looked like. Especially if they're the same ones that had to endure Efim's bass before. Could have ended up on the news. A man can only take so much you know.
  14. https://youtu.be/cdVVLbe1rfY Your alright in my books Watcher. Now lets hear that howl,.. You know I love it!
  15. I haven't been watching him much anymore. But at the old apartment he use to wear one pastel pink sock on one foot and a baby blue one on the other. The fucker just plain made me sick!
  16. That's right! It's show or go! That's their new policy there.
  17. I take it those would be the ones before Barbie got all tatted up, and then started to work the streets and got pregnant with that mulatto baby? If so, then yes, they could bring in some pretty good money for you.
  18. That way you can be sure only the smartest ones will make it over. Mexicali: "Ariba, Ariba!.. I here gringo!" "I one of you now."
  19. She's great isn't she. She is on the only news station that I care to watch anymore. 'One American News'. And there's a man there by the name of Ledger, on "The Daily Ledger", and he doesn't pull any punches either when it comes to Obama, or Muslims, or liberals. He's one of us, a true patriot. I feel sorry for Sean Hannity, because he's a good conservative over there on Fox. But other than that Fox doesn't really have all that much going for it anymore. Fox can take their "Fair and Balanced bullshit" and shove it up their ass! I for one don't care to sit around and have to listen to this constant tug-o-war going on between that of liberal lunacy and that of common sense. The liberals already have enough outlets out there to spew their idiocy. And then, after that attempted hatchet job by that feminist cunt, Megyn Kelly, towards Donald Trump recently.. I've pretty much given up on Fox altogether anymore.
  20. I think building the wall is long over due. I also think that it should be coated with Teflon to where graffiti will not stick to it. :D
  21. I don't know why they need spies there in Washington, when we've already got the head terrorist operating in the Whitehouse.
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